APE Dustin
No your set up would work very well and the way you have it planed out will work out good in the long run. For some reason I was thinking you bought a new intake cam for the exhaust side when you did your swap, instead of just using your stock intake cam. Doing it that way would save you money and would be easier, except having to re-index the cam sprocket, but I haven't seen too many people do that set up though. Most either buy the drop ins or the intake cam. The difference between billet and hardweld is the billet cam is a brand new cam and the hardwelded cam is taking your cam and hardwelding it to a different spec. Hardwelding your cams make a stronger cam because it tempers the cam and gives it a hard surface to open the valves with. If you are building a big hp motor you should go with the hardwelded cam, but most people don't want to have to wait for their cams to be welded.