I always love the "how much is your head/life worth" analogies. Its a great way for someone to try to justify buying an overpriced helmet thats no better protection wise than the lower priced one. But heres the deal....MY LIFE is worth alot more than $800 and since they dont make a $8000000000 helmet, I guess I'll stick with my $150 scorpion that fits great, has great ventilation, and only mildly chaotic graphics. As for you guys that think your lifes only worth the cost of an overpriced helmet, well, that kinda lets everyone know your state of mind and place in life right there. not trying to pick a fight, but the webs full of just as many pics and testomonials of people whose heads were saved by $75 helmets as people whose heads where saved by $800 helmets and since the they've all passed the same tests to get certified, and since even the "top manufacturers" make the exact same helmets without the flash for hundreds less than the painted up flashier version, and that $800 helmet can be had for a little over $400 without the graphics, the only real justification for buying such an expensive helmet is just to say you bought an expensive helmet.