Captain is down.

Sorry to hear about a fellow busa brother down.It could have been a lot worse so you maybe a little lucky.Get well soon...........Rodney in Denver
Get well soon. Really sorry to hear about the accident. Even in the Busa is a total at least you're going to be OK. Really glad you're back home and starting the healing process.
Hey Capt SO SORRY Glad your Ok, and Hope to see you again at the Busa Bash on a New 08 Busa. GET WELL Soon.
Jon. (Loomis).
Just back from vacation... so sorry to hear but glad you're OK for the most part. If there's anything you or your family need or anything I can do - just say the word....
Hey Cap sorry to hear just saw the post you'l heal fast sorry to say ben there twice. cindy and I missed you at the bash maybe next year we can get there for the whole weekend

Hey Doug,

Just got back form my honeymoon in Hawaii, sorry to hear you got hurt... Prayers sent for full speedy recovery and the Mrs.'s understanding / patience

Hope the cager is made responsible for his actions

I got the police report today, Cap is cleared all the way....... We contacted the insurance company today so we can see what happens now.


Thanks for the support and prayers folks.

(captain @ Jul. 30 2007,18:23) I got the police report today, Cap is cleared all the way....... We contacted the insurance company today so we can see what happens now.


Thanks for the support and prayers folks.

Great news
(captain @ Jul. 30 2007,15:23) I got the police report today, Cap is cleared all the way....... We contacted the insurance company today so we can see what happens now.


Thanks for the support and prayers folks.

Are you gonna be moving well enough to make the next PMRA Cap? Hope to visit with you bro!!
Speedy recovery to you.
I glad Doug is doing good, but every time I see the thread at the top again i think he might of fell off the couch while sleeping or something.
Thanks again for the kind words... I go to the orthopedic doc tomorrow to see about my shoulder and arm...
Glad to hear you are doing better. I don't envy you with whatever therapy that is to be had, but it will be worth it. Sounds like you have good support from your family and friends so that will help a lot.

lol, wow, you wanted a new busa baaaaaad!

Seriously though, get better and get back in the saddle soon.