Very nice , the man has some skills ..For a slip on pipe , stock motor and stock wheel base those are crazys fast numbers for sureHEMIBUSA here you go!! He is still looking for the 8.85 but here are some back up passes!!
eh...whatever lol
Holla at me when a busa goes as quick as Larry 'Spiderman' McBride Best 1/4 mile: 5.809 on a Kawi ...There is allways two sides to every coin ..
Let Ricky & the ZX-14's run a Busa with a non-biased rider and during a staged comparison:year old on hayabusa stock - YouTube[/url]
lol .. Kind of looks that way doesn't it .. Really it is flat but the shut down is up hill making it look like that ..
Ricky is back in Vegas testing the new zx14r for the up coming press release day ... With a strap and lowing links Ricky busted of a 9.31 @ 149 .. That is very fast for a track with DA of 3000 feet..
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