CD.. If You Are Seeking Truth and Guidance...

I listened to an hour and got dizzy from them talking in circles. Biden specifically told people to use mail in voting because of the virus scare. Of course they listened and Trumpers didn't. No phuquing shite.
Partisan BS is exhausting. They should spend the 3 hours talking about how the Republican party needs to come up with a candidate that isn't a total scumbag. That person would stand an excellent chance.
Trump lost because most people see right through him. Period.
Exactly what I expected. Red & Yellow makes orange.... you are who the two doctors are trying to get rid of actually and others. My guess is you know the truth but will just be a Gretta always. You were already dizzy! always will be. The likes of you are exactly why this country is in the mess!
Keep drinking that koolaid Red... Biden was installed... covid is a scam and was used to create the illusionary story of how the vote turned out. Total fraud... you can't beat rigged voting machines.
Listen to a Diebold tech guy talk under oath what was possible many years ago. What do you think the CIA tech guys are capable of right now?

Here is the link from 16 years ago. We don't have a federal government that represents us. That should be clear to anybody with a brain that has paying attention for the last 2 years.
Total truth!
I read it and it deepened my understanding of just how evil these people are. It takes so long to peel away all the deceptive lies and narratives and wake people up to what is being done to them.

Its going to take a revolution to reverse what has already been put into play.

To bad Trump didn't sniff out the liar in Dr Fauci before they made it to first base with the 2 week shutdown and all the other stupid crap that came afterwards. Had he been able to reign in Fauci and stop the draconian edicts, rules and lockdown none of this stuff would have happened. Keeping people inside and together quickened the spread of the virus along with other rules for living that should have never been mandated.

If Putin wanted to "slightly" redeem himself all he would have to do is snuff out the Davos crowd with an air strike when the "Elites" are gathered together in the convention room. Humanity would likely veer off in a better direction after the dust cleared in Davos.
My thoughts exactly. They have a ton of military protecting the DAVOS crew. I'd rejoice if it were leveled!
I'd like to say, I'd really like to see the day that Americans would stand shoulder to shoulder again and understand we are at war. I'm not an ass, just a guy who served for 21 years and left with a plenty of medical issues, over what I know is a massive change in American society. I'm old enough to know we used to stand proud and tall and for what was right. Division is not good and its also not good to ignore the facts that our country and countrymen are in trouble and we all need to be onboard. Everyone may be entitled to an opinion but the facts are the facts and its not to be downplayed. I have a hard time not responding to the downplayed BS.

I’ll say I offer my apologies for my abruptness which is over the love of our country!

Get on board!
I've seen that video. He explains that it would be possible to rig a voting machine, but does not say it has happened, and that was many elections ago. Do you believe he's the only programmer that understands that and therefore knows how to check for tampering? Think of how fast the tech world changes and how good the security software has become. All this said, where was this outrage when Bush beat Gore and Kerry? Obama over McCain and Romney or Trump over Clinton? Where was it and how does it mysteriously energize when Biden beat Trump? It materializes because Trump followers can not wrap their heads around losing. Judging by the fact that they're Trump followers, they can't wrap their heads around much at all.
I've seen that video. He explains that it would be possible to rig a voting machine, but does not say it has happened, and that was many elections ago. Do you believe he's the only programmer that understands that and therefore knows how to check for tampering? Think of how fast the tech world changes and how good the security software has become. All this said, where was this outrage when Bush beat Gore and Kerry? Obama over McCain and Romney or Trump over Clinton? Where was it and how does it mysteriously energize when Biden beat Trump? It materializes because Trump followers can not wrap their heads around losing. Judging by the fact that they're Trump followers, they can't wrap their heads around much at all.
Hi. At one poling place the watcher was giving a hard time. They would not let her get close so she could see what tjey were doing. She complained to some one who told them to let her get closer. Than they put up boxes and totes so she could not see what they were doing with the ballets. She called and complanied again and they had the police remove her the the building. Does anyone think that what they did was fair?
This is for those that are capable of thinking out of the political left/right box "which does not exist" in reality. Its totally about full and total control & annihilation of anyone that apposes in the end and many that thought they were part of this NWO/CABAL and will be removed as well if this all plays out. Even Alex Jones called it correctly long ago, no matter how crazy he seemed and was trying desperately to awaken the sleeping masses.

