Did someone paint that fairing black? I did not know the 1098 came in black unless it was an 'S'?
The black S was my dream bike... wound up with a standard red 1098... Damn thing is like a finicky woman with a cocktail in her hand, five already in her system and a really bad disposition, but hot and appealing none-the-less....
If your new to the Duc madness take a few notes:
1) Dont over torque anything, yep they vibrate but dont try to overcome that by tightening things up very much, they will break. If you remove it, lube the threads and go easy on the way back in. Very fine threads throughout...
2) Put a screen over the oil cooler, there are a number of avenues out there to accomplish this, but do yourself a favor and take one.
3) Make sure the recalls are taken care of, there were at least two that I can call up in my memory banks; heat sinks on computer, rear sprocket..
4) Dont listen to any haters (this is a Hayabusa board), you have to 'give up something' to ride these (just like a marriage). Its give and take. I do it every dang day and mine is a part of the family! Spent the whole friggin morning breaking.... and FIXING mine! But it will rumble through the neighborhood tomorrow!
I am a Hayabusa guy who owns a 1098. If I could go buy any bike I wanted right now, I'd get a Gen II Busa (but will never part ways with my Gen 1).... Next... an 848 EVO!