Busa Bash III

zuk, i'll bring a set of brakepads for you. That's all i have in stock right now. $100. They're the EBC HH pads Front&rear.
sounds great! how long do you think it will take to put them on? any tools I need to bring for it?

so the gps says 19 through cherokee is faster than 74 around it... any comments?
I think last time we did the 74 route and seemed to take forever. Vman, whats the best route?

Well folks, it looks like Kim and I will be able to attend. My mother is doing well and has given me her blessing to come. She starts chemo tomorrow, and barring any complications we will see you all on Friday.

I told my students that we would get out early on Friday and they were supportive, needless to say. I'm planning on being there by the time of the 6pm ride to the CROT.

Kim is nervous about the riding up there. She has been out twice in the last week. She has fresh tires and her bike has been dialed in for the ride. We have discussed in depth object fixation and panic reactions. I have preached beyond belief the concept of riding within YOUR limits. I have assured her, that with Brian's schedule, riding behind the pack won't be a problem. Even though it may kill me (and confuse the busa), I am forever her "wingman" when we are riding. Hopefully once she gets up there she will be fine.

Well, time to start packing. I hope to see you all safe and sound soon.


Oh, and Tom I will bring copies of the "plans" we discussed a few months ago. I almost forgot.
Chris, I'll bring those pipes we discussed.... and GREAT to see you guys can make it up there
Let Kim know the pack will not be flying, though there will likely be 2-4 "packs" of riders spaced out to help everyone A) keep within their own riding levels and B) not have 20-40 bikes all jumbled up on these twisty anus roads. Last time we had 2 groups and it was great, so we'll at least have the "useguys is crazy" group and the "we old folk" group
and probably another one beyond that depending on how many folks get in on the action. Just my opinion, no more than 10 bikes in a group, space the groups by ~5mins and similar riding styles in the group, with someone "experienced" with the roads in each group.

Vman, I was thinkin the same thing, 74 seemed to be the long anus route though last time.... guess it was just my not knowing where I was going. I'll have a look at the route on the gps and see what I can cook up.

is it time to leave yet
tomorrow isnt gonna get here soon enough


sounds great, I'll bring some cashola with me and we'll get them put on
when are you going to be up there? tomorrow or friday ?
See ya there gentlemen, I am outta here! Next stop- Robbinsville!
Just waitin' on Ride or Fish to fill out the trailer.

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Oh yeah- to whom it may concern- not taking my Blazer, I'll be in a dark blue F150 pulling two Busas and a Blackbird. Keep an eye out for us......... I'll try to hide the Florida plates............
In order to be there by 7:30~7:45 Saturday morning, I will probably "PULL" my bike up there. Where's a good place to PARK/UNLOAD for a day? I'll be leaving back out Saturday night.

There should be some space across from the Phillips at the school. Being Saturday, that lot should be empty. See ya Saturday!


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Damn, I saw this too late. I may try and sneak up for a day. If I don't see you guys, have a great time and keep it safe!
Ill be heading out to the Gap in the morning. Im loading up tonight, I should be there before lunch. My Number is 706-483-4015 if anyone should need anything. Im pulling a trailer. in case any thing should happen. Im not too far from t.w.o , I remember someone saying they were coming up from that way. Anyway, My computer is crashed had to borrow this one. So if anyone want s to get in contact , call me or look for me at Deals gap motor inn. Im sure Ill be coming by phillips motor inn. looking for yall.
Here's the maps that will be available at CROT and Phillips Motel. Just ask them for the Hayabusa.org map(folder). I only made 50 copies so hopefully they last.

Friday run to Cherokee map

Sat. Ride from CROT across the skyway to Telico, then up to Alcoa Hooters

then the route back down to CROT via 129 and the dragon from Hooters. This page also has the main schedule for the weekend. If anyone is going to join us, just look for one of these flyers at CROT or Phillips or call 919 413 6306. You could also print these off, they should be clear enough with the route info for you to find us all

thanks for the info. not sure what time we're leaving out tomorrow afternoon, but hopefully early enough to stop by and introduce ourselves. if not, maybe next time....you guys have a great weekend and hang a few curves for me!!!