I’m coming to the realization that its impossible and the likes of men that built this country are no where to be found in their offspring of today's comedian buffoons.

This is for those that are capable of thinking out of the political left/right box "which does not exist" in reality. Its totally about full and total control & annihilation of anyone that apposes in the end and many that thought they were part of this NWO/CABAL and will be removed as well if this all plays out. Even Alex Jones called it correctly long ago, no matter how crazy he seemed and was trying desperately to awaken the sleeping masses.

I’m coming to the realization that its impossible and the likes of men that built this country are no where to be found in their offspring of today's comedian buffoons.

Hi what is it more people who got the shots and the booster are getting covid now? They PAIED the hospitals money if the reported people died of covid. My cousin broke his hip got covid lived but gave up and stoped his dialysis and died from that. The hospital said he died of covid and that was not true. Now they say the shots did not stop you from getting covid so they lied about that too? Who believes anything thst the government says ? Clinton payed frot the report on Trump got the fake warrent the FBI know that it was fake got the warrent on Trump about Russan conclusion cost us a ton of money and they found he did not do it. The phone call to Ukrain was all fake news too. But Biden on tape told Ukrain to fire the prosecutor that was investigating the company that hired his son Hunter or they would not get the money. What was it 94 or 96% of the news on Trump was negative. I think Trump messed up the lefts 16 year plan. I am like c10 I can not spell very well sorry.
I've seen that video. He explains that it would be possible to rig a voting machine, but does not say it has happened, and that was many elections ago. Do you believe he's the only programmer that understands that and therefore knows how to check for tampering? Think of how fast the tech world changes and how good the security software has become. All this said, where was this outrage when Bush beat Gore and Kerry? Obama over McCain and Romney or Trump over Clinton? Where was it and how does it mysteriously energize when Biden beat Trump? It materializes because Trump followers can not wrap their heads around losing. Judging by the fact that they're Trump followers, they can't wrap their heads around much at all.
I said the Diebold tale was years ago... 16 years ago... Like you said... much has changed... well thanks for helping me make my point.

Where was the outrage with Gore and Kerry you ask? It was there, but, I think you forgot about it. The hanging chads were a big deal but its lost on you.

I love the way you categorize Trump supporters... are you related to Bill and Hillary in some way? Trump beat Biden... but... you like the way things turned around in the middle of the night... Instead of Paul Revere yelling the British were coming... Somebody should have observed and said... look at all the fraudsters in action! Is it was... in the days leading up to the 2019 election the Dimtards had their Mules in place at $10 a ballot and were hauling ballots days and night. 10 trillion cell phone pings shows the routes they took from where the ballots were produced to where they got stuffed into ballot drop boxes in 6 states. Add to that the 10s of thousands of hours of video tape that shows all the off hours ballot dropping going on.

Add the that Biden sitting in his basement 80+% of the time and Trump attracting large crowds in key states leading up to the election... you are as gullible as the day is long if you were required to hold your breath for a day.
Hi what is it more people who got the shots and the booster are getting covid now? They PAIED the hospitals money if the reported people died of covid. My cousin broke his hip got covid lived but gave up and stoped his dialysis and died from that. The hospital said he died of covid and that was not true. Now they say the shots did not stop you from getting covid so they lied about that too? Who believes anything thst the government says ? Clinton payed frot the report on Trump got the fake warrent the FBI know that it was fake got the warrent on Trump about Russan conclusion cost us a ton of money and they found he did not do it. The phone call to Ukrain was all fake news too. But Biden on tape told Ukrain to fire the prosecutor that was investigating the company that hired his son Hunter or they would not get the money. What was it 94 or 96% of the news on Trump was negative. I think Trump messed up the lefts 16 year plan. I am like c10 I can not spell very well sorry.
Exactly again. Its great to see these words and I have followed it all and you nailed it. Very sorry about your cousin and its truly tragic all the deaths/murder from this evil machine we are fighting. I'm too spell pretty poorly and use this old computer to help me out as much as possible. The need to appoligize at all! Thanks for sharing all that info. I can totally verifiy each of it is 100 percent accurate!
I said the Diebold tale was years ago... 16 years ago... Like you said... much has changed... well thanks for helping me make my point.

