Would you pass another biker in her or his own lane?

Would you pass a fellow rider in his/her own lane

  • no

    Votes: 128 27.1%
  • yes

    Votes: 47 9.9%
  • yes only if he knew I was there an waved me by

    Votes: 255 53.9%
  • yes only on straights

    Votes: 29 6.1%
  • yes only if he is taking too slow for me

    Votes: 14 3.0%

  • Total voters
I just now saw this and need to clarify the position. I normally ride in the carpool lane or in the far left/fast lane, and many times split lanes in "No mans land", if another rider comes up on me and wants to pass I have to get to the left of the HOV so that he can pass/split in this area on my right. I do not generally pass another in any other lanes unless he waves me on, which is rare in my case. I will pull completely beside another rider at a stop light, that way I know for certain he is aware of me.
Sorry I did not make that clear the first time.

UMMMMM What's this fast/left/carpool/HOV lane you speak of? :dunno:

Aren't there just two lanes? The fast lane(the one I ride in) and the passing lane(the one on the other side of the yellow line). :poke:

I'll have to look into them other lanes, don't sound like much fun though. :whistle:
Sure Why Not

I read every post on this thread before posting. My answer is simply yes.

I prefer to be waived around but if I don't get the wave or the nod then I'll use enough of the road to make sure the other rider doesn't feel pinched for space.

I know it isn't much experience in these circles; but after 30,000 miles of riding you get a feel for when and where you should or shouldn't do something that will place yourself or the other rider at risk.

Regular riding buddies get passed by me track style. I like wise get passed in the same fashion and I have no issues with that.

Now where did I put my flame suit at? :whistle:

I would pass using the damn shoulder if I had too:whistle: Dont get in my way???:laugh::rulez: If you are slow.... get out of the way.:beerchug: Cant roll with the BIGDAWGS... stay on the porch???:laugh:
I had some old fool almost run me down a few weeks ago,came up behind me without my knowing and passed in my lane within a couple of feet...could've taken us both out.
Re: Sure Why Not

I read every post on this thread before posting. My answer is simply yes.

I prefer to be waived around but if I don't get the wave or the nod then I'll use enough of the road to make sure the other rider doesn't feel pinched for space.

I know it isn't much experience in these circles; but after 30,000 miles of riding you get a feel for when and where you should or shouldn't do something that will place yourself or the other rider at risk.

Regular riding buddies get passed by me track style. I like wise get passed in the same fashion and I have no issues with that.

Now where did I put my flame suit at? :whistle:


Yep, I got passed track style through the twisties on the way to Idyllwild. I almost stepped off my bike to see why I was stopped through a curve.:laugh::bowdown:
Don't Worry You Were Still At Speed

Yep, I got passed track style through the twisties on the way to Idyllwild. I almost stepped off my bike to see why I was stopped through a curve.:laugh::bowdown:

Ken, all in good fun. Rest assured you were still moving at or better then the limit...where that puts me, well I better not say...:whistle:

All the best.

I had some old fool almost run me down a few weeks ago,came up behind me without my knowing and passed in my lane within a couple of feet...could've taken us both out.

This is why i say no some ignorant idiot in a hurry will take you out if your cruising along in your own lane and you get a little out of line while some fool just has to buzz by you from behind with no warning pavement for everyone.
I will follow you till you stop now and we will have words.
The longest follow was 75 miles he had to stop for gas No tuff guy intended as usual its not what happened they just don't think of what could have happened and need to reminded:rulez:
A bike has the same rights to a full lane as a car. I respect that and will only pass in the passing lane when it's safe to so do. Even if they wave me on.


Simple as that, I'm not even going to read anything else.
Rather safe than sorry ... :rulez:

If you know your riding comrades where all are in full riding gear ... And the deal is to ride for fun ... and speed - then yes - Both passing and being passed is ok - left, right and/or ... No wait ... that will be my place ...

In all other situations - No please - I hate rude awakenings :lol:
Always pass on the left, AFTER being waved by. I will always wait for a clearing and not use his lane. We had a group of BMW riders pass through our group one year in Eureka, not one shred of decency in the bunch! They were passing on the right and the left and without anyone knowing they were there.

:rofl::rofl::rofl:I know this's old, but how did you guys get handled by a group of BMW's?!:laugh:
I do it, but only with the guys I ride with on a weekly basis; we know each other's riding styles/capabilities, so it's done under controlled circumstances.
I had a HD do this to me once and it scared the crap out of me. There were 2 lanes so he had another option.
The thing that most upset me was my wife was with me... endangering me is one thing but I'm awful protective of my bride.

Oh ya I should mention I use the whooole lane so it was a good thing for the 3 of us that I was content with my position at that time or it may have been very nasty.
It makes me nervous to pass someone in the same lane... Now when are in a small group, and we are constantly changing position, that's different... I have a buddy and his dad that practically ride side by side the entire ride except for curves... But they have their own little system down... I don't feel quite that confidetn in another person I don't know... SO I would say take it safe, and give everybody plenty of room.... I do that especially if I am passing someone on a scooter.... Cause those guys get freaked out when they catch you outta the corner of your eye!
Originally Posted by zukracer
generally i would only do it when the other rider knows i'm there and waves me past. I have however passed when the other rider intentionally rides slow and irregularly (weaving in the lane, etc) to keep me from passing or just being an ass. I wont pass in the same lane in those cases, i will cross the line and pass them quite quickly to eliminate their ability to do something stupid....and only on a straight. Passing in a turn is just asking for problems 99.99% of the time.

+2 :thumbsup:

You guys can pass me in my lane any time you like. It doesn't bother me in the least as long as you don't go blowing by me with a 60 mph closing speed. Be curteous and give me an arms width of clearance and I'm happy.

+1 :thumbsup:
I will if the rider CLEARLY moves left or right of the lane and clearly knows I'm there.. I also move left or right when a rider is approaching me in the same lane for this very reason... If both know the other is there and are clearly holding a lane (well one of the three lanes with in a lane), then I treat it as such.. I don't just go buzzing someone because I think it's cool or funny because it's quite dangerous and most times I just pull up and ride staggered just so we have a larger presence in the lane. Although I have had times that I just needed to go.. But mostly it's usually me being passed if I'm just cruising and the other person needs to go.
This is why i say no some ignorant idiot in a hurry will take you out if your cruising along in your own lane and you get a little out of line while some fool just has to buzz by you from behind with no warning pavement for everyone.
I will follow you till you stop now and we will have words.
The longest follow was 75 miles he had to stop for gas No tuff guy intended as usual its not what happened they just don't think of what could have happened and need to reminded:rulez:


:rofl::rofl::rofl:I know this's old, but how did you guys get handled by a group of BMW's?!:laugh:

This is a very good question Mr. twotonevert:laugh: