Are you ready.....

In other words he is saying, yes he'll still be here and will need to be prepared for what awaits. Good luck with that. :whistle:

Are you seriously implying that only “non-believers†prep? Seriously??? (The Mormons prep, they’re Christians aren’t they?) Not preparing because one “knows†they will be “beamed up†is folly (or laziness), IMHO. I’ve never been one to put all my eggs in one basket.

I try to lead a moral and just life, though imperfect. I try and to be kind and help others to the extent possible. If judgement day comes, I WELCOME IT! (it’s not a matter of “good luckâ€). I will stack my life up against any “church-goer’s†any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Kind of like learning more from watching one’s actions, than merely listening their words.

I welcome the teachings of Jesus and his disciples (which is why I thanked Blanca Busa for posting the topic in the first place). I try to learn from all wisdom, whether it come from Jesus, Sun Tzu, or Gandhi. I don’t discriminate.

Are you seriously implying that only “non-believers†prep? Seriously??? (The Mormons prep, they’re Christians aren’t they?) Not preparing because one “knows†they will be “beamed up†is folly (or laziness), IMHO. I’ve never been one to put all my eggs in one basket.

I try to lead a moral and just life, though imperfect. I try and to be kind and help others to the extent possible. If judgement day comes, I WELCOME IT! (it’s not a matter of “good luckâ€). I will stack my life up against any “church-goer’s†any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Kind of like learning more from watching one’s actions, than merely listening their words.

I welcome the teachings of Jesus and his disciples (which is why I thanked Blanca Busa for posting the topic in the first place). I try to learn from all wisdom, whether it come from Jesus, Sun Tzu, or Gandhi. I don’t discriminate.


It's not about comparing your life to others. You sound like a great guy that is living his life in a very moral way, however good works will not get you to heaven. It's through salvation not works that you are saved. Unfortunately it has nothing to do with discrimination, but it does have to do with whether or not you are saved. It's also not "lazy" or "folly" to believe you will join the saviour in the sky. You either believe the bible is true or just another book.

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves [it is] the gift of God Not of works, lest any man should boast."
Ephesians 2:8-9

Your belief in Christ is what saves you not your works.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16
i dont want to go to heaven or hell..nope make me a ghost so a can scare the crap outta some people:laugh:
It's not about comparing your life to others. You sound like a great guy that is living his life in a very moral way, however good works will not get you to heaven. It's through salvation not works that you are saved. Unfortunately it has nothing to do with discrimination, but it does have to do with whether or not you are saved. It's also not "lazy" or "folly" to believe you will join the saviour in the sky. You either believe the bible is true or just another book.

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves [it is] the gift of God Not of works, lest any man should boast."
Ephesians 2:8-9

Your belief in Christ is what saves you not your works.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16

First let me apologize to Blanca for this thread jack.

Secondly, J, I really appreciate your words. I didn't mean to imply that belief in God is "folly". I believe exactly the opposite and would never want to live in a world that didn't have a belief in God. When "God" is pulled out, then all you have left is man's laws (that can be corrupted). That isn't good.

I'm a Boy Scout at heart, so I believe anyone who doesn't value self-sufficiency is foolish. Contingency planning is important, is it not? That's all I was saying. If the "beam out" happens great, but what's the harm in having a PLAN B if all else fails. Or, does simply having a "plan B" bar you from entering heaven?

J, you brought up something that I have always wondered. The “only way into heaven is…â€. Honestly works, don’t matter? That has always been a hang up with me. A person can be a real wife beating, stealing, crack head SOB, AND all that is OK as long as they say “BLESS ME JESUSâ€. Heaven is like that REALLY? Just click the ruby red’s together and you’re there, Hmmm.

Well if the club isn’t that exclusive, why join. It almost sounds like a discount membership to the YMCA.

I hope when I am judged I won’t be beamed up anywhere (terrified of heights, seriously!).

Just simply put on a motorcycle left to ride endless NC mountain curves on bright sunny days. That would be heaven to me.

Again, Thank You. I would love to continue the discussion. Hopefully around a crackling campfire (as long as zukracer doesn’t build it) and I’ll buy you a beer later next month.

First let me apologize to Blanca for this thread jack.

Secondly, J, I really appreciate your words. I didn't mean to imply that belief in God is "folly". I believe exactly the opposite and would never want to live in a world that didn't have a belief in God. When "God" is pulled out, then all you have left is man's laws (that can be corrupted). That isn't good.

I'm a Boy Scout at heart, so I believe anyone who doesn't value self-sufficiency is foolish. Contingency planning is important, is it not? That's all I was saying. If the "beam out" happens great, but what's the harm in having a PLAN B if all else fails. Or, does simply having a "plan B" bar you from entering heaven? Don't get me wrong, I think being prepared for emergency situations like terrorist attacks, natural disasters, bad NC ice storms, etc, is very smart. I myself am prepared for those type of instances, because only the prepared may surive. I was only referencing preparation for the end of the time. For that I don't plan to be here and trust that if God's word says we'll be with him then I don't need to plan for that. I do need to make a mental note to leave Dino my address so he can have my supplies if that takes place, since he asked first. :laugh:

J, you brought up something that I have always wondered. The “only way into heaven is…”. Honestly works, don’t matter? That has always been a hang up with me. A person can be a real wife beating, stealing, crack head SOB, AND all that is OK as long as they say “BLESS ME JESUS”. Heaven is like that REALLY? Just click the ruby red’s together and you’re there, Hmmm. You bring up a valid question that I myself have wondered about. Personally I believe that when you invite Christ into your heart and accept him as your personal savior he begins to change you. Most people that have accepted Christ in their lives will often repeat the above, however does it mean that everyone will? I don't know for certain. Personally I think that people who are still involved with some of the above items you mentioned may not really be saved. They only went through "religious motions" rather than truly believing in Christ. I was raised in church all my life and would have classified myself as a Christian, however I couldn't have been more lost. It wasn't until I really invited Christ into my life that I began to see my life change.

Well if the club isn’t that exclusive, why join. It almost sounds like a discount membership to the YMCA.

I hope when I am judged I won’t be beamed up anywhere (terrified of heights, seriously!). It's funny you say that, I thought about this same thing one day, but I figure I'll be so overwelmed by what's going on that hopefully I want care. :laugh:

Just simply put on a motorcycle left to ride endless NC mountain curves on bright sunny days. That would be heaven to me. The Blue Ridge Pkwy is pretty awesome. We'll have to meet up sometime for a ride up that way.

Again, Thank You. I would love to continue the discussion. Hopefully around a crackling campfire (as long as zukracer doesn’t build it) and I’ll buy you a beer later next month. Sounds good.


Have a good night. :beerchug:
Jesus sees and knows a person's heart, and forgives ONLY those who truly repent, are truly sorry, and want to be forgiven, AND belive in him. As he forgave one of the two men crucified along side him, the one who belived and only ask to be remembered, not pardoned.
I am a Catholic, and am not offended by other's opinions. I also agree that the church is too political, and I totally disagree with priests getting away with such unspeakable things. I feel sorry for all those that have been harmed by it. But fortunately I was raised to belive in GOD and Faith, not to simply go through the motions of following a religeon. My mom is Catholic, and my dad and wife are Methodists, we all worship the same GOD, doesn't matter.
Personally, I wouldn't be suprised if Jesus returns in my lifetime, for many reasons. If any of this offends someone, so be it, most folks are offended by something. Jesus is an offensive subject to some, to me thats sad, but if he is, these posts aren't for you(or maybe they are) I am not preaching, or pointing fingers, just commenting on a posted conversation that I liked reading. It's rare I comment on anything non bike related, but Blanca and Jman, I share your beliefs and liked your comments. You can't argue belifes/religeon. Jesus is GOD, for those who disagree, that is your right. I do not judge or condem anyone. No one will ever change my mind, nor would I ever push my belife on someone who doesn't want to hear it. I am all for a friendly conversation, even one of disagreement. I Just liked the post, thought I'de comment. Just my two cents.
i believe in god not religion nor books, your body is the temple and from where u cominicate with your GOD. just my 2ct,
we can't get a chain mail right from person to person in a matter of days, how does one trust the contents of books that have ben translated and writen for over 2k years or so, who decided what stays and what doesn't :whistle::whistle:
i rather read cat in the hat for that matter and ... nevermind
i believe in god not religion nor books, your body is the temple and from where u cominicate with your GOD. just my 2ct,
we can't get a chain mail right from person to person in a matter of days, how does one trust the contents of books that have ben translated and writen for over 2k years or so, who decided what stays and what doesn't :whistle::whistle:
i rather read cat in the hat for that matter and ... nevermind

I'm pretty sure if you write something down and pass it along to everyone in the room everyone will read the same message. It's not the same thing as the ice breaker commonly used where you whisper something in someone's ear and then when it gets to the last person in the room it's different.

Many skeptics believe that the Bible has been drastically changed over the centuries. In reality, the Bible has been translated into a number of different languages (first Latin, then English and other languages, see History of the Bible). However, the ancient manuscripts (written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek) have been reliably copied over the centuries - with very few alterations.

