This is whats left after I bought 6 baby chicks, one died over night since it decided to snow and the next night a raccoon got after them and pulled one out and bit the toes off the other one so now I am down to 4.
but I still have my Turkey Sam
cant wait till it gets bigger and I can see if it's male or female. Guess I'll be going to town to get a few more chicks to get the numbers bcak up. I set a rat trap under their hutch last night and it did get set off and moved to the other end of the pen, so that coon got snapped for sure Hope it dont come back for awhile, the next step is put my dog in the chicken coop to protect them. But thats a gamble in itself. She might dig her way out and make a nice big hole for other critters to get in, KC dont like being caged in at all, she constantly escapes her kennel when I lock her up :x