Captain's going after gear again!

Doug I have that exact JR suit. It is comfy, but heavy. The good news is there is lots of leather between you and whatever!:beerchug:
Good Luck Doug!!

ISO.... 30" inseam, pants that don't look like MOTOGP pants, and a leather jacket made for a REAL female... anyone anyone??
Good luck on the suit Cap :thumbsup: They just don't understand
how hard it is to fit a bodybuilders physic
Don't Even Ask Me about this Subject :banghead:

I Finally got a Leather Jacket that Fits Tight but will have to do ???
I'm seeing a recurring trend here... Gear, size, bad fit... This is exactly why I am working with is so that we can get a process down so that the members can get gear they want. I don't think that there is a lack of desire to have better gear, I do believe that there is a lot of room in the process of fitting and getting the customers what they need. I am hoping that we can set the example and since we have a vendor on the site that is wanting to work with us lets find a process that works for everyone...

best of luck Cap, i have never found any gear that fits like i also doesn't help that i usually fluctuate around 15-20 pounds between my winter and summer weight :banghead:
Doug I have the two piece Joe Rocket Pro Street suit and its light and very flexible....I am sure others will chim in but let me know your best price on a suit.
Im in the same boat.

44 chest
34 waist
36-38" inseam (depending on being worn in boots, or with lower boots/shoes)
36" arms
wear a 14-15 tennis shoe.

Its no fun guys. I had a set of customs and they were stolen. Alond with SIDI boots and a Shoei. I would have beat that guy with his own limbs, had I caught him.

Currently stuck in an Icon lid and Jacket and my comfy shoes(Dianese Quitos)
Doug, Make sure you sit on the bike fully suited before you pass judgement on the fit. This changes the fit in a big way.Your boots will support the pants and allow the proper stretch up to your waist.What feels to big may end up being just right once on the bike.Also factor a little break-in stretch in to occur with use,if they feel a little tight.
I was convinced my 2-piece was to big till i suited up and sat on the bike.Also with a 2-piece,if you try it at a shop you can mix and match the jacket and pant size.
I am not kidding, when I say you will become a better rider with full leathers.The safer feel will rid you of some sub-consious thoughts about feeling vulnerable about having an off. .....Or, its just me?:rofl::poke: Any way good move and good luck finding the right fit.:beerchug:
Stepping away from the dinner table will also help your blood pressure em tight and that will help convince you to fit in them :)