Buying an $800 helmet...

Nice lid. I was looking at some new lids at the shop this week. Have you seen the ones with the LEDs on the back :laugh:
A minimum test is just that....a minimum.
The more expensive helmet may, and probably will excceed that minimum test.
I look at it like a chain.
It has a breaking strength of so many pounds.
2 chains may pass the test and yet one may have twice the strength of the other.
Just because SNELL or DOT sets a standard does not mean all helmets that meet that standard are equal.
Some may exceed that and not be able to be measured unless the test is to the breaking point.

Unfortunately there isn't a test so those who claim that an arai is safer than a hjc are sniffing glue.
I have had HJC, Icon, and Now Arai...I just happened to get the Vector model which is i think their lowest cost helmet line. Solid Black and a few less features, but the quality is still top notch. What i noticed most with this helmet is it's lighter weight, i mean you can feel it significantly! The next thing is when riding, it's not there! I mean at speeds so far up to 120, i got no turbulance. It's like i dont have a helmet on! I am sold on these helmets. Look at the Vector, it has the oval shape and fits me quite well. They are selling for just under $400.
Unfortunately there isn't a test so those who claim that an arai is safer than a hjc are sniffing glue.

Well in the helmet poll on this board, 26% were "glue sniffers" and liked the Arai, where 11.7% liked the HJC.

I also see a lot more Arai lids on racers than I do HJC. JMO
I have an HJC and it gives me a headache after about an hour of riding pushes right on my forehead so I end up pushing it back on my head to alleviate some of the pain.

What is a good helmet for a big heads like me? LoL I think I have an XXL got to check the tag.

Don't need anything expensive just something comfortable!
I have an HJC and it gives me a headache after about an hour of riding pushes right on my forehead so I end up pushing it back on my head to alleviate some of the pain.

What is a good helmet for a big heads like me? LoL I think I have an XXL got to check the tag.

Don't need anything expensive just something comfortable!

Thing about Arai is they have different shape helmets. I first tried on one and it hit my forehead hard. The guy fitting me saw this and gave me the vector and said it has a more elongated shape. I put it on and it was instant love! Priced under $400..mine was on sale at 361.00 to be exact. Be aware, replacement sheilds are around $60! yikes! clean cautiously..:laugh:
I recently had an encounter with a tree at an undetermined speed and I have no regrets having spent $650 on the Shoei X-11 I was wearing at the time, my head is one of the few parts of my body that didn't sustain any injury in that incident.
Read this, when it comes to protection seems you can't go wrong. Arai cost more because they are hand made, and your paying for comfort and features(with any of the higher priced helmets). So find a helmet that fits your head and is comfortable and your set.

Be aware, replacement sheilds are around $60! yikes! clean cautiously..:laugh:

Dont complain I have an RSR2 and just paid $72, and thats getting a deal
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No disrespect to any of the posters here, but I for one would like to see a scientific study comparing the safety and effectiveness of various helmet models. Personally, I simply cannot buy the proposition that a higher price automatically means a safer helmet. But that seems to be exactly what many of y'all are sayin'.

Anybody kow of any science done on this topic?


BTW, I ride with a hi-vis neon yellow/green Scorpion EXO 900, and LOVE it!! Thje color is safer for sure!!
No disrespect to any of the posters here, but I for one would like to see a scientific study comparing the safety and effectiveness of various helmet models. Personally, I simply cannot buy the proposition that a higher price automatically means a safer helmet. But that seems to be exactly what many of y'all are sayin'.

Anybody kow of any science done on this topic?


BTW, I ride with a hi-vis neon yellow/green Scorpion EXO 900, and LOVE it!! Thje color is safer for sure!!
yes, check out "motorcyclist" magazine on an article called "blowing the lid off".
i had an arai quantum f for several years that cost $450 and now i have a shoei rf 1000 that ran me $280. Comfort, weight, and price score better with the shoei for me.

Did the Shoei RF's since I started riding and loved them. Just bought my first Arai, and can't believe how much the Shoei's did not fit me correctly. This is more attributable to the shape of my head than the quality difference of the helmets.

Fit and comfort is first (assuming saftey already), Cost and look tied for second.
There are always deals to be had. Why buy a cheap helmet when just about anybody can afford an Arai at that price. There are so many on E-bay brand new for under $450 it is insane.
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I thought WHITE helmets were scientifically proven to be the easiest to spot and the hardest to ignore.

Anyhow yes there is a difference in helmets and Arai's are NOT cheap and maybe a tad over priceed but they fit my melon, they are proven over and over again and as I said before if it wasnt an Aria personally I'd go Shoei.

That said Fleabay has plenty of deals on NOS from both for about HALF of what you will find retail at a brick and mortar store. Go to a B&M, try on some good ones to get your size and style and then fleabay away. I did and never looked back. First Arai Signet GT scored for under 100 bucks, it is a year 2000 model but it was new in box. Second was another Arai 2001 for under 100 again. Next will be a NOS 2-4 year old Arai Corsair or RX7 and expecting to pay between $150 and $250.
im willing to bet if your riding at the speed limits on public roads the dot and snell helmets are well more then quallified to keep u safe, now if your riding the track or breaking the law, u may want to call the manufacturer and find out all the specs on the helmets u like and ignor eveyone on here who has no facts on how they are tested anyway....i would do some research..and in the end u may find the 800$ helmet to be safer, u may find a 180$ helmet is and comfort is what gets my purchase...can u say someone in a 280,000$ car is any safer in a 100mph wreck then a guy in a civic is?