Wow, a whole has gone on since my last post
1st Europeans in my opinion are no safer than americans. When I was stationed in Italy for 2yrs, they have 100+ car pile-ups due to fog. Yeah, thats safe driving!
2nd Since idoits will kill themselves, no matter how much training, why should we(taxpayers) pay for all the extra costs involved in governing these new training programs. I don't believe they'll save lives. Training doesn't mean anything if they don't use good judgement.
3rd Whats wrong with buying a bike for image? I plan to have a show type bike some day, not for performance but pure image. Everyone worries about their image, look at your hair, your clothes, shaving, etc...
4th Enforcement. You talk about how little the police enforce driving licenses for motorcyclists. What makes you think they'll enforce training. People will just forge certificates of completion. Then we have to spend more taxpayer money investigating new types of fraud.
Training won't matter in the general sense. For the person who'll pay attention and use the training, they'll get the training as the system is now. Forcing the dumba$$ to training will only result in them just getting by so they can pass the class, then they'll go out and kill themselves just the same.
You can kill yourself on any CC bike!!! Its about judgement not engine size.