Are you ready.....

i was raised catholic...and i then (according to my parents) joined a cult. i met some folks that opened up a KJV for me and they provided thier discoverys but always challenged me to compare scripture to find fault or truth in thier discoverys. 2 timothy 2:15 study to show thyself approved, a workman who needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. yes... divide... the bible is a time line. certain parts are written to specific people and times. we are not jewish...and alot of the bible is written specificly for them. we are gentiles.. under pauline doctrine. under the dispensaton of the church the body of christ. not works but by grace. understand. 1. rapture the word does not exsist in the bible. its called the quickening. we are to meet him in the sky and then the law and works system will return with the jews as again the priest to the world. last 7 years of daniel prophicy has not happend... revelations hasnt happend yet... we the church the body of christ must no longer be here in order for the "end times" to begin. dont take my word for it... read , study, compare scripture against scripture. understand there are diffrent dispensations throughout history.. understand what program we are in now...enjoy
For you Takeuon:

Da Rulez:


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9) Discussions on subjective topics, including religion and politics, shall be in the spirit of a debate, not an argument. Participants should show respect for other's beliefs even if they do not agree with them or risk disciplinary action.
For you Takeuon:

Da Rulez:


1) Abusive and vulgar language is prohibited. Any attempt to modify the actual word or convey the meaning of such that is deemed inappropriate by the Administrators and Moderators of this board is prohibited.
2) Vulgarity is prohibited.
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9) Discussions on subjective topics, including religion and politics, shall be in the spirit of a debate, not an argument. Participants should show respect for other's beliefs even if they do not agree with them or risk disciplinary action.

Hey...have at it!

Will be interesting to see where it goes once the normal day crew gets a hold of it :whistle:
i would like to think that we could have a grown up discussion about important things like this. believe it or not someone might read something that opens thier mind to new idea. Or challenges them to open thier bible or whatever scriptures they value and read it.

scripture is like any other work of literature, it is open to interpretation. the power of scripture comes from within,how it moves you and not from the interpretation of others.
I know, seriously. Any minute now someone will post something saying "that's nothing we've been having earthquakes like this all the time". It's nothing to be alarmed about. Go back to sleep little sheep. :whistle:

Yeah, ok. I guess Israel becoming a nation again in one day was also just a coincidence. It's not part of a bigger plan. ???

“‘Who has ever seen or heard of anything as strange as this? Has a nation ever been born in a single day? Has a country ever come forth in a mere moment? But by the time Jerusalem’s birth pains begin, the baby will be born; the nation will come forth. Would I ever bring this nation to the point of birth and then not deliver it?’ asks the Lord. ‘No! I would never keep this nation from being born,’ says your God.†Isaiah 66:8-9 (NLT)

This is exactly what happened on May 14, 1948. Having been brought to the brink of extinction by the horrors of the Holocaust, facing persecution around the world, and surrounded by their enemies, the Jewish people gathered together in Israel and declared themselves a nation in a single day. The United States recognized Israel as a nation on that same day, and Israel’s victories in the wars since have solidified their place among the nations of the world.

Man, what an odd coincidence! ???

As I recall the United States became a nation on one day, July 4th, 1776...
As I recall the United States became a nation on one day, July 4th, 1776...

I wasn't talking about when we declared our independence and became a nation. I was referencing when we became a superpower which some say was in the 1890's, however I also found articles stating it wasn't until after WW2. Either way my point was we didn't become the superpower that we are today until after we acknowledged God.

I'll leave it up to the history buffs to chime in on which of the above dates it was.
As I recall the United States became a nation on one day, July 4th, 1776...

Sorry I just realized I totally missed the point you were making. In regards to us becoming a nation in one day, that is incorrect. Our nation began to be built in 1607 when thirteen British colonies were founded on our east coast.

Sorry again, I was thinking about the other thread when I read your reply. I'm at home sick today so my head is in the clouds a bit. :laugh:
Religion, like politics is a personal yet touchy subject......Let's be nice, OK!

