broke up with my girlfriend tonight :(

Scooterlord -

One more thing, this is meant to be constructive, not a slam. You seem to be stuck on yourself. I state this because someone who isn't stuck on themselves wouldn't even think to pat themselves on the back as much as you did.

My reason for stating this, when you are good, you are good and there is nothing wrong with being good in a lot of things and being blessed with looks and abilities, however as time goes on and people praise you, you will often become stuck on yourself. And sometimes if you talk about yourself too much and about how awesome you are, while you think it is truthful, some might find it nauseating.

You might not have been like this when you first met her, and after a few years of showing people how awesome you are and being praised, maybe without knowing it you have become self absorbed to the point where as I said, you are becoming nauseating.

If you are "self absorbed" as I think you might be, this might be becoming a turn off to her

Do a self check, sit down and contemplate yourself. Think of some of the things you say, and do. And now step away from yourself and put yourself in a position of someone else and think to yourself "ok, if I were in this situation and someone came up to me and said all the stuff I say, what would I think of that person"

I try to often do that to myself every once in awhile just to make a self analysis to see if I am becoming a jerk.. ok, I already am a jerk, but a worse jerk that I currently am lol

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What do you tell the girl with 2 black eyes?....nothin', you already told the bitch twice! Just kiddin'...pull up to her salon for a haircut in your bmw 760 when you're a doctor with your 18 year old porno-star girlfriend and her girlfriend and say "what's up, girlfriend!"
Build a bridge and get over it dude!

Chicks are like buses; just go stand at the stop for a while.
Another one always comes along.

In the mean time get some mates, go to a strip club and get loaded.
(Leave the bike a home though)


Ya shudda taken her to the close as it is to you. Oops...never mind....just kidding.......Move on, young man, move on!!!
Best thing to do is not worry to much about it right now. Unless you really did someting horrible to her, thus making her resent you, it sounds like she was wanting out anyway.

Here's a tip though, NEVER, EVER try to "WORK IT OUT" if you only have a couple fo years invested. The first 3-4 years should still be sunshine and roses. I see a lot of younger couples and friends "Going to Counseling" or "Trying to work it out". WTF?

Man, if it's meant to be it will happen. But be really careful trying to force a relationship, you'll both be miserable in the long run. IMO. I am just telling you what I have seen.

So what I am saying is relax, if she comes back on her own, or really wants to work things out thats fine, but you gotta find out what she is thinking.

Otherwise, Your a decent looking guy, don't sweat it. Keep your ego in check, be yourself, don't go looking too hard and the right women for you will show up before you know it.

In the meantime have fun man....
Enjoy being free...


go crawling back to her and loose all respect for yourself.

Something I do know to be Bro, without a doubt, you cannot...CANNOT let a woman run all over you! You break once, cry during an argument, whine about something hurting, or you are constantly giving in to her, letting her run the show? Your done, she'll loose respect for you and it's all over.

Despite it being the new Millinium and everything, it's critical (IMO) to remain a strong, a Manly man, able to fix things, ride bikes, Stand up for yourself etc. While at the same time willing to help out around the house as well, cook dinner once in awhile or clean something. But it's very important that retain your spine no matter how crazy you are about a woman. Don't be her whooping boy, don't always give in to her every whim, and be the manly man sometimes. Not a cave man, but not a softy push over either.

Take your time man, you'll be good to go in no time... OH, and this little tidbit was gleaned from my female friends over the years. Not some poop I just came up with, you gotta find the right balance of compassionate and "tough guy".

Don't be a tough guy, don't call em bitches, dont be punk, don't try and front... Be a real man...

That's my .50cents
This has to be some of the best stuff I've seen you post bro. Sounds like you're spot on. I'm not sure what the fug Ron said. Hell, my eyes went numb half way through it.

I need to spend a few weeks in Rev's school of how to treat the chicks. Yer my hero.

Best thing to do is not worry to much about it right now. Unless you really did someting horrible to her, thus making her resent you, it sounds like she was wanting out anyway.

Here's a tip though, NEVER, EVER try to "WORK IT OUT" if you only have a couple fo years invested. The first 3-4 years should still be sunshine and roses. I see a lot of younger couples and friends "Going to Counseling" or "Trying to work it out". WTF?

Man, if it's meant to be it will happen. But be really careful trying to force a relationship, you'll both be miserable in the long run. IMO. I am just telling you what I have seen.

So what I am saying is relax, if she comes back on her own, or really wants to work things out thats fine, but you gotta find out what she is thinking.

Otherwise, Your a decent looking guy, don't sweat it. Keep your ego in check, be yourself, don't go looking too hard and the right women for you will show up before you know it.

