Can't believe the people on this site

Welcome. Here is why I am a little dissapointed in the new busa... I was hoping for something to blow everything else out of the water. Many of us were waiting for that evolutionary leap that we knew the 14 would spark on the part of Suzuki... I would have loved the new updates with no changes to the look of the bike...but that is just me.

Ok, when the Busa came out in 99 it was the next step, the possibility of hitting 200 mph with a stock motorcycle right off the show room floor. I dont know why you all thought it would take another leap. I beleive that the cycle industry has hit the speeds it will stick at. I dont beleive we will ever see the industry put out a 250-300 mph street legal motorcycle. The only thing I see in improvements is looks and comfort. I think this is the next thing for all brands to fight over.
(mountainmotor @ Jun. 30 2007,10:54) I'm not slamming the new bike . I like everything I've seen so far .

As Grandma would say - That bike is a studly SOB  
I think I would have liked your Grandma!
I like the changes that have been made to it. Those that were expecting big radical changes are dissapointed. I didn't want a radical change, just some refinements and updates. That is what we got. The tail end will have to grow on me, but it took a bit for the Busa to grow on me anyhow.
(Ruben @ Jun. 30 2007,12:18) I'll take it just like it is.  Putting my deposit on one here soon.  

Many new bikes are accepted and liked well after they come out.

This 08 Hayabusa will get some real love once they hit the dealers and are seen on the road.

With me on a Black or Blue one...   plus I'll keep my 06
how an I suppose to read your post
that avatar is very distracting

(Lamb busa @ Jun. 30 2007,13:06) As another wise member keeps posting

It's still ugly!
Amen brother. While you can always make the Busa faster, you just can't fix ugly like that.
I'm sure there is the government pressure factor. Besides, Suzuki knows that some guys are going to run their Busas on rocket fuel so they really only need to perfect the basic platform, am I correct?
(brew @ Jun. 30 2007,08:48) One thing I don't do is post a lot, but I read a lot. During that time I have noticed that this site eats, breathes and poops Hayabusa, that is why I am finding it hard to believe how the new 08 Busa is getting slammed. Sure the back end does look a little funky, but other than that we have been given everything we have asked for. ie better brakes , more power etc

I remember one x-mas getting my son exactly what he wanted, when he opened it up all he did was whine that it wasn't the right color and it wasn't as good as the one his friend received, the people here are no different.

We should be happy that the Hayabusa is the legend that it is and hopefully this new generation of busa will meet up to everyones expectations, but if it doesn't why slam it?

I looked over at's website and they seem to be excited about the new bike, so why is that such a problem here?

I am no expert when it comes to bikes, my 01 busa is stock except for slip ons and some bolt on's, I will never ride the bike to its full potential, as I am sure 95 percent of the people here will not either, who cares if it will beat a kawi 1400, it is still a Hayabusa.

Sorry to rant, just figured people here were a little more openminded thats all,,,,,,

Brew, I believe you win the prize for "Most Opposite of a Post Ho"!!

DOT, take notes...


(proud dad @ Jun. 30 2007,13:17)
(Ruben @ Jun. 30 2007,12:18) I'll take it just like it is.  Putting my deposit on one here soon.  

Many new bikes are accepted and liked well after they come out.

This 08 Hayabusa will get some real love once they hit the dealers and are seen on the road.

With me on a Black or Blue one...   plus I'll keep my 06
how an I suppose to read your post
that avatar is very distracting
I agree, had a comment, saw that image and now forgot what I was going to say.

(brew @ Jun. 30 2007,06:48) Sure the back end does look a little funky, but other than that we have been given everything we have asked for. ie better brakes , more power etc
don't know how long you have been riding or how hard you ride but radial brake levers and rotors weighing a few OZs less isn't much of an improvement when you're trying to slow 600lbs from 160mph to 60mph in a big hurry, not much at all...

20 hp ain't much either, unless however you reduce weight, sprung and unsprung..

all in all the so called improvements are nominal at best, and the styling?

suzuki did nothing to innovate the hayabusa, long live the GSXR1000
Depends on if you are a brand loyalist.
Bill is loyal to brands that are loyal to him. Nobody from Zuk asked my opinion, so ya got whatcha got.

I can't say that I'll never buy one, but it will be awhile before I get used to the looks of it. Everything has a parking spot around my ranch, and there's no space with Fugly painted on it.
it's like the corvette , when they change nobody likes them for awhile, then it grows on and ya love it , i didn't like the busa 2 days ago and now i'am gonna buy one
(rocktober @ Jun. 30 2007,13:10) it's like the corvette , when they change nobody likes them for awhile, then it grows on and ya love it , i didn't like the busa 2 days ago and now i'am gonna buy one
Good point there. Look at the venerable Porsche 911. Porsche kept its look pretty much the same in lines and in structure throughout its run from 1964 to 1989.

Even as the 911 went through various changes and complaints from buyers, they DID LISTEN and DID CHANGE various components and lines.

However, if you look at the lines of this car, you can still see the outlining lines of the original 1964 911 that many thought would be a flop.

Would I give up my 1977 turbo? Hell no! Would I love to own a GT3!? HELL YES!!!

Long term business modeling is what is going on here guys and it isn't aways easy going through the transformation with development, but the results can be very pleasing in the end,,, and hey,, well along the way getting there!
I like the 08 just fine the way it is, I just sold my 03 a few weeks back and I am putting a deposit on the 08.
The porsche didn't keep the same technology and features from it's onset till today either . Lets try a better example . What about the GTO . Or the Malibu , The Cutlass , The Dodge Charger . Better in the since of fuel economy and ergonomics but do you really want one ? Hold on to that busa you have and keep it in good shape . One day its gonna be worth a fortune . They don't make em anymore .
All you guys with 99's and 2000's thinking about getting rid of yours to go 08 . I got dibs .
When I first looked at the rear end changes I was not exactly excited. But, it has already started to grow on me. Today, I spoke to the owner of the dealership who sold me my 'Busa. He went to the dealer show in Vegas. He said the pictures don't do the new tail treatment justice. He said everyone at the show loved the 'Busa. The saleguy who I bought my bike from agreed with me that the new tail section looked a little strange. So, I will withhold final judgement until I can see on in person. I was told by the owner that the bikes would be arriving at the dealership sometime in October.
Your kidding right? The first new Busa in 9 years and Suzuki has implemented the basic mods we've already done (brakes, electronics etc). Your welcome Suzuki for the free engineering and real world testing, not to mention the double digit inflation of the price tag.
Ask yourself if that little company in Bologna Italy was satisfied with a couple cosmetic mods. Watched MotoGP lately? Been to a track day where the 1098 is showing up in greater numbers than tic tacs at a garlic festival? Oh, did I mention they're S model sold out an entire years production in less than a week?
IMHO: Suzuki has simply transferred some technology from a pre-exiting bike, slapped on some plastic designed by an ex HD employee, raised the price and called it new. PATHETIC.