Just remember....Love, Peace and Prayers!
Sorry I just realized I totally missed the point you were making. In regards to us becoming a nation in one day, that is incorrect. Our nation began to be built in 1607 when thirteen British colonies were founded on our east coast.

Sorry again, I was thinking about the other thread when I read your reply. I'm at home sick today so my head is in the clouds a bit. :laugh:

2 points:

1) Couldn’t you say Israel began 2000 years ago when the Jews were there and established their presence by building the temple?

2) Israel is hardly a superpower like the US and never has been so I am not sure I understand the comparison

I am not fan of Israel and they are no friend of the US. Why we back them is beyond me.
Thanks for sharing those. I have felt the rapture has been on a fast track as of recently. I have been a "Prepper" a decade before "prepping" was cool. (i.e. survivorman, man v/s wild, the colony, etc) Though one may argue that many "snapshot's in time" had similar events, since the NT was written (see cut/copy/pasted to death). Cursades, plagues, famine, etc.

I try to be a friend to all I meet. I try to keep my Karma points up. Heck, I even got two ACOG scopes that have JN3:16 stamped on em. I've even been sprinkled and dunked.

However, I still believe strongly in Dino's line of thinking. A few years worth of food and fifty years worth of ammo, LOL. Zombies beware! :moderator:


Help me out here. I am prepping because I am pretty sure I am not going to be a first round draft pick. I have given BusaPebbles instructions on what type of cloud to look for and to have beer in the fridge when I get there.

If anyone expects to be a first round draft pick why do you need to prepare? Will you not be gone?

For those of you that have prepped and now realize you will be gone let me know and I will PM you my address. Please send me your weapons. :whistle:
Careful Dino please dont distract us and the OPs thread intent...

Israel is like the hottest button you can it for another thread.
We all could go pages upon pages on that circle.

I was reading a few verses yesterday...pondering....thinking.....looking....and figured I would share is all.

Nice friendly howdy doody time OK :welcome:
Careful Dino please dont distract us and the OPs thread intent...

Israel is like the hottest button you can it for another thread.
We all could go pages upon pages on that circle.

I was reading a few verses yesterday...pondering....thinking.....looking....and figured I would share is all.

Nice friendly howdy doody time OK :welcome:

No problem. To be clear when I say Israel I am speaking of the nation. I am not talking about any followers of the Jewish faith.
2 points:

1) Couldn’t you say Israel began 2000 years ago when the Jews were there and established their presence by building the temple? No

2) Israel is hardly a superpower like the US and never has been so I am not sure I understand the comparisonI wasn't making a superpower comparison. That's why I said disregard my first post.

I am not fan of Israel and they are no friend of the US. Why we back them is beyond me.
Boy this is a whole can of worms. In short we back them because they are a democracy, but more importantly so because they are God's chosen people. We are commanded by God to bless Israel. Gen 12:3- "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." As long as we continue to back them, I believe we will always stand strong with them, if not America will be cursed.
Boy this is a whole can of worms. In short we back them because they are a democracy, but more importantly so because they are God's chosen people. We are commanded by God to bless Israel. Gen 12:3- "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." As long as we continue to back them, I believe we will always stand strong with them, if not America will be cursed.

Well Iran is also a Democracy.

Was God speaking of a people or a geographic region?

Israel also uprooted and displaced thousands of Palestinians, men women and children. Not unlike what we did to Native Americans but Israel did it only 60 years ago. So much for "God's chosen ones" acting in a moral manner.
this country industrialized in the 19th century, and although we had a substantial industrial might we were not a world power.

1. from the war of 1812 thru WWI, we tried to be relevant on a world stage. We however did not have the military might to truely matter to most of the world.

2. we did not not have a substantial, effective military until well into WWII.

3. after WWI, and prior to WWII, we stayed out of world politics and practiced "isolationism" staying out of the politics of other countries.

we were not a world power...until we freed Europe from the Nazi's.
Help me out here. I am prepping because I am pretty sure I am not going to be a first round draft pick. I have given BusaPebbles instructions on what type of cloud to look for and to have beer in the fridge when I get there.

If anyone expects to be a first round draft pick why do you need to prepare? Will you not be gone?

For those of you that have prepped and now realize you will be gone let me know and I will PM you my address. Please send me your weapons. :whistle:

Sure Dino, I would be glad to explain. I have been a "thinker" (i.e. non-believer) for most of my adult life. I have been exposed to multiple religions and various sects of Christianity over the years. Like I posted, I have been baptized early on, prior to being a "free thinker".

I see religion keeping social order among the otherwise barbaric human race. It's a necessary evil, if you will. Nothing motivates people to follow some sort of moral code than the threat of eternal damnation, :)

That is kind of a universal trend all over the globe. Different cultures, different beliefs yet they all share similar "motivational" measures. Most religions that I have studied seem to share another trait. They tend to glorify their side and villify the other side. That probably makes human barbarism a bit easier to stomach, knowing that it's ok to kill as long as they aren't like you.

Lastly, when I speak of "rapture" I may have mis-spoke. I meant that I have been feeling that (sing with me) "it the end of the world as we know it". The reason for the prepping is because I want to be able to say (continue singing) "and I feel fine....." :lol:

I try to have my bases covered for as many variables as possible. If there turns out to be something to it and I am judged, I'm hoping :please: for the springboard and not the trap-door.

Did that clear things up any Dino. I hate being misunderstood.

Well Iran is also a Democracy. Iranians are not Jewish. .

Was God speaking of a people or a geographic region? Yes God was speaking to his people not a geographic region.

Israel also uprooted and displaced thousands of Palestinians, men women and children. Not unlike what we did to Native Americans but Israel did it only 60 years ago. So much for "God's chosen ones" acting in a moral manner.
Know Steph you know there is alot more to this than the above. This is a complicated subject which is why there hasn't been any peace over there. I'm not going to even pretend to solve or undertand all of it.
this country industrialized in the 19th century, and although we had a substantial industrial might we were not a world power.

1. from the war of 1812 thru WWI, we tried to be relevant on a world stage. We however did not have the military might to truely matter to most of the world.

2. we did not not have a substantial, effective military until well into WWII.

3. after WWI, and prior to WWII, we stayed out of world politics and practiced "isolationism" staying out of the politics of other countries.

we were not a world power...until we freed Europe from the Nazi's.

Thanks for the clarification. I figured someone on the board would know the answer to that. :thumbsup:
Sure Dino, I would be glad to explain. I have been a "thinker" (i.e. non-believer) for most of my adult life. I have been exposed to multiple religions and various sects of Christianity over the years. Like I posted, I have been baptized early on, prior to being a "free thinker".

I see religion keeping social order among the otherwise barbaric human race. It's a necessary evil, if you will. Nothing motivates people to follow some sort of moral code than the threat of eternal damnation, :)

That is kind of a universal trend all over the globe. Different cultures, different beliefs yet they all share similar "motivational" measures. Most religions that I have studied seem to share another trait. They tend to glorify their side and villify the other side. That probably makes human barbarism a bit easier to stomach, knowing that it's ok to kill as long as they aren't like you.

Lastly, when I speak of "rapture" I may have mis-spoke. I meant that I have been feeling that (sing with me) "it the end of the world as we know it". The reason for the prepping is because I want to be able to say (continue singing) "and I feel fine....." :lol:

I try to have my bases covered for as many variables as possible. If there turns out to be something to it and I am judged, I'm hoping :please: for the springboard and not the trap-door.

Did that clear things up any Dino. I hate being misunderstood.


In other words he is saying, yes he'll still be here and will need to be prepared for what awaits. Good luck with that. :whistle: