Hi guys
aint posted for a while because all weve managed to do is find problems but we are getting there
last post we had the bike boosting pushing 242bhp @ 8 psi bill (Mustapha dump to you lot)
couldent get the bike to boost higher than 8 psi so reckoned since the wiring loom has been hacked about so many times could be creating an issue with the eboost
his answer redo it he got rid of the over complicated eboost i got hold of some new guages
and sorted them to fit bill rewired them and cut another hole in my tank
result was 288bhp 160lb/ft at 12 psi.
bill says "This was the first test of the new boost control system.
The new spec is
1st stage 8psi on the wastegate spring alone 240bhp, push the button and 2nd stage is engaged which sends boost pressure to the top of the diaphram, when the boost pressure reaches the desired level the adjustable boost pressure switch in the plenum
switches the 3 way air solenoid and the wastegate opens, the new system allows boost pressure from 8 to 18 psi, simply by winding in the adjuster on the pressure switch in the pleneum. The system is designed that in the event of power failure or component failure the boost will default to the low setting
A latching push button is mounted between the new digital boost gauge and matching digital temp gauge supplied by Visual Performance, when the 2nd stage is active a red warining LED in between the gauges illuminates, this LED goes out when the wastegate opens.
seperate subloom was built for the new boost control to avoid having to do anything to the existing wiring system. The valve clearances on several of the intake valves were far too tight and the intakes were holding open slightly when the motor got hot.
The graph attatched was the first test of the new system and managed 288bhp and 160lb/ft of torque at 12psi.
on high boost, bill was going to turn the boost up and get it to 300bhp but the ****ing wiring gremlins have raised there ****ing heads again bill managed a couple of runs but the ignition keeps breaking down one minute its fine next not
result you touch the wiring loom you dont know if the bike will start or not or how its going to behave and to give bill his due his worry is it fails me whilst im overtaking or mid corner ect ect
the other major point is we want realiability so got to bite the bullet
pretty sure bill will add his two pence worth at some stage
so blasted off an email to jack at holeshot with the issues and the result
a full wiring harness for mbe ecu
Injector Sub loom
Map sensor input loom
and bill is going to build a seperate loom for the lights ect
hes already built a subloom for the boost control part of system
so when we get this sorted bill can finally map it in and fine tune it