In the meantime have fun man....
Enjoy being free...


go crawling back to her and loose all respect for yourself.

Something I do know to be Bro, without a doubt, you cannot...CANNOT let a woman run all over you! You break once, cry during an argument, whine about something hurting, or you are constantly giving in to her, letting her run the show? Your done, she'll loose respect for you and it's all over.

Despite it being the new Millinium and everything, it's critical (IMO) to remain a strong, a Manly man, able to fix things, ride bikes, Stand up for yourself etc. While at the same time willing to help out around the house as well, cook dinner once in awhile or clean something. But it's very important that retain your spine no matter how crazy you are about a woman. Don't be her whooping boy, don't always give in to her every whim, and be the manly man sometimes. Not a cave man, but not a softy push over either.

Take your time man, you'll be good to go in no time... OH, and this little tidbit was gleaned from my female friends over the years. Not some poop I just came up with, you gotta find the right balance of compassionate and "tough guy".

Don't be a tough guy, don't call em bitches, dont be punk, don't try and front... Be a real man...

That's my .50cents
This has to be some of the best stuff I've seen you post bro. Sounds like you're spot on. I'm not sure what the fug Ron said. Hell, my eyes went numb half way through it.

I need to spend a few weeks in Rev's school of how to treat the chicks. Yer my hero.
BT -

Ok, to summerize since your eyes went numb
, here is the short version.

I bascially told him give it about 20 years and he will figure it out

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i would consider your self a lucky man, seriously, having a busa and being single. women were sent here becuase man sinned really, really bad one day, so instead of sending down a bolt of lighting, and wipeing us all out in a blink of an eye, he brought "Female" to make us slowly suffer each and everyday of our lives. if you guys don't get back together, never fall in love with another one of those again!

Wish you the best,

Sorry to hear you guys break up...Right now you need to take care of YOU...Go to the Gym...Do something for you...It really hurts when you break up after long relationships...Everyone has their own take on how to deal with it...If you and your girl are meant to be then it will work just takes time...My wife and I split up and we were separated for almost a year...during that time...we both had time to evaluate ourselves..When we got back together, it was like a total new centered around respect for each other...and accepting each other...not matter how hard my wife tries to change me...I am going to be me...and she is going to be her...If we can get back can you and your girlfriend for the right reasons and not out of convenience...
I didn't think i'd get all these USEFUL responses from you guys..

first of all i want to thank thraserfox for his thorough explanations, some of it realy helped and also

bullettrain. i agree with you, i have this type myself, but it's not that i don't take decisions AT ALL. i just

don't have an opinion when i am not hungry and am asked what i want to eat. or when i just want to go out for a

ride and am asked where i want to go. DAMN! anywhere! it's the same thing... but i guess from what you guys have

pointed out to me that i need to SAY it and this makes a difference.

as for crying and mowing in front of her, i don't do that. i know how awful this kind of poop looks in the eyes of the woman (cause a girl once did it to me and i wanted to beat her up instead of just wanting to brake up with her
)... my girl RESPECTS me and HAS RESPECTED me no matter what and this will never change.

as for myself, i always try to solve a situation by being in someone else's shoes... and the only reason i shared this with you guys is because i am ALONE at this point, in a city where my parents are not around, all my friends are working/are on vacation/whatever.. so noone to discuss it. i like this forum so i thought it would be nice to hear some opinions, especially from people older than me whose opinions are always taken under consideration and respected.

in the meantime, she called me back, we'll see what happens. whatever happens though i got some good advice, that will definately help me become better. although i knew most of this stuff, i think i just needed someone to TELL me again -which kinda worked

I didn't think i'd get all these USEFUL responses from you guys..

first of all i want to thank thraserfox for his thorough explanations, some of it realy helped and also

bullettrain. i agree with you, i have this type myself, but it's not that i don't take decisions AT ALL. i just

don't have an opinion when i am not hungry and am asked what i want to eat. or when i just want to go out for a

ride and am asked where i want to go. DAMN! anywhere! it's the same thing... but i guess from what you guys have

pointed out to me that i need to SAY it and this makes a difference.

as for crying and mowing in front of her, i don't do that. i know how awful this kind of poop looks in the eyes of the woman (cause a girl once did it to me and i wanted to beat her up instead of just wanting to brake up with her
)... my girl RESPECTS me and HAS RESPECTED me no matter what and this will never change.

as for myself, i always try to solve a situation by being in someone else's shoes... and the only reason i shared this with you guys is because i am ALONE at this point, in a city where my parents are not around, all my friends are working/are on vacation/whatever.. so noone to discuss it. i like this forum so i thought it would be nice to hear some opinions, especially from people older than me whose opinions are always taken under consideration and respected.

in the meantime, she called me back, we'll see what happens. whatever happens though i got some good advice, that will definately help me become better. although i knew most of this stuff, i think i just needed someone to TELL me again -which kinda worked
Hang in there Scooterlord -

I remember when I was breaking up with my first wife, I was a wreck, I drove to a church at 2:00am and no one was there, I was in the parking lot blubbering like a little baby.

