Busa Bash III

my guess is that the phillips is now booked solid, so I'd say try the microtel in robbinsville .... think some others are staying there. You could always stay at the crossroads of time as well, otherwise known as the deals gap resort
Here it is only 50? some days to THE BASH and I'm getting ready for up to 6-12" of snow. Hopefully the weather will be a lot better come 4-15, I do not want to travel 10 hours one way to sit and play switch-ums with my thumbs, I WANT TO RIDE!!! Seeing how many are staying at the Phillips I cancelled my room at Fontana and got one of the last rooms at the Phillips so I don't miss out on the fun. If you haven't tried it the ride from the Fontana resot to the CROT is fun. I will be arriving late Thursday nite 14th and hope to get in some good riding Friday fairly early 9ish at latest. Last trip down in Oct 04 did 500+ miles in 3 days and had a blast mostly by myself. Hopefully we can get in a lot of seat time. You youngsters will have to take care of this old man but I'll try to keep up.
Can't wait to meet everyone.



28 from Fontanna to the CROT is one of the best roads in the area. I am sure we will hit that one up a few times.

Dont get snowed in!
so anyone else ready besides me for this one

46 days just sounds soo far away but considering I havent ridden the bike in almost a month, I need to definately get out there riding a bit before this trip
Yeah I know the feeling!

You guys have a great next week! I am heading to Vegas. Talk to you guys on 3/7/05!

I think Im going to try and get a room tonight or tomorrow for the B-bash. Im hoping to bring some other riders with me
Sure hope the weather turns out better up there in April than it is here now. Damn monsoon goin' on. Must be gettin' some of that rain that Rev is missin' out on this year.
Now we've got 4 to 8" of snow coming overnight. I hope it gets it out of it's system!

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We still had 10 inches of snow left from the last storm and now we are expecting 2-4 more inches by tomorrow. It may be a while before the bike get's out. We had some nice weather here just before the Superbowl. It was 50 and I got the bike out for a short ride--dodging puddles from melting snow.
hmm, snow ....

well I got the bike back from the 10k service and some other goodies .... I now have color matched coolant
got the engine ice put in while they had it... basically did it for free
gotta love thems small town, good ole boy shops

Nice here today, just got back from a short ride. Chilly, but not bad-lows in the forties. Still boring compared to where we'll be in a month or so.
Hope this year ain't one of those where it snows till April.

Damn snow.  
Anyone sell a blower attachment for the front of the Busa?

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