Bye Bye Busa....Hello DUCATI


maybe cause he has meet some good friends here or just wanted to share a very nice bike.

there is alot more bikes out there in the world then the almighty busa, live a little

The bimmer guy would say that :rofl::rofl::rofl:

As for the OP, I dont doubt that Duc is more dangerous for a second. My buddy with a 10R and I agree his 10 makes us act childish more often than the Busa does. Enjoy the new Duc brother
EH TU FULL?????????????????

The bimmer guy would say that :rofl::rofl::rofl:

As for the OP, I dont doubt that Duc is more dangerous for a second. My buddy with a 10R and I agree his 10 makes us act childish more often than the Busa does. Enjoy the new Duc brother

Not just a Beemer guy, still own a Suzuki,yamaha, and a honda:whistle:
sweet bike! Any places to rent a sport bike around there? I'd hop a flight to France and come ride this spring if there is one :thumbsup: (though riding in Paris seems nucking futz :laugh: )
The bimmer guy would say that :rofl::rofl::rofl:

As for the OP, I dont doubt that Duc is more dangerous for a second. My buddy with a 10R and I agree his 10 makes us act childish more often than the Busa does. Enjoy the new Duc brother

Bimmer guy. Yeah right. For your information, Taylor has owned both a gen I busa, gen II busa, a B-King and an M109R. He still has, along with the S1000R, an FZR600 and a GSXR 600. He has more suzuki miles than most on this board can claim. His opinion holds a ton of weight. Hardley a hater.
hi guys :beerchug:

after 3 years in hayabusa and 27000 kms :

I pass from now on has another type of motor bike….

the hypersport :poke:

I will surely return for generation 3 of the hayabusa, by then I will roll in ducati :thumbsup:

Ha ... this was inevitable for you Full! I am surprised it took you this long! Having followed much of your progress with Black Diamond I know you finally now have the brakes you always wanted. :laugh: :thumbsup:

Congrats on the 1098! That is a sick bike and will no doubt be a blast to ride. Take care of yourself. :beerchug:
Maybe it's because he's part of the family. All folks are welcome here. Not just the ones who have busa's now but ones that had a busa and ones planning on getting a busa.
No! You are wrong!

This bloke has abandoned his Busa and rejected us. He should be rewarded with shame, derision, and exile!!!

No, seriously, I didn't mean anything personal. Nor do I think that only people with Busas should be allowed here. I love all motorcycles (and Ducs in particular). I just meant that this thread may be more at home on
I wish to see the end of this post someday.

Thank you

Milton, dear boy, all you need to do is not click on the thread on the forum menu and, hey presto, you will never see it again.

Of course, then you'd not have the joy looking so very clever!

Thank you.
The 1098 is a great bike :beerchug: I personally prefer the brutal power and stability of the Busa but the Ducati is far better for track use in the right hands.

Congratulations on your new Duc. It's a very sweet ride and I am very interested in hearing from you how the bike handles and runs.

I remember that you did a very nice job upgrading your Busa, and I bet the new owner is very happy.
i think that you should have kept both bikes...ducati it is very nice, but not for everyday use, instead of the user friendly hayabusa
800 kms only with my new bike

bad weather :banghead:

i feel good with the 1098, better and better :thumbsup:



