Children & keeping it clean...

 You don't have freedom of speech because this is a PRIVATELY OWNED website. Its a vehicle for sharing views and ideas that the governing body chooses to allow. In this case,this site has a very pro-active owner,and that owner also has volunteers to help him provide the type of web site that he wants to have. This is actually about as far from free speech and democracy as it gets. Sure,anybody on the site is welcome to put forth ideas,but those ideas have to pass thru some type of management or leadership.

All in all....I personally feel the site is awesome.

Just kicking idea's around...  thanks for the view points so far.

Thank you what I have been feeling all along. Until I pay for the server and bear all responsibilities for the server, I am here for the ride. Which so far has been a great one. I really enjoy the site and the people who post and monitor. But until I own it I don;t make the rules noone smokes in my truck because it is my truck end of story If you don't find that agreeable no problem don't get in my truck then.
Perhaps I dont visit enuf...but I have never seen anything even remotely "questionable"...especially outside of any thread clearly labled accordingly...which is the key. If you don't want your children watching a certain TV channel..then you don't turn it on...conversly, a properly labeld thread in the appropriate forum should not be read in their presence.
Be mindful of where you click and enjoy the threads accordingly.

I for one would NOT appreciate a "children's board" type forum category, in the same respect as others would not appreciate one about my wife's barbie collection stored in the garage next to my Busa.
You can't set restrictions for some topics (excluding the obvious porn and vulgarites) while giving card blanche to those that also offer equally useless Hayabusa related material.
Or maybe you can? It would certainly make this forum about as right wing as you can get.

if you want to open a thread in the "random thoughts" category...then kewl..more power to you..... perhaps that is what was meant, it just didn't "read" that way.

BTW....BBK...if "god" was sitting next to you, A) and he saw a thread with a thong in it, he'd prolly say "yeah, I did that!" and B) you have way more issues with "why" he was there in the first place.

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For me it's not even about children or women on the site. When I want to look at porn, I go look at porn. When I want to talk about bikes ('busa's) I come to this site. For me, I don't need to mix the two. Just my $.00000002!!!!
I come to this site and no others because if God was sitting next to me, I wouldn't have to hide some of the posts because they have scantilly clad women in them.[/QUOTE]

Help is available, where do you normal hide the pictures
BTW....BBK...if "god" was sitting next to you, A) and he saw a thread with a thong in it, he'd prolly say "yeah, I did that!"  and B) you have way more issues with "why" he was there in the first place.
A) I doubt it B) Not gonna get in a religious debate about my faith and why i believe that God is always sitting beside me. Bottom line is, I don't want to see it and I don't want my daughter to see it.
BTW....BBK...if "god" was sitting next to you, A) and he saw a thread with a thong in it, he'd prolly say "yeah, I did that!"  and B) you have way more issues with "why" he was there in the first place.
A) I doubt it B) Not gonna get in a religious debate about my faith and why i believe that God is always sitting beside me.  Bottom line is, I don't want to see it and I don't want my daughter to see it.
great, now we're jumping from discussion of nekkid girls/profanity to religion. was afraid sum1 wud bring this up. next comes politix people...pleeeeeez, lets NOT go there! Two i've learned are far too delicate to discuss in public forums r rite here in front of me again! Let's not get too off topic k folks? this is not nor ever was about religion or political agendas. Stay focused.
BTW....BBK...if "god" was sitting next to you, A) and he saw a thread with a thong in it, he'd prolly say "yeah, I did that!"  and B) you have way more issues with "why" he was there in the first place.
A) I doubt it B) Not gonna get in a religious debate about my faith and why i believe that God is always sitting beside me.  Bottom line is, I don't want to see it and I don't want my daughter to see it.
great, now we're jumping from discussion of nekkid girls/profanity to religion. was afraid sum1 wud bring this up. next comes politix people...pleeeeeez, lets NOT go there!  Two i've learned are far too delicate to discuss in public forums r rite here in front of me again! Let's not get too off topic k folks? this is not nor ever was about religion or political agendas. Stay focused.
Well if president Bush was here he would..... oh never mind.....

im 14
jks site
im against keepin it clean anyone from 11< has seen all this stuff before.

anyone who says keep it clean clearly is one of those people who doesnt remeber their childhood and says
"back in my day"

i figure i get a busa bout 24 when i got a bit of experience on smaller bikes, btw

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Well 14 that say’s it all there, I'm for keeping it clean and using your mind to express your opinions in a manor which will be need in life. You can not be trash talking in the business world, or you may just end up on the street.
Being from England what you’re exposed to is much more than in the US. I do remember my childhood and at 14 I was not on the internet or playing PS2, they simple didn’t exist yet. As for my 13 year old son, he is exposed to bad language and talk at school but his interaction with adults on the internet doesn’t happen.
Some days my 8 year old sits with me and try’s to look over my shoulder as I post and by the site being clean for the most part I don’t worry about things.

Go ManU!
You can not be trash talking in the business world, or you may just end up on the street.[/QUOTE]

Come on give the kid a break, is this the way this board treats kids, put them down, shatter there dreams ?
perhaps we should change the boards title to "Hayabigot".

ps. "trash talking", what does this mean in English ?
You can not be trash talking in the business world, or you may just end up on the street.

ps. "trash talking", what does this mean in English ?[/QUOTE]
trash talking=saying rude/hurtful comments that have the sole purpose of making the target of the comments feel like an idiot. hope thats clear enuf...most of us 'across the pond' use it in sports and everyday life bcuz, well, itz funny sumtimes n usually we arent really tryn to make the target feel all that bad-just mess with their head. but there's always exceptions.
trash talking=saying rude/hurtful comments that have the sole purpose of making the target of the comments feel like an idiot.[/QUOTE]

Thanks Scott for the translation, perhaps I was a little hard on you 'Good old boys from across the pond'  
but I sometimes have a problem with your humour as there is no eye contact over the web.  

Here is a translation of (mess with their heads) into colloquial English, its (taking the piss).
I do not want to be an exception on the board, but find it hard to believe some of the guys political and religious beliefs in this day and age. Still I say each to his own, you all ride safe and may your God go with you.  
Believe it or not, I'm fine with how this site is now, but just a few points here and there.  

1.  If the kid is 14/15 from England he sees way more risque stuff on public TV or in the newspaper then what is allowed on here.  In England nudity isnt a big deal.  Page 3 of some of the papers over there have topless women along with every comedy show on tv.  

2. You can't go anywhere without seeing scantily clad women. They're everywhere.  Shoot even public tv show's a lot more then what is seen on here.  

3. If you shield your children from girls in a bikini and make such a big deal about it, guess what??  They're gonna be the next playmate, hasnt anyone ever read the playmate's bios? And I quote "I was raised in a very conservative household.  My parents we're church going people.  I came across a Playboy magazine in my father's drawer. The women were so beautiful, I knew right then I wanted to be in playboy."  The more taboo something is the more children's curiosity grows.  

3.  Now dont get ridiculous I'm not saying show your kids everything, I'm just saying dont over protect them.  I work with lots of models and the wilder ones are normally the ones that are rebelling.  

4.  You could create a picture section, and everyone who doesnt want to see it can just not look.

5. But then again we are all here still, the board has made it this far without it.  Why change something that works?

Just my 37 cents...

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Oh, well...when captn say keep it PG-13? we all do it his way, or hwy...simple as that...or make your own web site and do what you like to do over there, is your business...

I love this site as is...and I hope it will stay as is...

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