CD.. If You Are Seeking Truth and Guidance...

Lots of energy wasted on something that won't change in your lifetime. Stop wasting your life being angry about things beyond your control. Life is extremely short. Don't waste it getting all excited and worked up about something you have zero intention on doing anything about. Your health will improve and you'll see that life isnt as bad as the television/radio/computer... tells you.

I used to listen to talk radio and found myself angry and my heart rate elevated just listening. Then the constant complaining about the government taking this and that and doing this and that. Unless you plan on overthrowing it, just live your life and be as happy as you can be.
Somewhat agree and do appreciate the response. Your spot on with the health and I know that. I've never said anything about overthrowing the government and we all know how that goes with the J6ers all locked up with mostly no just cause. I have done plenty as small is it may seem, sharing info and trying to let those that don't see, see! Served my country for 21 years as well as my father/brother/four uncles.

The movement is real and the talk show peeps I watch is not just complaining, they "Joe Oltman from CD" is a major component and spends tons of money and time with the involvement. Very good people. There is plenty of bad about him online from the fake news media and Eric Coomer who is nose deep with the voting machines, that is why all the lies and is being fought in court already and more to come.

I'm taking your advice and will stop posting this stuff on the ORG after this morning. Its to much negativity vs positive. It is what it is! One last thing now that I've read ZERKS coomment below! Thinking that fighting this evil is negative is not good. It will cause how many to roll over and not say anything or simply discuss it! Be of great courage and keep moving forward with truth! History is coming again if you don't!
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So when history repeats itself and nobody lifts a finger to call it out or stop it... we are suppose to just kick back and be happy? I am glad our founding fathers didn't do that or the rights and freedoms we have enjoyed much of our life would likely be curtailed in all the ways these tyrants like the "King George" types can come up with. I take it you don't think the current day "technocracy" can enslave us and make us mostly peasants and surfs like we had during the Dark Ages. Just look at our country today and what kind of people are laying on the sidewalks and alleys right now as a precursor of things to come. You say it can't happen? Just look how fast lay offs are coming and how fast high tech businesses are fleeing Silicon Valley for points east like Texas.

The governments of the world are working hard on developing their own crypto currencies right now so they can control the flow of money and know where every penny of it went and if it needs to be taxed or not. Add to that it will be programmable and when you violate to many rules or laws they will be able to restrict the use of your money in various ways. They can do that with the current system but they can't do it to cash yet... but... they are working on all the ways they can to restrict it's use. Pick up a copy of the "War on Cash" by David Mc Ree if you don't believe it. Its not a work of fiction.

Are far as being angry and upset... hogwash... I feel bad for the "Elites" in some ways... Control freaks with lots of money and nothing better to do than try to force people into living by the rules they make up... Its so 15th and 16th century like parts of Europe were at times. I guess some people never heard of the Renaissance or the Peasants Revolt. The rulers of the time didn't build castles like fortresses for no reason. Also consider the defenses the Elites have put into play to protect their lives right now.

Its your choice to determine how to respond to anything you encounter in life. Also consider future generations that are constantly being indoctrinated for a life where you will own nothing and be happy. Property rights are a big deal... without them we all become peasants.

As far as doing something about it that starts with where you spend your money. Yes, the choices are not real good when it comes to where you buy the energy we consume.
Outstading read. This is getting onboard and what everyone needs to understand! TRUTH!!!!

I’ve given more than most to this country. Absolutely love this country. But. I can assure you that you will live out your days in peace without any major changes to your life from the government. It’s going to continue on with the majority of the country paying the bills and that money being spent frivolously.
Count your blessings every day and enjoy life.
I’ve given more than most to this country. Absolutely love this country. But. I can assure you that you will live out your days in peace without any major changes to your life from the government. It’s going to continue on with the majority of the country paying the bills and that money being spent frivolously.
Count your blessings every day and enjoy life.
I express gratitude for many things that are in place already or coming to me because capitalism makes it possible. Like you and everyone else here we own material items that makes life more fun for the simple fact we can temporarily escape the madness that has become a regular event happening.

You still need to be aware and protect what you have worked for. Our personal energy to produce is finite.
IAdd the that Biden sitting in his basement 80+% of the time and Trump attracting large crowds in key states leading up to the election... you are as gullible as the day is long if you were required to hold your breath for a day.
You and I have discussed this endlessly. Biden implored his followers to stay home during the pandemic but you chose to ignore this as it highlights your view point. More people wanted anything other than another 4 years of Trump and the vote reflected that but you refuse to admit that. Find some other candidate that matches your opinion and drop this ridiculous argument for pete’s sake.
Hi. I
You and I have discussed this endlessly. Biden implored his followers to stay home during the pandemic but you chose to ignore this as it highlights your view point. More people wanted anything other than another 4 years of Trump and the vote reflected that but you refuse to admit that. Find some other candidate that matches your opinion and drop this ridiculous argument for pete’s sake.
Hi. I just hope that Biden runs again in 2024. He is doing such a good job on the boarder. It was also great that in July he held inflation to 0. Pay no attention of the TS Papers after all they were lock in his garage. I do not think that Biden knows that guy Mc Conagal who got arrested for what he was tring to get Trump on Russan conclusion. So in 2024 VOTE for BIDEN!!!!!!
You and I have discussed this endlessly. Biden implored his followers to stay home during the pandemic but you chose to ignore this as it highlights your view point. More people wanted anything other than another 4 years of Trump and the vote reflected that but you refuse to admit that. Find some other candidate that matches your opinion and drop this ridiculous argument for pete’s sake.
Why would I admit to a fraud committed by a team of liars? These kind of storylines take a long time to sort out and the truth is slow to be revealed as it has been with many corrupt activities recorded in the past. The MSM has repeatedly supported the lies by repeating them and also by suppressing other relevant information that tax paying voters deserve the know about. The job or purpose of the "Press" is to report honestly and openly. Well, that ship sailed long ago, however, you lap up the lies like a thirsty dog because you lack discretionary skills and sources to weed out the deception. Whatever the MSM says is gospel in your world.

Funny thing you said about Biden winning by using the fear of covid for being the reason to vote by mail. As we can see now everything we were doing to prevent the spread of covid had the opposite effect with one exception, and that was wash your hands frequently. This is why people call it the "Planned Demic". Fauci lied, the WHO lied, the CDC lied... and big Pharma made billions with unproven concoctions as well as hospitals getting in on the action by writing the cause of death being covid when it wasn't.

The amount of meddling in the election went well beyond anything we have seen in recent history and a clever attack with a virus coupled with suppressed with Hunter Biden's "lap top" story set the stage for one way to produce a rigged election. It's also key that the FBI paid Twitter to censor free speech before the election for reasons that are pretty obvious now. This kind of reporting doesn't get much airtime like it use too.

Will you sign up for the lifetime yearly covid booster that your President is promoting now ?
Dear Red 05... its clear you can't respond when the facts are stated. There is no place to hide.

Biden's playbook as well as other mentally deficient people like him follow the book titled " Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky. Check it out sometime... you will find it interesting as you reflect back on recent history where one side blames the other side while they do the "thing" that are accusing the other side of doing.

Biden is simply following orders... and now his term looks like it will expire soon well in advance of the 2023 election for a new president in 2024. As FDR said decades ago... "If anything big happens in politics you can bet it was planned that way. "

Tell me Red 05... how did America do in the first 2 years under Biden as compared to President Trump's first 2 years?

If you don't want to answer that question I understand. Nobody wants to be embarrassed for supporting the worst president in history.
Dear Red 05... its clear you can't respond when the facts are stated. There is no place to hide.

Biden's playbook as well as other mentally deficient people like him follow the book titled " Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky. Check it out sometime... you will find it interesting as you reflect back on recent history where one side blames the other side while they do the "thing" that are accusing the other side of doing.

Biden is simply following orders... and now his term looks like it will expire soon well in advance of the 2023 election for a new president in 2024. As FDR said decades ago... "If anything big happens in politics you can bet it was planned that way. "

Tell me Red 05... how did America do in the first 2 years under Biden as compared to President Trump's first 2 years?

If you don't want to answer that question I understand. Nobody wants to be embarrassed for supporting the worst president in history.
Hi. "OH cone on man" Look at all the great thing Biden has done. #1 Oh I guess that did not work out to good. #2 Well that did not go too good. #3 This did not go. #4 ????????????????? #5 nothing to see here.
I’ve never promoted Biden. Check my posts. I said from the beginning that the last election was basically a trash can fire. I simply thought Biden was the better option and the votors agreed. I think this country is ripe for sensible, clear headed leadership that neither Trump or Biden is capable of.
Voters agreed? 81 million? LMFAO. If 81 million people voted for Biden then I will give my bikes away to first person to say that with a straight face. No one really believes Biden got 81 million. Notice how the dems never repeated that or pushed that number as the most popular president? No one really believes that happened. Almost 20 million more votes than Obama. The first black president. Cmon. man.
Hi. I

Hi. I just hope that Biden runs again in 2024. He is doing such a good job on the boarder. It was also great that in July he held inflation to 0. Pay no attention of the TS Papers after all they were lock in his garage. I do not think that Biden knows that guy Mc Conagal who got arrested for what he was tring to get Trump on Russan conclusion. So in 2024 VOTE for BIDEN!!!!!!

