Busa-man 24-7 has just been in crash

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Hope everything is ok with you Dave. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
I hope he's okay. The only news I can find right now isn't good. It's for an accident involving one vehicle in the County Downs area that happened today. I'm not going to post the link until we know if it's correct.
Dave is in the Dublin area. Near as I can figure (due to the time diff) is that it happened around 4 pm THEIR time.
maybe is was coming home from work? lots of crashes happen then.

Id gunnut is reading Irish papers looking for answers...

<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>THANKS MAN.</span>

it's just after midnight in me homeland right now...

which to me, doesn't seem good. I'm thinking we should have heard from the S-Tramp by now....

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