Busa Bash III

I am planning to leave the Detroit area right after work on Thurs. and may get a room in Dayton Ohio for the night. I expect to arrive at the gap sometime in the afternoon on Friday. I hope to catch up with all of you on Friday night. Otherwise, I will go by the proposed schedule. and find you sometime. Besides Chuck and I, there will be Dave on his 2001 Busa.

hey Wayne, sounds good. We'll have copies of the maps/directions/times at the CROT and Phillips motel. If you guys make it there Friday night, come by the Phillips cuz we'll be hangin out drinkin, eatin, and more over bs'in
Hey Bronc!!! Guess what???..No riding today....I'm pack'in and load'in then gett'in to bed early and waking up as early as possible tomorrow (wed. morning) and hauling @$$ northbound in the wee hours....as my depature time is now measured in hours.

CYA in The Twisted Stuff, Bill.
as a newbie to the board...is this a yearly get-together? sounds like you guys are gonna have a blast. if we hadn't already made reservations for rod run, we'd love to party with you. but if we can make it by fri night, we'll contribute to the alcoholics out there and hopefully get in on the fun next time.
be safe.

You guys that are leaving...have a safe trip. I am going to try to leave Asheville around 2pm Friday. I should be there around 4........just in time for a afternoon blast.

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Jinx I wish I could peel out with ya, but I have to wait for the rest of my group to get home from work. Jen & I took a short ride north this morning and I wanted to just keep going................
weather forcast sitll looks pretty dang good! calling for 64 on friday and sunny, then 66 sunny on sat and 68/sunny on sunday.
now for any newbies that havent left already
this means bring some warmer riding gear for when we go up to the skyway or over the mnts to PF/Gatlinburg..... it will likely be in the upper 40s to lower 50s at points during those rides and you *will* get cold, so make sure you bring a liner for your jackets and/or gloves. Riding in the valley will be fantastic at those temps but up in in the mnts ...... chilly willie

I have the preliminary map done, will try to scan it later tonight but will definately have copies made/available for folks up there


cool, some folks might opt for that on the way back, guess it depends on if some folks stay over in Cherokee or if we see all we want to see on the ride out. The Smoky Mnt. Railway runs along the same route as we are taking so there could be some scenic places for pics/etc. but definately good to know there's a different route back to the gap
the parkway is also scenic w/ some nice stops for pics, a few good curves and quicker, i think, than going back through cherokee. i don't the traffic will be as bad either. there's a really awesome view from a tower (would be on your right going to 129) that would be a good pic stop.

Jinx I wish I could peel out with ya, but I have to wait for the rest of my group to get home from work. Jen & I took a short ride north this morning and I wanted to just keep going................
I'm so psyched...I might as well leave now cause...



I'm not even gonna be able to sleep tonight.

It's.....MOUNT'IN TIME!!!

L8R, Bill.
zuk, i'll bring a set of brakepads for you. That's all i have in stock right now. $100. They're the EBC HH pads Front&rear.
Like everyone else, I'm so eager to leave I can hardly stand it. I have allready packed all my stuff, and just have to put it on the bike. I will be calling up to that local bike shop tommorrow to check to make sure that he has some new skins there, cause I probably will need one after the 300+ mile trip that I'm planning up there. Didn't see the need to replace the back tire when it would be perfect for the long flat ride up there. I'm heading up there via every little backwoods hictown between Raleigh and Robbinsville, if I make it that far the first day, so anyone see me riding along give me a shout.