Cancelling my cable TV

Have thought about getting rid of it myself, but still find a need to keep it. Need a reliable network connection for work, but don't use the phone included in the package. I'm sure there are other ways, but I'm just not there yet.
had cable couple years ago.... discovered channel surfing took 45 minutes and I ended up not watching anything! Cancelled. TV is a church where many people unknowningly worship. Congrats on your decision. BTW you can get all your local channels in HD for free with rabbit ear antennas
I don't watch a whole lot of T.V. but I surf the web incessantly. Need that high-speed cable access!

read a book instead! My wife and I are both avid readers and have a pretty extensive collection of books. We have enough that we'll be converting one of the bedrooms in our new house to a library, actually. So far, I've boxed up about 3/4 of our books for the move, and I've filled 26 banana boxes already.
I enjoy many shows, but yes I do find myself parked in front of the TV quite a bit when I'm home. There's stuff to do in my house, it's just staying motivated enough to do it after a 10hr day at work.

I live alone, so TV is a good way to pass the time when I'm bored.

Winter sucks!

During the spring/summer/fall I can find other things to do, but always seem to end up @ the TV before bed.

Cut it loose. Save the money for a garage heater and learn a new language.

Working on arabic right now. I can finally ask a lady to coffee and shoot the breeze a bit..

Cut it loose. Save the money for a garage heater and learn a new language.

Working on arabic right now. I can finally ask a lady to coffee and shoot the breeze a bit..
That is a really great idea!

I'd really like to do some more travelling in the next few years. I went to Italy this past September and even though I didn't need to speak italian to survive, it would have been a lot more fun to talk with some of the locals.

How are you learning arabic? Are you taking classes or is there another way?