Bummer email from my Dad

Tests have revealed 3 blocked arteries and he is scheduled for surgery tomorrow..
Seems now its gonna be open heart in stead of just a stent..

Buying tix we are heading over as soon as possible.
I need to see my dad and he needs to see Adam.
Want to be there to help him as well as let Adam pick him up a bit.
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Tests have revealed 3 blocked arteries and he is scheduled for surgery tomorrow..
Seems now its gonna be open heart in stead of just a stent..

Buying tix we are heading over as soon as possible.
I need to see my dad and he needs to see Adam.
Want to be there to help him as well as let Adam pick him up a bit

You do what you have to do for family Saiid. We will be keeping your Father in our thoughts and prayers.
It sucks though as it aint flying to Atlanta or close by.
Straight travel will be 26hrs total with layovers .
Adam will make ALL crazy on planes....

Each ticket costs almost 2k....

but it doesnt matter
Sorry to hear that and our prayers are with him for a fast and full recovery. My mother-in-law gets the same done next wend.
Best of luck, I did the same with my father in November. They were going to crack his chest but ended up just doing stents. I flew up anyway, no reason big enough in the world not to.
Scheduled for Quadruple bypass on Monday and will be in recovery for approx 2 weeks...............
I cannot get an entry visa as fast as I want so at this time we will wait and pray.
Think positive Blanca. Don't dwell on the inevitable. All will go well... it is in God's hands.

When my mom was diagnosed with cancer, my first instinct was to start grieving. God gave me four more years with my mom and I am eternally thankful for that. Live everyday to the fullest. (which from the pictures, is what your dad does already!)

Words of wisdom Jules, Words of Wisdom

My family is all praying for you and yours.