CC restrictions Yay or Nay

CC restrictions Yay or Nay -

  • Yay

    Votes: 22 100.0%
  • Nay

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Small bikes are a great way to start riding. As you feel comfy you can icrease the size. All of our US states are different in letting ew riders and size.
OH sure but Oddly enough a significant portion of Riders have NO MOTORCYCLE LICENSE at all...  Most states do little to enforce it either.  smile.gif

Don't try to make sense of it Josh, there isn't any...  It's just the way it is frequently.  There is still a good chunk of the population that WILL start on a reasonable bike, and wait to get the monsters until they are able to handle them but it's a matter of choice. Not mandate.

Click the different states to find out just how RESTRICTIVE  the laws are. smile.gif

Laws by State

Some of these states are so high they say Helmets until your 21, then your allowed to fuggin brain yourself...  he he he...

We do have the Motorcycle Safety Foundation over here which offers an acceptable beginners training program, but it takes a weekend and you pay out of pocket.  So a lot of folks just press on regardless of incompetance, too stupid to know that they don't know. smile.gif  Hell that would take time away from the Tele and the important reality show of the day...  He he... Yeah I'm being a ####...

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A 16 year old on a hayabusa  rock.gif whooah that is a scary thought.  
are they allowed to take passengers straight away?

that you want to portray. With the bike I ride even though it may not be as fast as anything you people ride (210kph) I still love riding it and thoroughly enjoy it. If you wouldn't be caught dead riding a 250 maybe you should reasses the reasons that you started riding.
Yes you can take passengers as soon as you get a bike. As long as you dont do anything stupid like crash no one will ever know casue they dont check.

i got into motorcycling for the thrill and the instant accelration you get from a bike and a 250 just wont do it for me. the imagine factor is all societys fault, i remember when i had my katana i was tryin to holla at some chicks and they asked what size bike i had. I told them a six and they flat out laughed at me and said her girl friends rides a 9. Hows that for image
Wow, a whole has gone on since my last post tounge.gif

1st Europeans in my opinion are no safer than americans. When I was stationed in Italy for 2yrs, they have 100+ car pile-ups due to fog. Yeah, thats safe driving!

2nd Since idoits will kill themselves, no matter how much training, why should we(taxpayers) pay for all the extra costs involved in governing these new training programs. I don't believe they'll save lives. Training doesn't mean anything if they don't use good judgement.

3rd Whats wrong with buying a bike for image? I plan to have a show type bike some day, not for performance but pure image. Everyone worries about their image, look at your hair, your clothes, shaving, etc...

4th Enforcement. You talk about how little the police enforce driving licenses for motorcyclists. What makes you think they'll enforce training. People will just forge certificates of completion. Then we have to spend more taxpayer money investigating new types of fraud.

Training won't matter in the general sense. For the person who'll pay attention and use the training, they'll get the training as the system is now. Forcing the dumba$$ to training will only result in them just getting by so they can pass the class, then they'll go out and kill themselves just the same.

You can kill yourself on any CC bike!!! Its about judgement not engine size.
Our Pacific Air Force Commander has restricted first time riders to 600cc or less. they did this because of the upward trend in motorcyle deaths in our command. I think it is a good idea. Have been less deaths since this new rule took affect.
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