BUSA Owners, what is your age?

With(out) your permission, ROR, I'm posting our little chat on this forum because I think that, with the title of "PAINT MATCHING," nobody's gonna clue into the conversation that got this age question going. Flog me if you wish.

Thanks Byhalia - you youngster you - for forcing this utterly embarrassing (for you of lesser age) issue to the forefront.

Member posted 16 August 1999 03:10 PM         
Are you a senior member because of your age Dirty Pete? (chuckle).

How old is old? I'm 58 but that doesn't seem to make me old enough to know better than to own this bike.

I'm curious how old the rest of you guys are?
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Dirty Pete
Senior Member posted 16 August 1999 03:57 PM  
ROR, you're really old. 58. My condolences man. Seriously.

You must have wrinkles and muscle degeneration and no ankle hair and cataracts and limpdick and everything eh?

58...Pretty soon you'll finally be getting that Lambretta. The Final Lambretta.

Me? Actually, I'm 50 frigging 2. The chronological part of life pisses me.

Screw age. I know guys who are old at 25. Motorcycles are the world's best way to stay young and keep your attitude intact.

I know guys our age who are out beating the crap out of kids on flat tracks at pro level. I also know guys our age who whack kids on track days. Like me. And, I hope, like you.

Bikes make you ageless. They get you out of your skin for a moment or two.

If we were rich old fart car drivers, we'd be driving Ferraris and tearing the crap out of them.

I'd rather ride with aggressive old farts than inexperienced aggressive young squids any day. It's safer and generally faster.

I hope you're enjoying THE BEAST as much as I am.

I myself am currently obsessed with it.

Everyone spit it up...how old are YOU? And no lying like you do in the sex chat rooms.
Maybe nobody else want to fess up.

Dirty Pete, the usual plane is a rental Arrow, but C152 & 172 sometimes. The boat is a Catalina 30. I suppose what they all have in common is great rewards for skilled use and nasty penalties for screwing up.

If you want to be philosophic about it, so much in our society is designed to help us avoid the consequences of our acts. But bikes, boats and planes don't let you get away with much without a consequence.
And the Busa has got a whole lot more consequence than anything else I ever rode (machine thing I'm talkin' here).
ROR: Exactly. We love machines that kill us if we don't master them.

Machines that demand your attention and do not permit any other kind of thinking.

In the eighties, I used to race inboard hydroplanes (5 litre) around the Ontario/Michigan/upstate New York/Quebec circuit.

125 mph with your head 24" above choppy water and 400 hp of small block Chev at 7 grand in your ear gives you the best sensation of speed that I've ever experienced.

Big sailboats like yours never did it for me...too long to rig them. But I understand, having crewed them for buddies, how dangerous and exciting they can be. And how rewarding 10 knots heeled right over in 7 foot seas can be.

Here we go, changing the forum topic again. I guess it's because we old guys have short little spans of attention. Sorry Byhalia.

How old did you say you are? All of you guys?

My theory is that Busa owners are older because only we can afford the insurance on 1.3 litre killer bikes.
I turned 36 in July. Its good to hear that I'm not crazy for thinking i will be riding until, well I just can't ride anymore.

It is about, fun, enjoyment, competition, mental relief----there is not an age limit for that.

As i have posted here before, im 46. I spent the last two years racing 125cc shifter karts.
When i was 18 i had a mach 1 Kawasaki 500 triple, and two Suzuki T-500 two stroke twins. These were the bad bikes of the times. Im still fast. Still love speed, still looking for the edge. Any LA area bussa' owners are always welcome to contact me for an LA area bussa' get together.
Los Angeles

The kids are making me old; the bikes are an attempt at keeping me young! ;-)

46 years young, thanx to the 'Busa. 110km ride to work everyday and now scratching with the best of them on Sunday mornings once again.
Local 'Busa riders in Western Australia, can contact me: geotech@collie.netserv.net.au
97 and still driving my '36 Chevy Lumina.

I sure wish they'd stop shinking them 18 wheeler tractor trailers every year. They're getting so small you can hardly see them anymore.

This year I discovered curb riding - you keep the right two wheel up on curb and the left wheels in the street. What a rush!

The reason I'm into this Hayabusa forum is because I've had one stuck in my front grill for the past two months (or was it three months?).
Gotta go soak my teeth.
41 circles around the sun at this moment, it changes like attitude around here at times. I would guess that an average age Busonian would be about fourty, who else could afford the bike and the insurance to go with it.

I hate it when the Cowpokes make you drop age at times, but if you can't hang with the big Busa's get out!

Vegas = Party = Suzuki Y2K, be there or be old!

I was 23 when I bought my last "worlds fastest bike" 1983 GS1100 SD Katana, It also was called strange looking and futuristic. Now it sits in the corner begging to taken out and ridden.

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 17 August 1999).]
Kids can't afford this unless their rich daddies buy it for them. I wouldn't recommend this bike to an unexperienced or first time rider. I was waiting for the ZX-12, but after looking at the "spy" pictures, I said, "that thing is damn oooooogly". I also had my sights on getting a FAT BOY from HD, but after one look at the Hayabusa, next thing I knew I was signing all the paperwork. I am 42.
42 year old gentle giant........but don't make me angry.......my old CB handle was 'The HULK'......today it would read 'BULK'.

I'm going to the Milan Show next month.....I'll report back on the ZX? and Busa.

Ride to Live....Live to Ride.
Age is nothing when on the Busa, I'm 47 and feel like a teenager in love, what a femme fatal, I kiss her every morning and like the way she speaks. Ohh, you all know just how cruel she can be :-)))