Canceling Cruise Crontrol


Hi, guys I new to the group. I just bought a 2024 hayabusa and my 1st busa ever. So I read the manual and it says to put cruise control back is stand by mode with out canceling to turn the throttle the the fully closed position but is not working. And I can't pause the speed limiter either. The somebody else have this problem or know how to solve it or if I'm doing something wrong?


It's not about closing the handle just turning it further. There is quite a bit of resistance, but maybe try twisting it harder - ‘works for me’.

You can also cruise control by pressing the clutch, braking or pressing the cruise control button. I usually unscrew the accelerator handle a little before switching off and switch off with the button.
Throttle rolling forward for cancel has a 2 pin connector going to a microswitch on the accelerator, make sure its plugged in, and you rolling forward a bunch. This sensor goes to the dash directly, and is transmitted to the ECU over canbus. Lots of ways to cancel cruise, tap brakes, clutch, shift, hit the cruise button on right hand control, and throttle roll forward.
