Unfortunately, we must each assume that all businesses are interested in nothing more than the pursuit of the dollar. All other activities of the business, no matter how well intentioned, are usually there only to support the continue collection of your money. If they make a mistake in their favor or can in any other way "sneak" money from you to them, they'll do it.
Just look at our traffic ticket system. I've read reports that only 10% of the population is even aware that they can contest a ticket or plead guilty w/explanation for reduced penalties/fines. The goverment is just fine with this and does little, if anything, to change the public awareness.
Another great example is our thousands pages long tax code, used to hide the breaks that most normal folk, whom could USE these breaks, will never be able to take advantage of simply b/c we can't FIND them and/or are not aware of them in the first place and/or don't know how to use them once we do find them.
Our government is teaching industry how to cheat citizens and industry has learned the lesson well.
Trust no one!
Again, most humans are mean and stupid.
Sad but true.
Watch your back but don't forget about the villain right in front of you.