Children & keeping it clean...


Donating Member
I've seen numerous posts/comments about keeping it clean here on the site due to "children" and to simply keep it tasteful and I'm in agreement with that. This is not the place to get your internet jollies folks.

But, I've seen where posts are being criticized for something you would see in the swimwear section of a JC Penny catalogue or on a billboard riding down the street. If I had to guess I would say the avg. age here is in the low mid 30s. I think there was a poll once.

I don't have the years on here like other members here, but I have never seen one person identified as a "child", although some may act that way (j/k). Are there actually 10-15 year olds on here?
Some folks sit with their kids and post.
We want it..."work safe".
Youngest member...I think he's 14 or 15...from England.

answer yer questions?

Hell, a 14-15 year old in England is slammin' down the pints Rub.

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My wife is on here..

My sons ranging from 8 to 14 look over her shoulder often or are at least in view of the screen.

People often access the org from work. some work places monitor the traffic going back and forth..

And while Pornography is legal. It is against most companies policies.

And if someone were to open a thread and view it on a company computer and it contained anything classified as even soft porn, it could be grounds for a persons termination.

And even women in bathing suits could be the catalyst for a sexual harassment suite against a company.

Are these examples extreme? Yes.  Are there possible scenarios? Yes.

I am not even sure why this comes up as a debate or question every few months.

It is a motorcycle board. What is wrong with leaving it as one? Why do humans need to corrupt every single thing they can get their hands on.

And this does not even take into consideration adults who try to avoid that kind of stuff for their own personal reasons (temptation, etc)

I am by no means perfect. But it is nice to know for me I have a place to go that has not been corrupted yet.

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Got a 3 yr old girl that sits with me and looks at all the "sweet bikes"(her words) and I dont want her to see stuff like that. Besides, where does it stop. Chick in a thong one day and the next day its a chick in the nude.

I come to this site and no others because if God was sitting next to me, I wouldn't have to hide some of the posts because they have scantilly clad women in them. Not criticizing those who want to put a couple pics of themself or of their significant other on here, glad they are proud to show off what they have. Just my .02
I knew someone would eventually miss the fact in my original post that I stated I completely agree with keeping it clean and tasteful here on the org.  "Work safe" as it was stated.

I was just curious as to how many "children" were actually privvy to this site because I had never seen a post or comment from someone possibly being 10-15 years old.

Although, we don't condone cursing on these boards many (including mods) have entered (although rarely) words that pertain to them like fugg, shidd, @ss, piss, screw you, etc.

I wonder how many people who are critical of questionable pics here on the site have a catalogue from Victoria's Secret or a swimwear catalogue from Venus laying in around in there house somewhere.


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its the internet, anyone could be lurking on here, thats why its kept the way it is, as far as the profanity goes, i am guilty of it too, but like i said, its the internet.

I knew someone would eventually miss the fact in my original post that I stated I completely agree with keeping it clean and tasteful here on the org.  "Work safe" as it was stated.

I was just curious as to how many "children" were actually privvy to this site because I had never seen a post or comment from someone possibly being 10-15 years old.

Although, we don't condone cursing on these boards many (including mods) have entered (although rarely) words that pertain to them like fugg, shidd, @ss, piss, screw you, etc.

I wonder how many people who are critical of questionable pics here on the site have a catalogue from Victoria's Secret or a swimwear catalogue from Venus laying in around in there house somewhere.

I can let my 3 yr old type if ya want, but it would look like lahsfoffhfpodh.
Which translates to: Wow, thats a sweet bike. Or when she sees the TURD 13.5 she says "That's a sissy bike" Not making this up. Actual words she uses. Makes daddy proud
Okay. As far as kids being on board as members......... I'd say there are few, if non.

People need to bear in mind the members...... (including my self)..... here allow their kids to read and looked through the post on this board knowing that they will not come across indecent pictures.

If people  really want to look at that sort of stuff.  It is quite easy  accessible anywhere else on the intranet..

And I really don't see why it should be on this board in the frist place anyway..

