Can you believe the balls on some people?

Dude I can totally believe that story cuz that similiar thing almost has happened to me. I work security for a company with 2000 employees so this place is huge. When I ride to work I park my bike in a place where I can zoom a CCTV camera in on it and watch it so close I can read my license plate. Well I am sitting in here one day and I see two guys in the parking lot walk up to it and start walking circles around it. No big deal I can handle something like that. Well then I watch the guy reach for the handle bars and I am thinking dude what the heck are u about to do. Well he then sits there with the bike not even on doing FULL twists on the throttle like over and over again. Oh I was PISSED now. So I decided to walk out in the lot and just walk up to the guy like I was admiring the bike as if it were his. So I go up and ask him like wow man when did you get your busa? He looks at me and is like oh this isn't mine it's a buddies of mine. So i calmy looked back like oh really? Then I was like well thats awful funny (and at this time I reach in my pocket and pull my key out) cuz this key I have here works on that bike and last time I checked I sure as hell don't know you! His face just about went white as snow. I then just told him dude I am gonna be nice about this but I better not ever catch you touching my bike again. I tell you nowadays people just have no respect for someone elses property.
Some people have no respect for other's property, so I have the same lack of respect for their face when it's introduced to my fist.

Touching someone's bike without their permission and dropping it is like keying the paint on their car.

Friend of mine caught someone stealing his number plate one day, guy pretended he was just swapping tags when questioned. My friend provided him with a free attitude adjustment...

Talk softly but carry a big stick.
Went on a ride this summer with my usual riding buddies. One of them invited a guy from work who we all knew but had never ridden with before. We make a stop to pick up the last guy, one of the regulars, and we're all in his house bs'ing with him and his wife. The only guy that didn't come in was the new dude. I walk outside with one of the other guys and there's the new guy sitting on my busa. He has it up off the stand and is turning the key on and off to watch the speedo and tach do their self test. He turns and says to me "dude, that's so cool."

I've never been so pissed in my life. You just don't mess with someone else's stuff like that. But I guess there's no accounting for stupidity these days....
Dude if he was good time with my speedo like that I would have been throwing fists cuz thats just ignorant. I'd be telling him well I am glad you think its so cool cuz your about to be walking with 3 shoes on......2 on yo feet and one in yo ass!
dl6996: You need to have a "special" seat cover made.

One with tacks sticking into it that you can put on your bike when your away. That'll get 'em real quick.

Or, some handgrips with superglue on them. So once he touches them, he can't get away. Then he has to sit there on your bike all day (cause there's no way he's strong enough to drag it away.) Then you can beat his a$$ when you come out!

Ah in a perfect world!

(of course if it were a perfect world I could think of much more painful and deadly ways to protect my bike than the above mentioned.)
I had a simular situation this summer. I had stopped at our local mall to enjoy some Thai food. I parked my Gixxer 1K right out front so it was visible from the front door. When I entered the restaurant, I noticed a group of about twenty dark skinned Middle Eastern people all sitting at a group of tables all pushed together. The men had the common head wrap and all the women were covered from head to foot with a whole herd of kids from diapers to about 12.

Well, I ate my dinner and when I paid at the counter, I noticed the group was gone. I didn't think anything about it until I went out the door and here they were standing around my bike. One guy was taking pictures and they had a small kid on the seat. The women were all lined up putting their kids on the seat for photos. The arigance of it all was, they could see me walking up with my leathers on and helmet in hand but they didn't care, they just continued to put kids on the bike. I walked up, looked the woman in the eye with the latest kid on my bike and said, "Get that F^*king kid of my bike". She grabbed the kid and gave me this startled look saying "So Sorry, So Sorry" Where do these people come from with the attitude that it's okay to help yourself to other people's property?
That's awesome! Better approach than the baseball bat I use on kids!!
Seriously, get the scorpio alarm. It's worth it. It pages you when it goes off so you can run outside and say" please sir, would you kindly not sit on my motorcycle please."
similar thing happen to me except I am in my office and someone says, hey some old man just back into your bike and nkocked it over. He stayed and his insurance paid for it, man that makes a person mad...I had a headache the rest of the day from that
It sure is funny how people think it is cool to sit their kids on your bike. I love the kids, but don't get it twisted. I am not paying cause your kid or your dumb ass gets burned for touching one of my pipes while satisfying your curiosity.

As for the person who dropped your bike, maybe you should put out a reward for anyone with info on what happened. Maybe that will help you find the sumbiyatch !!
stun gun built in the seat with switch to turn off when you get on but for others 40,000 volts !!!
As dumb as this is goin to sound.. HOW did you figure someone was "sitting" on it. Could someone just have pushed it over? Not that it matters they need delt with swiftly I was just curious about that. Wish I had some spare parts to send ya.

My bike has a Scorpio I500. It won't keep it from being tipped over, but it makes a lot of noise before some has a chance to sit on it.

That would justify a "hunting" trip in my book.
The same thing happened to me right in front of my house. I'd left the Busa parked on the side walk right at the front door at night and was inside painting the dining room . My daughter looked outside and said " daddy your bike is lying on the ground" .
THE HORROR !!!!!! I go outside and my bike is on its right side but lucky for me it fell in the grass. Man was I livid . I went that night to Home Depot and bought some motion sensor flood lights . I think it was the neighborhood kidds . They probably sat on it , tried to stand it upright and it was heavier than they thought.
hehe that kinda reminds me of one time when my dad had his harley (his pride and joy, all done up) parked in their gravel driveway when I came over. I walked in side and has a serious look on my face and said "Dad you know your bike is laying on the ground, right?"
I've never seen the old man jump so high and get mad at the same time, but lucky for him it was sitting fine in the driveway.

To bad I know one of these days when I get my bike he's going to return the favor, but knowing my luck he wont be joking about it
Sorry to hear of your damage. How do you know it was someone and not the Busa kickstand??