Busa is done, went down w/fiancee....

Phew! Glad to hear you both are on the mend. It could have been disasterous... Someone's watching over you both.
I about choked when saw the post. Really glad to hear your both OK. I've got acouple exghast kicking around,rims ect. Let things settle and maybe you can get up a list. PM me later if you want I'll let you know what I've got. I can only imagine how bad you must feel. But once you're on the road to recovery I hope you'll get back in the saddle. It was always, in hind sight, good therapy for me. Maybe we'll see you at the fall Bash? If not the spring one for sure, right.
So glad to see your able to type this post. What you encountered today is my biggest fear of motorcycling. I can live with the reprocussions that result to me from my own mistake, but to hurt my wife or daughter or any passenger who was just out to enjoy a ride...................I feel for ya man.

My prayers and best wishes go out to you and Amy,

And on a positive note.............Congrats on the engagement
So sorry to hear about your mishap! I'm glad you are both relatively OK. Heal up quick.
Glad u guyz are ok. And dont feel too bad, I looped my old busa and destroyed the bike but had full gear and hope I learned my lesson.


Good to know you both are alive and healing. At least you realize your errors.

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Congrats on the engagement dude. I dont think either of you will forget these events in a hurry - but I am happy you did the right thing
You weren't trying to wreck. You'll both heal. Mistakes happen. You can learn from this one. Some mistake you can't learn from. We all read about those form time to time hear on the board. I'm gald you're both o.k. There some stuff that is supose to make scars go away I've heard about. It's an over the counter thing. Check it out at you pharmacy willl the wounds are still fresh.
Hey Big D

I feel for you bro, this is wake up call for the both of you.. but dont let this incident cause you give up riding
03 Blk/Gry is the fastest color ...

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I tried to post this yeserday when I first saw your post, but our power went out due to some kind of freak downpour - anyway, here is the post I thought I made yesterday:
BigD -
Thankfully both you and Amy are okay! I hate to say it, but at leats you are now preaching the gear! I hope this doesn't do any permanent damage to either of you or to your relationship.

Again, the bike can be fixed - you two are what is really important. (Besides, you could always tell her that chicks dig scars?!?)
If there is anything that I can do, let me know.


For Your Fiance:
After my accident in Korea, I had some really bad road rash on my arms and waist. Korea being a major mecca in the field of Plastic Surgery, I was blessed with capable doctors in the field who gave me products such as MediForm.

Just a suggestion. It is important not to let the road rash wounds breathe in the open air because it causes scarring - especially for your fiance. Gauze is also not that great, too. If you use products such as MediForm, it will cut down infection rates and help the wound heal up quickly. The product helps your skin to heal as your body slowly rebuilds the thin dermal layers that were burned off by the rash.  The stuff is expensive, but I have benefited from it. (How expensive? About $10 for a 5 inch X 4 inch piece). You change the MediForm patch every 3 days and it doesn't stick to the rash like gauze.

Gauze...stick to wound...bad. Mediform...no stick...layers not ripped...good!

I am in Korea right now, so if you need more information, let me know.

Get well soon.

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i won't chastize you about the "no lids" thing as i'm certain you're kick'in your own silly azz hard enough about that by now...but what i will offer up is this...

i'll be 48 years old next month...started riding dirt when I was 12 and street at 15...suffered and survived my silly azz self through several major crashes...once while coming home at 3:00am from a high school keg party...with the worst being a 112mph get-off while trying to straighten out an esse...again at the wee hours while both drunk and stoned...then supermanned a cage after azz ending it in the rain after burning one with my local bike mech at 16 years old...and managed to survive my own stupidity...thanks to god and my mother prayers cause it damn sure wasn't my cat-like reflexs LOL!...but only once i my life did I go "Bikeless" for about 7 years...i refer to them as "My Al Bundy Days"....wife was busy giving birth to our 3 daughters....new home....me working like a slob with crazy OT hours to make ends meet after getting laid off twice...suckyest daze of my life...and felt like a huge and important part of me was missing...my point?...you just suffered the consequences of your own stupidity...and survived..and around these parts?...we call'em "lessons learned"...and once ya got several of those events under yer belt?..combined?...we call that "experience".

but the bottom line is this...if you've been riding for any length of time?...especially a bike the likes of a busa?...it's too late...riding is in your blood....heart....and soul...and now armed with the experience that you must first put your brain (and head) in gear before slipping a clutch?...you just graduated stupidity101....and if you give up riding over this?..you'll live to regret it...and with all due respect?..there's plenty of "Fiances" out there...but only one way for a true motorcyclist to ride through life....mere mortals excluded.

Heal quick..kiss the fiance..and get that bike back together. L8R, Bill.
Many lessons learned and it sounds like you surely know what not to do in the future

I'm just so glad you're okay, SHE'S going to be okay...the outcome could have been so much worse. Reason #1 I don't like riding with someone because the fear of coming off the back of that bike is just too much for me to even consider...I've been on the back's of bikes, but it's definitely NOT on my list of stuff I enjoy...

Give her my best and you take care of yourself and her 'til everyone's 100% again...
Just glad you are both OK and will heal.
I am praying for a speedy recovery for both of you.
Bid D,
First of all, thank God you two will be OK. That is the most important thing, to live to tell the tale.
I'm impressed at your post. It takes a real man to accept responcibility for his actions. We live in a day and age in which everyone wants to blame something or someone else for things that happen to them.
You two will be fine and as far as the busa, just post up a list of what is needed and I'm quite sure it will be like Chrismas in July on the board. I don't have a huge collection of parts but what I do have you are more than welcome to...
For now, just let the healing begin.
Take Care,
BTW congrats on the engagement. I've heard of some wild proposition schemes but that's a little extreme don't you think...  

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And ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, its been said a million, billion times, and it seems people still just don't get it until it's too late. WEAR YOUR GEAR! Read and learn from others misfortune. You don't have to stick your hand in fire to know it's hot. Don't dress for the ride, dress for the crash. Glad you guys are ok, you had Angels riding along with you. Our prayers go out to you and your Fiancee. Congrats.

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