Busa\'s = Tickets. Any questions class ???

FalconCop, you still seem to miss the main point.

Why do you think you have the right to issue additional punishment(vandlizing the perp's property), above that which is proscibed by statues and decided by the judge ? This makes you a "lawbreaker" by taking the law into your own hands.

Maybe the time spent daydreaming in law school, thinking about riding, should have been spent paying attention.
falcon, i've run from the cops a few times myself :), but the reason wasn't entirely speeding, wheelies can get you in big trouble.The truth of the matter is this,it's not how fast you go while running from the cops, but how well you do it!!I've gotten away lots of times and i didn't have to go balls to the wall to do it, and i have a clean driving record,(as well as criminal).You also have to consider the skill some of these riders have(as well as myself)before you bust our balls.Of the times that i have run, the cop never even had a chance to go fast before i was out of site, turned off on another street and slowed down.So, how do you know these guys don't do the same? Not everyone runs from the cops like they do in the movies, where pedestrians are almost run over on every street corner and cop cars explode in just about every scene.Think about this also, alot of us have been given tickets for stupid poop,and in some cases for stuff we didn't even do. so you can't blame us for wanting to run.

Have a nice day...COP!! :)
"Deserves to have their bike vandalized"? What kind of double sided bigotry is that? What do you next? Work the
"perp" over with a rubber strap/night stick? Cops like you are the reason i keep a lawyer on retainer and programed into my cell phone. Judging by your past postings your seem to have a drinking problem your self.Maybe you should look at where your self righteous animosity is coming from. Have i ever had my bike impounded and messed up? Yea. Have i ever been to jail? Yea. As an adult i have to bail my self out. That's the ultimate deterrent. My time/my money. You think getting my bike back vandalized makes me more prone to obey the "law"? I dont think so.
Los Angeles
Just last week here in hillsbrough fla three officers were suspended for covering up the dui crash of a fellow officer in his patrol car. they had a nice big picture of the car stuck in a wall on tv. what can you say about that.
Duc - I think the latest police method of preference is a mop handle inserted in the most painful place possible. They probably picked that up from the German Gestapo.

Valentine One - DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT it!
You should read up on this FC - then you would know it can't be classified as a gizmo since it is nothing more than a very sensative receiver designed to scan the radar frequencies to indicate transmissions received.
FalconCop, I looked at some of your previous posts. In one of them, you made this commitment to fellow Busa riders:

"If you ever speed in NJ I won't Whack you with a Ticket in My Town."

You might not be as bad as you sound in this section... I'm going to recommend everyone stop flaming you and pitch in for a box of donuts :)
I'm not going to retract that last post.

Does anybody here like the idea that FalconGOOF is constantly monitoring our conversations and MAY have the power, in co-operation with other police forces around North America (they DO co-operate) to learn more about us (address, driving or criminal record, family names, employer, spending patterns, travel history) by accessing our public computer records using the code that accompanies our posts?

The cops have got serious computer hackers on staff.

Why shouldn't he just tell some of his corrupt buddies in Toronto to "do" me?

I've been f**ked over by cops, seen cops on the take, cops who rape, cops who abuse their discretionary powers and commit petty criminal acts like FalconGOOF, cops who won't help when you need them, and I had a very close friend I used to ride with who was a cop who offered me a new Corvette for $2,000 (in 1975*) and got soon thereafter got caught by the Metropolitan Toronto Police Force, of which he was a member, with 15 Vettes stolen under his direction.

He was not prosecuted. That would have been a public embarrassment for The Force. Instead he was transferred, without a demotion, to a police force in the contiguous suburbs of Toronto. Mississauga for those of you who know T.O.

With so many bad ones in uniform, you cannot ever trust a cop. Not even if you think he's a friend.

They are not like real people. That's why they hang out only with each other.

*The Corvette of 1975 (emission choked) wasn't worth 14¢, so I declined.

[This message has been edited by Dirty Pete (edited 31 August 1999).]
I bet FC is the internet snitch. Hes probably on every other board every collecting posts and address so that he can pay you a visit sometime. I bet he doesn't even have a hayabusa to boot.

Class dismissed :)
Wa..Wa..Wa !!

I Love my Job,,and all the "Perks" that go with it. : )

Certified my Busa at 191 MPH Yup, A brother Officer Whacked me with A laser, OOP's Double standard I Was Speeding. Wrote Myself A ticket NOT !!

We then had a Nice Frosty O'Douls And A Pastry with a Hole in it, which was free by the way,since most Cops Get things For free anyway.

It's Good To BE THE KING ))))

161 ® HOOYAH !!
OK I don't agree with anyone in a position of authority to abuse the power they have, but fact of life is that there will always be people that do. But more than that I have to say that the people who endanger the lives of others just to avoid getting their due punishment by getting caught, are worse than pond scum. Is it really worth someones life ? I love speed, that's one of the reasons why I bought the busa, if I'm caught speeding I'll take the rap like I deserve and pay whatever fine etc is imposed. I may bitch about it, but hell I broke the law and it's just sour grapes cause I got caught. You may think you are a great rider etc, then take it to the track and show it to everyone there, or take a surf around the internet and look at the subject of "traffic accident victims" and read some of the horror stories. Then imagine how you would sleep at night if you were the cause of some of those stories.