Then there was this time the girl I was madly in love with, and she loved me, married some other guy, and before she got married she told me it would mean a lot to her if I was at her wedding. So I went, and then after the weddnig when I got home I punched a few holes in my walls.

I have been with a lot of women in my life, and every single one of them have broken my heart and crushed me at one point

poop happens.. I have gotten numb to it

And you will also. Eventually

You will get crushed over and over again. I love women, but I have flat out told my boys this in front of my wife, and she has never argued with me or anything.

I have told my boys to put off dating as long as possible, just enjoy being kids for the moment, because women will be the cause of the greatest feelings of happiness but they will also be the cause of pain so great at times you will wish to die. That when they start down that road of dating they will experiance an emotional rollercoaster for the rest of their lives..

But I am sure women think the same thing about us guys lol

Hang in their Scooterlord.... it does get better.. then worse... then better.... it is the code of life

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I have told my boys to put off dating as long as possible, just enjoy being kids for the moment, because women will be the cause of the greatest feelings of happiness but they will also be the cause of pain so great at times you will wish to die. That when they start down that road of dating they will experiance an emotional rollercoaster for the rest of their lives..
Dude, you couldn't be more dead on! I did not start dating seriously until my mid 20's. Before then it was mostly one mutual fling after another. Before I started dating, I was the happiest man alive. Then, when I was 25 (or 26, I don't remember), I started seeing this older woman that completely rocked me. After 1 year, she thoroughly crushed me by ditching me for her "ex". That was the beginning of my scarring by women.

Llike you mentioned earlier, they are the source of man's greatest happiness; and the source of man's deepest pain. I have accepted as a fact of life now.

Like I was telling my wife last night, women are evil!!!! She did not refute that comment. I wonder why...
THRASHERFOX.. duuuude.. i read the first paragraph then realized it went on and on and on and ooooon.. couldnt finish it.. lol.. the little bit i read u almost sound like a lyekis student?

the olympics are in town go meet some forgien girls and have fun..

do most of the guys dress like that over there?? over here people would think u didnt like girls..

anyhow it will take while to get over her but theres more out there! remember.. girls are like buses, u miss the first one there will be another one come by in 10minutes u can jump on. (tom lyekis: lyekis 101: 97.1 talk radio)
THRASHERFOX.. duuuude.. i read the first paragraph then realized it went on and on and on and ooooon.. couldnt finish it.. lol.. the little bit i read u almost sound like a lyekis student?

the olympics are in town go meet some forgien girls and have fun..

do most of the guys dress like that over there?? over here people would think u didnt like girls..

anyhow it will take while to get over her but theres more out there! remember.. girls are like buses, u miss the first one there will be another one come by in 10minutes u can jump on. (tom lyekis: lyekis 101: 97.1 talk radio)
Yeah I know.. I tend to ramble.. just like the time.....

Look what happened to BT, he tried to read it and damaged his eyes !!

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THRASHERFOX.. duuuude.. i read the first paragraph then realized it went on and on and on and ooooon.. couldnt finish it.. lol.. the little bit i read u almost sound like a lyekis student?

the olympics are in town go meet some forgien girls and have fun..

do most of the guys dress like that over there?? over here people would think u didnt like girls..

anyhow it will take while to get over her but theres more out there! remember.. girls are like buses, u miss the first one there will be another one come by in 10minutes u can jump on. (tom lyekis: lyekis 101: 97.1 talk radio)
Yeah I know.. I tend to ramble.. just like the time.....

Look what happened to BT, he tried to read it and damaged his eyes !!
Yer a basket case, man. I love ya and all, but yer a flippin' basket case.
Thrasher! HATS OFF TO YOU for bringing that into the public eye. I always called that the parts women are unable to identify nor admit to themselves... and they don't have to anyway. VERY GOOD STUFF! Everyone should read that male and female. You left out the part about roles getting reversed and causing even MORE confusion, that's to the 60's and women's lib stuff, but you covered so much, so well, I can see why! Good job man! I'm seeing a Doctor Philesque book in your near future.
