food for thought
“2000 Mules”
People have been asking me how my analyses align with what is shown in the 2000 Miles documentary.
Actually, the stuffing shown is precisely the sort of thing I’ve been describing since December of 2020, but people have difficulty understanding it at first. Dennis Prager’s confusion in the piece illustrates this point.
What you first need to understand is that every ballot received needs to be assigned to a person who is listed the voter rolls.
The voter rolls are online, often in real time, and they are available to multiple entities, including the cheaters.
If there aren’t enough voters listed in the rolls to obtain a desired outcome, then cheaters can add more. That’s why the voter rolls are so inflated in *every* state. It gives cheaters a larger credit line to work with.
The electronic pollbooks tell you who has voted, who has ordered mail-in ballots, and who has not returned one. Often in real time.
If insufficient mail-in ballots have been ordered, then the cheaters can order more.
If the cheaters can’t harvest enough mail-in ballots, then the cheaters can print more.
The machines tell you what the current tallies are, often in real time. Also, they sometimes manipulate the tallies and decide which voter a ballot is assigned to.
The key to all this is access to information. Electronic, real-time information. That’s why the cheaters like centrally-controlled, electronic election systems.
Then you just need a relatively few people to do the legwork, because computer algorithms can handle all of the accounting.
Recounts do not expose ballot stuffing fraud, because ballots are anonymous. What matters is if the voter a particular ballot is assigned to actually completed that particular ballot.
“It’s not how many times you count the cash in the register, it’s how many of the bills are counterfeit.”
The solution is simple: Vote Amish. All paper, no machines. A single day, photo ID, hand-counting. Transparency.
I like to say, “You could pay someone to raise your children, but things turn out far better if you do it yourself.”
It’s the same with our elections… we’ve been paying other people to run them for far too long. The systems have become so complicated that the people running them don’t understand them, and have no chance of securing them.
If we want our elections to have integrity, we need to run them with our own two hands.
I’m pleased that the documentary was released, because it provides more evidence confirming the mathematics and canvassing evidence I and my colleagues have been presenting for some time, and continues to raise awareness that the 2020 General Election was stolen from the American people.
And it’s not the first time.