Busa Bash III

hope to see you up there!
we'll try to stick to the times as best as possible, with lunch on sat and the return ride from Cherokee/Gatlinburg being the variables....as well as the return route from Gatlinburg. Give us a call if you are in the area though, if we are in a place where cell phones work, we can always call you back

thanks zuk. if we leave when we hope to, around 4:30 or 5:00, we should be in the robbinsville area around 7:30/8:00 or close to it. if its later than 5 we'll probably head on to gatlinburg. maybe could swing by sat. got a number you can give me? we've got cingular and it worked up there last time.
sounds good. We are getting on the road in about 20mins and heading up there.

See you all in the mountains in a few hours/morning


hey yall this is me if yall see say hi
im stayin at the Phillips Motel in room 123 fell free to stop by
leavin tomorrow friday at 12;00 hope to be there in an hour or so
hope to see all yall


hey yall this is me if yall see say hi
im stayin at the Phillips Motel in room 123 fell free to stop by
leavin tomorrow friday at 12;00 hope to be there in an hour or so
hope to see all yall

hey yall this is me if yall see say hi
im stayin at the Phillips Motel in room 123 fell free to stop by
leavin tomorrow friday at 12;00 hope to be there in an hour or so
hope to see all yall

I should be right behind you, leaving around 2pm.
I am on my way. Half way across Ohio now and stopping for the night. I should arrive in the area sometime in the early afternoon. By that time, you will all be off riding and I will have to see you in the evening when you get back I might have been able to go further tonight, but the one tail light on the trailer keeps getting loose and I was worried about getting a ticket. So, I decided not to press my luck and stop early before one of the cops on the interstate noticed that I only had one trailer light. The weather looks good for riding....:p
Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that today wasn't such a great day at Deal's Gap.  Not bitching or trying to be biased, just wishing to fill you in that there were quite a few accidents with injuries today, and the word is that a few busas were involved....

*Please* don't overreact, as we don't have many details at all at this time, but you may want to try to get in touch and see if anyone needs help.  There is little to no internet access where they are staying. Here are the threads from the locals, I'm sure they will be updated as we find out more as well:



Let us know if there is anything at all that we can do for you guys.  And please be careful on roads you're not familiar with.

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Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that today wasn't such a great day at Deal's Gap.  Not bitching or trying to be biased, just wishing to fill you in that there were quite a few accidents with injuries today, and the word is that a few busas were involved....

*Please* don't overreact, as we don't have many details at all at this time, but you may want to try to get in touch and see if anyone needs help.  There is little to no internet access where they are staying. Here are the threads from the locals, I'm sure they will be updated as we find out more as well:



Let us know if there is anything at all that we can do for you guys.  And please be careful on roads you're not familiar with.
Probably wont hear anything till sunday or monday if it was people from the busa bash that had the 5 wrecks up there or if it was from another group.
Time's marching on. I remember a conversation with my Uncle a few years ago, he's gone now. We were on his front porch and he was quiet for a while, then said "Where did all the years go."