Where was the outrage with Gore and Kerry you ask? It was there, but, I think you forgot about it. The hanging chads were a big deal but its lost on you.

I love the way you categorize Trump supporters... are you related to Bill and Hillary in some way? Trump beat Biden... but... you like the way things turned around in the middle of the night... Instead of Paul Revere yelling the British were coming... Somebody should have observed and said... look at all the fraudsters in action! Is it was... in the days leading up to the 2019 election the Dimtards had their Mules in place at $10 a ballot and were hauling ballots days and night. 10 trillion cell phone pings shows the routes they took from where the ballots were produced to where they got stuffed into ballot drop boxes in 6 states. Add to that the 10s of thousands of hours of video tape that shows all the off hours ballot dropping going on.

Add the that Biden sitting in his basement 80+% of the time and Trump attracting large crowds in key states leading up to the election... you are as gullible as the day is long if you were required to hold your breath for a day.
100 percent!!!
I've watched the free full video when it was first released. You can't dispute all that is out there and I have seen pretty much all of it with detail.

food for thought

“2000 Mules”

People have been asking me how my analyses align with what is shown in the 2000 Miles documentary.

Actually, the stuffing shown is precisely the sort of thing I’ve been describing since December of 2020, but people have difficulty understanding it at first. Dennis Prager’s confusion in the piece illustrates this point.

What you first need to understand is that every ballot received needs to be assigned to a person who is listed the voter rolls.

The voter rolls are online, often in real time, and they are available to multiple entities, including the cheaters.

If there aren’t enough voters listed in the rolls to obtain a desired outcome, then cheaters can add more. That’s why the voter rolls are so inflated in *every* state. It gives cheaters a larger credit line to work with.

The electronic pollbooks tell you who has voted, who has ordered mail-in ballots, and who has not returned one. Often in real time.

If insufficient mail-in ballots have been ordered, then the cheaters can order more.

If the cheaters can’t harvest enough mail-in ballots, then the cheaters can print more.

The machines tell you what the current tallies are, often in real time. Also, they sometimes manipulate the tallies and decide which voter a ballot is assigned to.

The key to all this is access to information. Electronic, real-time information. That’s why the cheaters like centrally-controlled, electronic election systems.

Then you just need a relatively few people to do the legwork, because computer algorithms can handle all of the accounting.

Recounts do not expose ballot stuffing fraud, because ballots are anonymous. What matters is if the voter a particular ballot is assigned to actually completed that particular ballot.

“It’s not how many times you count the cash in the register, it’s how many of the bills are counterfeit.”

The solution is simple: Vote Amish. All paper, no machines. A single day, photo ID, hand-counting. Transparency.

I like to say, “You could pay someone to raise your children, but things turn out far better if you do it yourself.”

It’s the same with our elections… we’ve been paying other people to run them for far too long. The systems have become so complicated that the people running them don’t understand them, and have no chance of securing them.

If we want our elections to have integrity, we need to run them with our own two hands.

I’m pleased that the documentary was released, because it provides more evidence confirming the mathematics and canvassing evidence I and my colleagues have been presenting for some time, and continues to raise awareness that the 2020 General Election was stolen from the American people.

And it’s not the first time.
Lots of energy wasted on something that won't change in your lifetime. Stop wasting your life being angry about things beyond your control. Life is extremely short. Don't waste it getting all excited and worked up about something you have zero intention on doing anything about. Your health will improve and you'll see that life isnt as bad as the television/radio/computer... tells you.

I used to listen to talk radio and found myself angry and my heart rate elevated just listening. Then the constant complaining about the government taking this and that and doing this and that. Unless you plan on overthrowing it, just live your life and be as happy as you can be.
Lots of energy wasted on something that won't change in your lifetime. Stop wasting your life being angry about things beyond your control. Life is extremely short. Don't waste it getting all excited and worked up about something you have zero intention on doing anything about. Your health will improve and you'll see that life isnt as bad as the television/radio/computer... tells you.

