Somewhat agree and do appreciate the response. Your spot on with the health and I know that. I've never said anything about overthrowing the government and we all know how that goes with the J6ers all locked up with mostly no just cause. I have done plenty as small is it may seem, sharing info and trying to let those that don't see, see! Served my country for 21 years as well as my father/brother/four uncles.Lots of energy wasted on something that won't change in your lifetime. Stop wasting your life being angry about things beyond your control. Life is extremely short. Don't waste it getting all excited and worked up about something you have zero intention on doing anything about. Your health will improve and you'll see that life isnt as bad as the television/radio/computer... tells you.
I used to listen to talk radio and found myself angry and my heart rate elevated just listening. Then the constant complaining about the government taking this and that and doing this and that. Unless you plan on overthrowing it, just live your life and be as happy as you can be.
The movement is real and the talk show peeps I watch is not just complaining, they "Joe Oltman from CD" is a major component and spends tons of money and time with the involvement. Very good people. There is plenty of bad about him online from the fake news media and Eric Coomer who is nose deep with the voting machines, that is why all the lies and is being fought in court already and more to come.
I'm taking your advice and will stop posting this stuff on the ORG after this morning. Its to much negativity vs positive. It is what it is! One last thing now that I've read ZERKS coomment below! Thinking that fighting this evil is negative is not good. It will cause how many to roll over and not say anything or simply discuss it! Be of great courage and keep moving forward with truth! History is coming again if you don't!
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