Busa as a highway patrol unit

I've seen confiscated drug vehicles used by the various law enforcement agencies for display purposes .

Could this be something along that line ?

No emergency lights , nothing .
I can pretty much guarantee that's all it is. They'll show it off for a few weeks on the road, everybody will Oooo and ahhh, then it'll become a novelty for parades and grade school drug programs.

Do a google image search on DARE POLICE VEHICLE. You'll find "official" police vehicles ranging from every year of Vette, Porsches, MiniCoopers, VW Bugs, Prowlers, PT Cruisers, Hummers, Jaguars ect. within the first 10 pages.

It's amazing what they snag from drug dealers and a bunch of BS at the same time. They serve no purpose other than show. Auction the damn things off and use the money to help pay the cops salary (and lower taxes at the same time) or buy needed equipment like bullet proof vests.
that is definately the sh1t!
Am I the only one that noticed the "Police Intercepter" badge snagged from a crown vic?

Just so you know back when I was on patrol I drove a 94 Pontiac trans am every night that was seized.....
Oh NO!

Don't tell me John M Parks now rides a Busa.



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Yeah , the backwards flag is horrible !
Flags are always like that on the right side of their patrol vehicles. Most other vehicles I have seen around here as well.

Here are some pictures of some other vehicles. You can see the flag on the right side of the crown, tahoe and camaro. Also take note of the graphics on the Road King. I'll think you will see it is pretty much a match of what is on the Busa. The flag appears to be one for the cars.

Who is doing the kanjis? If we could make up a set with State Trooper in the middle instead of Hayabusa I can get them to him!

Link to OHP vehicles
Am I the only one who sees this a kind of sick? Officer Simon B. Sinister says to himself hey I'd like to ride in a Porche or a Hayabusa all day...but I’m to busy ignoring the neighborhood crack house to earn that kind of scratch. I think I need to find someone hauling "drugs" in one. And before you say it I know about ten …ahem…police officers personally.
Bike is an 03.
Have a friend on another board who saw the bike and knows the Officer who rides it. It's kept at his home in Edmond, Ok and YES IT'S REAL
! Now I gotta watch out when I go to OKC cause it is running out where the HPD always hangs out checking speed. You guys know, on North I-35 where I-35 hits the loop toward the Cowboy Hall of Fame or goes south toward downtown !  