As for cops, sure there are some (maybe quite a few) bad ones out there. But remember 95%+ of the time they are out their risking their lives for your sakes and preventing anarchy. Some may get their kicks out of posting provocative messages on the internet to get a rise out of bike fans :) but don't tar all of them with the same brush.

Anyway, this board is for discussion about that great bike that we all own, not social issues. Let's just kill this nasty thread and let the people who want to continue it go over to Yahoo chat.

Just my 2c's

[This message has been edited by dazee (edited 31 August 1999).]
We seem to have hit a raw nerve in FalconCop.

Well, at least you are honest FalconCop that you and your co-workers would commit CRIMINAL ACTS by illegally vandalizing someone else's property.

I do have several questions for you:

1) What do you consider the greater offense, speeding or vandalization/destruction of another person's property ???

2) What is the percentage of officers that think like yourself, that they are above the law or that all of it applies only to "others" and they can pick which parts apply to themselves ???? I myself think the percentage is very small, limited to a few "rogues", but you would know better.

FalconCop, I hope you don't get indicted by internal affairs for the activities above. If you do and you're behind those "cold steel bars", maybe you'll be lucky enough to have one of us there at the same time and we can idle away the time swapping riding stories :)

For the record, I think its not smart/not worth it, to try to run when getting pulled over for a ticket.

[This message has been edited by Zleeper (edited 31 August 1999).]
What can we do to lose this FalconGOOF pest?

I know there's a couple of guys on here who know computers as well as Frank knows dragging.

[This message has been edited by Dirty Pete (edited 31 August 1999).]
Dazee: This board IS, as you say, for the discussion of this great bike that we own.

However, you must recognize that this great bike that we own IS a social issue.

It's fast and quick and competent in a way that separates it from other motorcycles of the past. It attracts hooligans, politicians, disdraught mothers and wise old men (us, I like to think). And cops. And babes. And dirt on the chain. And bugs. And tire salesmen.

It prompts discussions of death and safety and police and insurance and drinking and manufacturer responsibility and other related social issues in a way that Gold Wings never will, because death and all them other things are closer to Hayabusas than Gold Wings.

I'm more interested in what Hayabusa riders, given their experience on bikes, have to say about motorcycling and the social issues that surround them than I would be in what, for instance, Virago riders would have to say.

Hayabusas are the new international symbol for all that is wrong about motorcycling; momentarily replacing Harley-Davidson it that important and prestigious role.

It may be tempting to confine new .ORG topics to Hayabusa-specific issues, but I hope all the Members will feel free to offer their opinions, outrageous and otherwise, on any motorcycling subject that comes to mind.

Otherwise, we're gonna run out of topics pretty soon and then what will the snowbelt Members have to do?

Net porn?

Fantasies about A Seeling?

Thoughts of throttling FalconCOP?

It's not enough to keep the mind alive, is it?
Social issues relating to the busa are cool, it would just be cool too if we didn't get into personal attacks, no matter how much cops and zx12 wannabe's annoy us.

snowbelt ?? what's that ? Japan weather is almost good for all year round riding. You mean you have the chance to lay the bike up for a while and apply all those modifications ? Lucky git, I will only be able to get mods that take a couple of hours max, I'd feel too bad wasting additional riding time.

As for blocking, sure it's relatively easy, though you may have to block all ip's from a specific domain for a quick dirty fix. But doesn't that contradict the great American tradition of free speech ? :)

Safe riding ! - but fast !!
OK, my first post on this board. I,ve been reading folks posts here for some time, but finally had to register just to reply to this one. I've been riding on and off for over 25 years. I've got Busa 113 (purchased in early March) as well as several other bikes. I've been known to occasionally exceed the speed limit slightly, and have had my share of tickets over the years. I am not a cop. I've found the info on this board very useful and noticed most folks are very friendly. But this thread has gotten really absurd. I'm sure Falcon Cop wished he hadn't said anything about damage to impounded bikes (have none of you said things trying to make a point that weren't exactly true?) Some of his points about "running" were valid in many circumstances. Unfortunately, some of your responses have been rather nasty. What happened to "If you don't have anything nice to say....? At least one person out there seems to have a serious anger management problem. It's a shame to have to live like that. Sorry to ramble on. My point is simply: Rather than attack, try to influence. We don't have to like everybody, but we can still get along. Maybe you can even influence (positively)someone's views.
Dont hold back with your feeling FC, tell us what you really think. Whats so stupid about a clean driving record?
Los Angeles
Yep, Its just another double standard for the boys in blue.

Its OK if the cops do it, even drunk driving is okay for them! Isnt that right COP and dont give us your stupid lecture on how you are out to save the world! Save your double standard for when you catch us, And stop your preach'n in the name of safety!

The Police is just another form of organized crime. Go Figure!
Just amazing the motorcycle content in this thread. I don't give a rats ass what you do for a living, just that you ride bikes.

Why not drop this and get back to the Busa....remember that?