Voters agreed? 81 million? LMFAO. If 81 million people voted for Biden then I will give my bikes away to first person to say that with a straight face. No one really believes Biden got 81 million. Notice how the dems never repeated that or pushed that number as the most popular president? No one really believes that happened. Almost 20 million more votes than Obama. The first black president. Cmon. man.
81 million voted against Trump. I don’t want your bike. Mine’s better
I’ve never promoted Biden. Check my posts. I said from the beginning that the last election was basically a trash can fire. I simply thought Biden was the better option and the votors agreed. I think this country is ripe for sensible, clear headed leadership that neither Trump or Biden is capable of.
How could anybody with a brain think what Biden has wrecked in 2 years is better than what President Trump accomplished in his first 2 years?

Covid was planned as a way to cause president Trump to fail in all the ways it was detailed to happen. Start with the day before his inauguration when Dr Fauci announced that a major illness out break type of event would occur during his term.
I’ve never promoted Biden. Check my posts. I said from the beginning that the last election was basically a trash can fire. I simply thought Biden was the better option and the votors agreed. I think this country is ripe for sensible, clear headed leadership that neither Trump or Biden is capable of.
Yeah, we don't need anyone that assisted in creating the lowest unemployment levels for minorities...
We don't need anyone that helped reduce through policy changes the lowest illegal immigration levels in decades...
We don't need anybody to tell NATO countries that we protect to stand up and pair the fair share they promised years ago.
We don't need anybody to propose and pass legislation that lowers taxes and actually creates more revenue for the Feds...
We don't need anybody that supports law enforcement and the rule of law...

Now, I am going to be non sarcastic for a moment.

We don't need a fraudster that spent his whole life in politics lying to us about what some other party is going to do. Recently and repeatedly Biden said the Pubs will defund Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid... claimed the Pubs will also default on the national debt... this is the same guy that has passed 6 trillion dollars worth of debt we can't repay in a shrinking period of GDP. The "Let's go Brandon" effect is being felt now. How would you rate your guy now? Yes, you said he was the "better choice".

He never had a real job in his life but claims he did. Never owned a business that had employees with the exception a low level staff to maintain his home (s). He did have Tony Bobalinsky, a former Marine and business consultant that once asked Jim Biden after learning of the political graft the Biden's were involved in... How do you expect to get away with all of this?
Yeah, we don't need anyone that assisted in creating the lowest unemployment levels for minorities...
We don't need anyone that helped reduce through policy changes the lowest illegal immigration levels in decades...
We don't need anybody to tell NATO countries that we protect to stand up and pair the fair share they promised years ago.
We don't need anybody to propose and pass legislation that lowers taxes and actually creates more revenue for the Feds...
We don't need anybody that supports law enforcement and the rule of law...

Now, I am going to be non sarcastic for a moment.

We don't need a fraudster that spent his whole life in politics lying to us about what some other party is going to do. Recently and repeatedly Biden said the Pubs will defund Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid... claimed the Pubs will also default on the national debt... this is the same guy that has passed 6 trillion dollars worth of debt we can't repay in a shrinking period of GDP. The "Let's go Brandon" effect is being felt now. How would you rate your guy now? Yes, you said he was the "better choice".

He never had a real job in his life but claims he did. Never owned a business that had employees with the exception a low level staff to maintain his home (s). He did have Tony Bobalinsky, a former Marine and business consultant that once asked Jim Biden after learning of the political graft the Biden's were involved in... How do you expect to get away with all of this?
Hi. Well just for the fun of it. for everyone even peaple around the world if there election was a fraud. Lets just say that they found out that the election wha a fraud and they cheeted. WHAT should be done?????? WHAT would you do?????????
Hi. Well just for the fun of it. for everyone even peaple around the world if there election was a fraud. Lets just say that they found out that the election wha a fraud and they cheeted. WHAT should be done?????? WHAT would you do?????????
Hi. I guess no one wants to amswer the queston. It is the peoples JOB to make sure that we have fair elections. So again WHAT SHOULD BE DONE?????????
Hi. Well just for the fun of it. for everyone even peaple around the world if there election was a fraud. Lets just say that they found out that the election wha a fraud and they cheeted. WHAT should be done?????? WHAT would you do?????????
Hi. I guess no one wants to amswer the queston. It is the peoples JOB to make sure that we have fair elections. So again WHAT SHOULD BE DONE?????????
Hi. I guess no one wants to amswer the queston. It is the peoples JOB to make sure that we have fair elections. So again WHAT SHOULD BE DONE?????????
What can be done?

The very basic fabric of a democracy is the election process...if citizens no longer have faith or believe in the election process all we have to do is look at a few countries for an example of this-countries like Somalia, Libya, Iraq and a few other tourist destinations to know how that works.

Should another unbrokered country such as Switzerland oversee elections to make sure they are run above board and free of any doubts?