I used to listen to talk radio and found myself angry and my heart rate elevated just listening. Then the constant complaining about the government taking this and that and doing this and that. Unless you plan on overthrowing it, just live your life and be as happy as you can be.
So when history repeats itself and nobody lifts a finger to call it out or stop it... we are suppose to just kick back and be happy? I am glad our founding fathers didn't do that or the rights and freedoms we have enjoyed much of our life would likely be curtailed in all the ways these tyrants like the "King George" types can come up with. I take it you don't think the current day "technocracy" can enslave us and make us mostly peasants and surfs like we had during the Dark Ages. Just look at our country today and what kind of people are laying on the sidewalks and alleys right now as a precursor of things to come. You say it can't happen? Just look how fast lay offs are coming and how fast high tech businesses are fleeing Silicon Valley for points east like Texas.

The governments of the world are working hard on developing their own crypto currencies right now so they can control the flow of money and know where every penny of it went and if it needs to be taxed or not. Add to that it will be programmable and when you violate to many rules or laws they will be able to restrict the use of your money in various ways. They can do that with the current system but they can't do it to cash yet... but... they are working on all the ways they can to restrict it's use. Pick up a copy of the "War on Cash" by David Mc Ree if you don't believe it. Its not a work of fiction.

Are far as being angry and upset... hogwash... I feel bad for the "Elites" in some ways... Control freaks with lots of money and nothing better to do than try to force people into living by the rules they make up... Its so 15th and 16th century like parts of Europe were at times. I guess some people never heard of the Renaissance or the Peasants Revolt. The rulers of the time didn't build castles like fortresses for no reason. Also consider the defenses the Elites have put into play to protect their lives right now.

Its your choice to determine how to respond to anything you encounter in life. Also consider future generations that are constantly being indoctrinated for a life where you will own nothing and be happy. Property rights are a big deal... without them we all become peasants.

As far as doing something about it that starts with where you spend your money. Yes, the choices are not real good when it comes to where you buy the energy we consume.
So when history repeats itself and nobody lifts a finger to call it out or stop it... we are suppose to just kick back and be happy? I am glad our founding fathers didn't do that or the rights and freedoms we have enjoyed much of our life would likely be curtailed in all the ways these tyrants like the "King George" types can come up with. I take it you don't think the current day "technocracy" can enslave us and make us mostly peasants and surfs like we had during the Dark Ages. Just look at our country today and what kind of people are laying on the sidewalks and alleys right now as a precursor of things to come. You say it can't happen? Just look how fast lay offs are coming and how fast high tech businesses are fleeing Silicon Valley for points east like Texas.

The governments of the world are working hard on developing their own crypto currencies right now so they can control the flow of money and know where every penny of it went and if it needs to be taxed or not. Add to that it will be programmable and when you violate to many rules or laws they will be able to restrict the use of your money in various ways. They can do that with the current system but they can't do it to cash yet... but... they are working on all the ways they can to restrict it's use. Pick up a copy of the "War on Cash" by David Mc Ree if you don't believe it. Its not a work of fiction.

Are far as being angry and upset... hogwash... I feel bad for the "Elites" in some ways... Control freaks with lots of money and nothing better to do than try to force people into living by the rules they make up... Its so 15th and 16th century like parts of Europe were at times. I guess some people never heard of the Renaissance or the Peasants Revolt. The rulers of the time didn't build castles like fortresses for no reason. Also consider the defenses the Elites have put into play to protect their lives right now.

Its your choice to determine how to respond to anything you encounter in life. Also consider future generations that are constantly being indoctrinated for a life where you will own nothing and be happy. Property rights are a big deal... without them we all become peasants.

As far as doing something about it that starts with where you spend your money. Yes, the choices are not real good when it comes to where you buy the energy we consume.
Hi. What???? You do not think when we own nothing and being happy is not a good thing. People like the Joe and Hunter and Hillary Clinton and Obama and AOC are trying to make it better and equal for every .