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I agree, keeping this site clean and tasteful allows members to access it from anywhere to include work. I haven't been a member long but I enjoy this site tremendously and look forward to logging on, learning new things, and interacting with members. I don't come here to see T&A stuffed in my face, if I wanted that I could go elsewhere...
Heck, BBK, let her type a word or two for fun. We could start a new "children's board" and let people interpret what caption the kids were likely posting regarding the given photos.
Heck, BBK, let her type a word or two for fun.  We could start a new "children's board" and let people interpret what caption the kids were likely posting regarding the given photos.
What would be funny is if we let kids type in jiberish and other kids look at their posts and start cracking up because they can understand what they wrote.


I think I'll start a little poll in random.
Do we need to use words like fug,bastid,etc.

I personally invented most of the swearing slang words used on the boards,but I'll admit I dont use them much anymore,I think it got overkilled,now I find its use by the general membership sorta boring.

I got bored with words like Post Ho as well,and post ho'ing in general.

One poll coming up.

Well I don't want it to get to the point where we can't even state, "Oh, fiddly stix!"

Are we gonna have a poll for words like hell, T&A, SOB, crap, etc.? Let's keep it clean but lets not turn into the FCC/Barny coalition. Last I checked this site was called intended for those who own a Busa, looking to buy a Busa, or curious to find out tips and DIY projects, etc. I believe there is a middle ground here.

Well, Rub, let's see what the poll results are for the words you provide.
my .02- this is a public place n to each his own, but i think we all understand majority rules in things like what is considered 'acceptable' conduct. I threw up a post with similar ques bcuz i didn't know wat to expect. Thanx to all u members for your feedback to my pix n i have to agree-keepn the site "work safe" makes for better experience for every1, n ultimately improves 'outsiders' view as to what kind of site this is.

i have 10yr old daughter n 4yr old boy-Cheyenne likes Harleys (i know, i'm a failure!) but she likes how my busa sounds...Scotty Jr. watches MotoGP with me non-stop sundays n has seen Biker Boys n Torque like fifty times-prefers them to SpongeBob(yay 4 me!)

parents have their own ideas of how to raise their kids- And none of us have a right to infringe on any1 else's views (especially in a setting like this) the pix i had postd previously that i can c may cause sum discomfort 4 others have been edited. thanx for input Rubb.
Well I don't want it to get to the point where we can't even state, "Oh, fiddly stix!"

Are we gonna have a poll for words like hell, T&A, SOB, crap, etc.?  Let's keep it clean but lets not turn into the FCC/Barny coalition.  Last I checked this site was called intended for those who own a Busa, looking to buy a Busa, or curious to find out tips and DIY projects, etc.  I believe there is a middle ground here.  

Well, Rub, let's see what the poll results are for the words you provide.
Hopefully,no body gets stupid over this.

Its just a topic for discussion. hint hint.

I think a great site stems from the top. And at the top of this heap is a pretty cool guy. People have come on here over the years and wondered why they just can't do anything they want,and who gets to make up the rules.

I remember one guy who got on the site a couple of years ago,he seemed bewildered why he couldn't use this site as his own personal gay rights platform.

Revlis and I went toe-toe over that topic. Rev was pro I wanted to toss the dude. A line must be drawn somewhere.

The first thing weirdo's usually try and use to defend themselves with is this is the internet,and why don't they have freedom of speech?

You don't have freedom of speech because this is a PRIVATELY OWNED website. Its a vehicle for sharing views and ideas that the governing body chooses to allow. In this case,this site has a very pro-active owner,and that owner also has volunteers to help him provide the type of web site that he wants to have. This is actually about as far from free speech and democracy as it gets. Sure,anybody on the site is welcome to put forth ideas,but those ideas have to pass thru some type of management or leadership.

All in all....I personally feel the site is awesome.

Just kicking idea's around... thanks for the view points so far.

I hope my name is safe
I must say a girl in a thong or a halter top or less for that matter doesn't bother me at all. Really when i think of a Hayabusa i really don't associate kids with it, i have seen more girls in thongs on them than kids. But with that said. I have found this to be an awesome site full of great people. So whatever works for everyone. Please let me keep my mofuggahere.
I like the fact the the site is supposed to be "clean" because i have 2 small girls that will look over my shoulder at times... they both know how to read so even that is an issue. I dont have to worry for the most part about pulling up a thread with naked women and the like although some members avatars are a bit "over the line" IMO but its not my place to police that. I think the mod's do a great job on this site... no place is obviously 100% safe but the work that is done here keeps me from having to worry about it...