(Wag @ Aug. 04 2007,15:59)
(dmrowe @ Aug. 03 2007,13:49) No, I bought it directly from Sidewinder at their website.  We had gotten into a discussion in another thread regarding lubes and I had just bought 4 cans of their SS-51.  This stuff is not cheap, single cans go for $15.99 each.  The (4) pack was $12.99 ea.  Check out their website,

Sidewinder SS-51

While you are there check out their new "smart" chain that is suppose to make all other chains obsolete.
Can't thank you enough, man.  That Sidewinder is a great product.  Have to get some more soon.

Does not sling at all like the Maxima did.  Also, doesn't collect grit and crap on the chain like the Maxima and much easier to clean the chain.

Can't recommend them enough.

You are welcome. The subject of chain lube tends to get emotional for some people (especially those that love WD40). I think that I have at least 3 cans of PJ1 and 1 can of Chain Wax in the garage that I will wind up giving away because I will not use anything but SS-51 going forward. It does not attract grit or dust and no fling so my beautiful BST rear wheel is absolutely clean!
I want to learn more about their 'smart' chain, sounds interesting.