Are you ready.....

I single the Catholic Church out because I was raised a Catholic, I went to a Catholic School. My hatred of them is based on the politics, and my first hand knowledge of the ugly side of the church.

My best friend was sexually abused as a child, by a priest. now I am not saying all priests are like this. My problem is in how the church dealt with the situation. My friend was ostricized by our church, the priests and most of the congregation. The pedophile was transfered to another church, and they fought the allegations for many years......

until Halloween 1988, my friend committed suicide.

that was the day I left the church, I will return when the Pope and the Vatican stop protecting pedophile priests, and strt helping the victims of these evil men.

i do not tell you this to start an argument, i am not accusing your priest or church of anything. I am just trying to explain my position, and feelings based on my experiences.

That sucks man. It affects me deeply that such crap happened.
Afterhours that is one thing that bugs me too.
Does seem like they do protect and relocate them.
You'll get no arguements from me.

About your friend I am truly sorry.

+1...and as I posted in the other thread that priest will have to answer to what he's done when he stands before God one day. It ain't going to be pretty.
Thanks for sharing those. I have felt the rapture has been on a fast track as of recently. I have been a "Prepper" a decade before "prepping" was cool. (i.e. survivorman, man v/s wild, the colony, etc) Though one may argue that many "snapshot's in time" had similar events, since the NT was written (see cut/copy/pasted to death). Cursades, plagues, famine, etc.

I try to be a friend to all I meet. I try to keep my Karma points up. Heck, I even got two ACOG scopes that have JN3:16 stamped on em. I've even been sprinkled and dunked.

However, I still believe strongly in Dino's line of thinking. A few years worth of food and fifty years worth of ammo, LOL. Zombies beware! :moderator:

I got my .45 close by ,even 1200 rounds of .223 and my ar 15..... just in case those Zombies are close by!:firing::firing::punch::moderator:
but the simple fact saiid is youre god isnt my god. i dont believe in god. and wont. i dont make threads about my belifs or feel the need too..

btw my illetaracy speaks volumes on how intoxicated i am right now.

i dont believe any figure could create such a flawed system and then judge me upon my decisions. its all a work my friend. the way i feel anyway. religion was a well propositioned law when lawlessnes was rampant. then in a modern society disobeyence of said religion isnt punishable for the simple fact we have laws....

thats why i usually dont state my opinion on religion is, if it makes you feel better about how and why youre livining who am i to judge..

ive probably lived a lifestyle most cant imagine esp for my lack of years. i turned 25 this year and if my son had to exp half of what i have it will be because of my failure as a parent not god. god has never done a single thing to make my life easier. im a psychopath and its not the liquor talking..... how can such a brilliant system create such flawed individuals......
I simply believe in a God.
Could very well be the same one you worship.
We all have faith in one way or another.
Whether you go to church regularly or just look up occasionally to ask for help it doesnt matter.

From the looks of it your gonna be asking him why you drank so much and also to help the room from spinning....:laugh:

Mattstang I was a drug addict in the worst way growing up.
Taking $ from folks and never coming back with their herb...just Cya !
Would walk into friends homes and take something to go pawn for more drugs.
Got so hooked on pills at 13 that I treid to break into the neighbors house to steal of all things a gun !
Was so high I had no clue, tried to get into their house from the door on back of chimney you use to clean the ashes out.
As if you could not leave better clues.
Ashes all over my hands and feet.
Perfect prints , fingers and feet all over.

These were folks whose daughters ahd raised me and dated my older brother.

It is the sinlge most worst thing I have ever done !
Destroyed my familes rep in the eyes of all.

I spent 60 days in Juve right next to hardcore adlut criminals.
While there I me a man who had been convicted of murder in the 60s.
Been there for 30 yrs already or something.
He showed me some things that I still carry today.
It is the light I live by.
sorry bro. i stopped asking god why a long time ago, and stopped believing around the same time. there isnt a character looking down judging me or you no more than the owner of the place that allows me to be the way i am.

i just ask how can a being, whatever you wish to call it him. or her. create such a flawed scheme. its the most horrendous attrocities that get carried out in life over religion. how can such a being allow his son to be murdered to create a burden for thousands of years? how can such an allmighty see'r allow atrocities be carried out becuase of jihads, or simple superiority complexes,

how can such a being let things like the holocaust and slavery be existent when they have and all seeing eye.

how can such a being let us suffer and squander into oblivion just to teach a lesson we wont be around to observe....

personally saiid, i hate, and i mean in every sense hate religion.
All things will be revelealed to you upon your passing and rising.

Take it easy , sober up.
well talk more tomorrow.

Could be when we pass you will board the Jefferson Starship...
nobody knows..
All things will be revelealed to you upon your passing and rising.

Take it easy , sober up.
well talk more tomorrow.

thats the thing about it though bro. i typed the same basic message about 10x sober and couldnt click send for the simple fact it would bring me to your level of im right and youre wrong, when basically we're all talking about ficton.
I thought we can talk religion as long as we dont trash it or let it become a war against religions.
As long as we dont get into an arguement as to whether which one is right or insult those who choose their owns thoughts we should be ok ?

Mattstang has every right to feel the way he does.
If I had proof of everlasting life he may believe but that is why they call it faith and not science.
You cant make one believe something you cannot prove ?

Some chose to believe some dont.
I have no probs with any one or any religion..

Were just ...:whistle: at 1:18 am in this fine blessed given to us by God morning....:laugh:
thats more than 3 words !

After you say OMG.

Then come curse words and honey quick open the safe....:laugh: