bikes and drunk chicks dont mix!!!!

(ozzy04 @ Jun. 25 2007,09:18)
(frisbee @ Jun. 25 2007,03:09) The dude was a douche bag for taking a drunk girl for a ride and pulling a wheelie . Glad you straigthened him out . Hope your girl is better and learned something.
i totally agree with ya bro!!! and with that bein said, i believe that is primarilly the reason i lost my cool and landed one to the mouth. in all honesty, i would expect the same to happen to me if i were the one that threw some chick off the back of the bike doin something stupid.

the whole thing could have obviously been handled better and i def let my emotions get the best of me in this case. i know i shouldnt have rocked the dude in the grill but to an extent, i dont feel bad at all for doin it. maybe it knocked some sense into his stupid azz.........
Hopefully the break up gives her a reality check and she changes her was. Might have saved her life.
Hope it all works out for you Ozzy, we'll have to hook up at quaker one night
this is a dialogue from one of thescary movie"run bitch ruuuuunn"
well if uve done splitville you have a brain in that socket bro otherwise you will see that thing in that head disappear bit by bit over the years and fast. i have an alcoholic brother in law. the word STUPID doesnt even begin to explain his brain.
(YH2K @ Jun. 25 2007,13:13) Ozzy, I had fun reading all of this!

Reminds me of when I met my wife out in Texas.

Drinking, fights, .45 autos discharged indoors, .223s regularly discharged through doors, irrational addictions to small shiny objects, angry spouses, car doors ripped off, addiction(s) to porn,  dead cats in our freezer, you name it, I helped her work through it but it was never easy and there were times that I thought I would give up on her, just too far gone it seemed!

Today, I am much better off for her efforts and I stand before all, a changed, saner man (although I still like shootin guns in the house)!

Hope all else is well with ya bro!
And for the real story contact me via PM

Ozzy you did the right thing. Who knows, maybe she will grow up in a few years and y'all can start over.
Sorry guys, but I will be performing Terry Frisk at all future meetings between us.
Ozzy, you are way more mature than the other 20-ish year olds out there. You'll find someone that has your same values, I'm sure. May just take some time.

I'm glad you got her away from you, sounds like drama that you don't need.