Old Testament- How do we know the Bible has been kept in tact for over 2,000 years of copying? Before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, our earliest Hebrew copy of the Old Testament was the Masoretic text, dating around 800 A.D. The Dead Sea Scrolls date to the time of Jesus and were copied by the Qumran community, a Jewish sect living around the Dead Sea. We also have the Septuagint which is a Greek translation of the Old Testament dating in the second century B.C. When we compare these texts which have an 800-1000 years gap between them we are amazed that 95% of the texts are identical with only minor variations and a few discrepancies.

New Testament- There are tens of thousands of manuscripts from the New Testament, in part or in whole, dating from the second century A.D. to the late fifteenth century, when the printing press was invented. These manuscripts have been found in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Greece, and Italy, making collusion unlikely. The oldest manuscript, the John Rylands manuscript, has been dated to 125 A.D. and was found in Egypt, some distance from where the New Testament was originally composed in Asia Minor. Many early Christian papyri, discovered in 1935, have been dated to 150 A.D., and include the four gospels. The Papyrus Bodmer II, discovered in 1956, has been dated to 200 A.D., and contains 14 chapters and portions of the last seven chapters of the gospel of John. The Chester Beatty biblical papyri, discovered in 1931, has been dated to 200-250 A.D. and contains the Gospels, Acts, Paul's Epistles, and Revelation. The number of manuscripts is extensive compared to other ancient historical writings, such as Caesar's "Gallic Wars" (10 Greek manuscripts, the earliest 950 years after the original), the "Annals" of Tacitus (2 manuscripts, the earliest 950 years after the original), Livy (20 manuscripts, the earliest 350 years after the original), and Plato (7 manuscripts).

Conclusion- With all of the massive manuscript evidence you would think there would be massive discrepancies - just the opposite is true. New Testament manuscripts agree in 99.5% (5) of the text (compared to only 95% for the Iliad). Most of the discrepancies are in spelling and word order. A few words have been changed or added. There are two passages that are disputed but no discrepancy is of any doctrinal significance (i.e., none would alter basic Christian doctrine). Most Bibles include the options as footnotes when there are discrepancies. How could there be such accuracy over a period of 1,400 years of copying? Two reasons: The scribes that did the copying had meticulous methods for checking their copies for errors. 2) The Holy Spirit made sure we would have an accurate copy of God's word so we would not be deceived. The Mormons, theological liberals as well as other cults and false religions such as Islam that claim the Bible has been tampered with are completely proven false by the extensive, historical manuscript evidence.
I'm pretty sure if you write something down and pass it along to everyone in the room everyone will read the same message. It's not the same thing as the ice breaker commonly used where you whisper something in someone's ear and then when it gets to the last person in the room it's different.

Many skeptics believe that the Bible has been drastically changed over the centuries. In reality, the Bible has been translated into a number of different languages (first Latin, then English and other languages, see History of the Bible). However, the ancient manuscripts (written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek) have been reliably copied over the centuries - with very few alterations.

Old Testament- How do we know the Bible has been kept in tact for over 2,000 years of copying? Before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, our earliest Hebrew copy of the Old Testament was the Masoretic text, dating around 800 A.D. The Dead Sea Scrolls date to the time of Jesus and were copied by the Qumran community, a Jewish sect living around the Dead Sea. We also have the Septuagint which is a Greek translation of the Old Testament dating in the second century B.C. When we compare these texts which have an 800-1000 years gap between them we are amazed that 95% of the texts are identical with only minor variations and a few discrepancies.

New Testament- There are tens of thousands of manuscripts from the New Testament, in part or in whole, dating from the second century A.D. to the late fifteenth century, when the printing press was invented. These manuscripts have been found in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Greece, and Italy, making collusion unlikely. The oldest manuscript, the John Rylands manuscript, has been dated to 125 A.D. and was found in Egypt, some distance from where the New Testament was originally composed in Asia Minor. Many early Christian papyri, discovered in 1935, have been dated to 150 A.D., and include the four gospels. The Papyrus Bodmer II, discovered in 1956, has been dated to 200 A.D., and contains 14 chapters and portions of the last seven chapters of the gospel of John. The Chester Beatty biblical papyri, discovered in 1931, has been dated to 200-250 A.D. and contains the Gospels, Acts, Paul's Epistles, and Revelation. The number of manuscripts is extensive compared to other ancient historical writings, such as Caesar's "Gallic Wars" (10 Greek manuscripts, the earliest 950 years after the original), the "Annals" of Tacitus (2 manuscripts, the earliest 950 years after the original), Livy (20 manuscripts, the earliest 350 years after the original), and Plato (7 manuscripts).

And beings how the printing press is a little over 130, 140 years or so, and all those hand copys and different languages. It is statistically impossible for the Bible to be unchanged...yet it is. God has his ways to pull things off, belive it or not. Seems if man can't understand it, it must not be true:laugh::beerchug:
J'man, glad to see you're in the minority who understand this, good write up.
And beings how the printing press is a little over 130, 140 years or so, and all those hand copys and different languages. It is statistically impossible for the Bible to be unchanged...yet it is. God has his ways to pull things off, belive it or not. Seems if man can't understand it, it must not be true:laugh::beerchug:
J'man, glad to see you're in the minority who understand this, good write up.

I know my years are a little off, I'm talkin about Gutenberg's more modern press too...I know it doesn't matter anyway, my brain's tired.
I simply believe in a God.
Could very well be the same one you worship.
We all have faith in one way or another.
Whether you go to church regularly or just look up occasionally to ask for help it doesnt matter.

From the looks of it your gonna be asking him why you drank so much and also to help the room from spinning....:laugh:

Mattstang I was a drug addict in the worst way growing up.
Taking $ from folks and never coming back with their herb...just Cya !
Would walk into friends homes and take something to go pawn for more drugs.
Got so hooked on pills at 13 that I treid to break into the neighbors house to steal of all things a gun !
Was so high I had no clue, tried to get into their house from the door on back of chimney you use to clean the ashes out.
As if you could not leave better clues.
Ashes all over my hands and feet.
Perfect prints , fingers and feet all over.

These were folks whose daughters ahd raised me and dated my older brother.

It is the sinlge most worst thing I have ever done !
Destroyed my familes rep in the eyes of all.

I spent 60 days in Juve right next to hardcore adlut criminals.
While there I me a man who had been convicted of murder in the 60s.
Been there for 30 yrs already or something.
He showed me some things that I still carry today.
It is the light I live by.

Glad to hear that you got everything straightend out.:thumbsup:
Jman did you write that or copy and paste from elsewhere ?
Either way good stuff all the way up till the last line.
While Islam may think the bible has lost some in translation it is not a false religion.
Rather just an alternate one .
macon454 growing up in Nashville in the 70s drugs were the thing .
Along with an older brother whose best friends father owned a chain of pharmacies it was too easy!
I fell into the wrong crowd and did the wrong things.
I now only hope I can from exp tell my kids it ain't the way.

Neither of my parents had any exp and only just said don't do it or else !
i like how everyone thinks their religion is the right one. no matter what youll be leaving behind most of the world if you go to whatever you think is after life.

i think if all it takes is for me to love jesus to go there id rather not. ill stick around with all the logical people of the world and live in whatevers left.:beerchug:
Fair warning to anyone within ten feet of Mattstang......please back up cuz lightnening bolts are en route !!

Just kidding.
Your beliefs are fine and will never be questioned.

Just remember when you are ready :

"To be HeaeeeeeeeeeeeLed in the name of the LorrrrrrrrrrD JeeeeeeeeeeeSus Christ" let me know !

Anyone remember that guy the Reverend Ernest Angley ?

"Demons Out" and the folks would fall over .
Jman did you write that or copy and paste from elsewhere ?
Either way good stuff all the way up till the last line.
While Islam may think the bible has lost some in translation it is not a false religion.
Rather just an alternate one .

Sorry I could've referenced where the information was pulled, my bad. :thumbsup:

Is Our Copy of the Bible a Reliable Copy of the Original?

Honestly, I'm not trying to slam any other religions, however you can't serve two masters. While I understand you're trying to be respectful to other religions to say Islam's not false (which implies it's true) would make Christianity untrue. They can't both be right, just as Muslims do not believe in Christianity. It's a nice thought, but it's not logically possible. That's like telling someone their bowl of soup is chicken noodle when it's really tomato. Just because you say it could be either doesn't make it so. :thumbsup:
i like how everyone thinks their religion is the right one. no matter what youll be leaving behind most of the world if you go to whatever you think is after life.

i think if all it takes is for me to love jesus to go there id rather not. ill stick around with all the logical people of the world and live in whatevers left.:beerchug:

That's the great thing about freedom. Your free to choose or not choose to believe whatever you like. Just like everything else in life though you will have to deal with the consequences of your choices. If you find it more logical to believe you have no purpose and all this happened by chance then that's your choice, but personally for me I find that less logical.