China Levers vs OEM - Something to think about...

As far as front brakes locking up, maybe (1) gixxer MC is designed differently (I question this, but it's possible since the busa is heavier), or (2) the front brakes need to be bled after install? (see
As far as front brakes locking up, maybe (1) gixxer MC is designed differently (I question this, but it's possible since the busa is heavier), or (2) the front brakes need to be bled after install? (see

Sure seems like a no Brainer , I guess people dont think about it , I bled mine after I put them on both bikes . Good Post
Nothing to do with bleeding the brakes. Bleeding them is not required to change a lever. One of the issue's is with the brass plunger. Never been a concern of mine as I don't buy cheap junk off of eBay for my bikes.

You'd be very surprised at the simplest tasks some people cannot accomplish on a Hayabusa even after owning one for several years. Some are just not meant to turn wrenches,they cause more damage then good.
Nothing to do with bleeding the brakes. Bleeding them is not required to change a lever. One of the issue's is with the brass plunger. Never been a concern of mine as I don't buy cheap junk off of eBay for my bikes.

You'd be very surprised at the simplest tasks some people cannot accomplish on a Hayabusa even after owning one for several years. Some are just not meant to turn wrenches,they cause more damage then good.
I hope that was not directed at me
No Mark,it wasnt directed at you. I figured you would know me better than that;I dont come onto a forum to hash out any issues I have with someone and start internet drama;I much prefer up close and personal discussions then typing on a phone or keyboard.
Alas,instead of attempting to engage me in forum drama you could have easily sent a PM and kept whatever issues with me you may or may not have,private.
i've used chinese levers on almost every bike i've owned for the last 10 years , Suzuki,Aprilia,KTM,Kwak and YES there have been quality issues relating to there shape etc.
Pivots in the wrong place by a mm or so, brass bushings the wrong diameter for mc pushrods to name a few BUT anyone fitting the likes of levers that doesn't see or feel a distinct questionable difference straight away simply shouldn't be fitting them in the first place.

Some sellers of the levers are better supplied than others and at first it was hit and miss if a set would fit its getting pretty even and for 1/10th the price of Pazzo's i'm happy to try one or 2 sellers...i just order a different colour lever or adjuster each time so i have lots of choice to do a custom lever set as such.
I've never had a properly fitted set cause any problems and I now use the folding versions with adjustable extensions....short levers on the busa are hard work in traffic and long levers on the clutch side have a habit of hitting the bar end.

OEM levers from every manufacturer suck especially for the likes of a GSXR with no span adjustment....its the first thing i change on any bike.
I bought what were labeled as genuine pazzo levers from e bay for $150. Since I believe they are genuine Pazzo I never checked any aspect of their operation. I just enjoyed them. They work fine.
I also bought an as new stock gen II 08 gas tank in 08 for $225. Had perfect stock paint in a different color from mine. Also a set of as new '11 GIXXER 1K front calipers for $120. (Complete w/ brand new stock pads and all stock brake lines connected dripping a little brake fluid.
I personally come from Harleys And china is never any good. I Had some floorboards for my ol'lady and those things looked nice, but they were so cheap! ive heard countless stories of random parts being bought online failing. This just adds to it!
I personally come from Harleys And china is never any good. I Had some floorboards for my ol'lady and those things looked nice, but they were so cheap! ive heard countless stories of random parts being bought online failing. This just adds to it!

I remember last winter a few people on psychobike buying chinese knock-off Carillo H-beam rods for their motor builds cause you could get a set of 4 for under $250 shipped. Looked exactly like the real deal,4x more expensive Carillo's. Dude was all excited he saved $700 on rods in his 1441 build or whatever big money engine he was building. Bike lasted 30 minutes and then the crank seized up and that was that.

Grandma done told me: you get what ya pay for.:beerchug:
There are some things you never skimp on. That said, I don't understand the blanket rejection of anything made in China. A tank protector (adhesive) is different than a set of H-beam rods. I wouldn't trust knock-offs on the internals, but some of the external stuff simply makes little to no effective difference. You simply look at risk to reward. The risk that a rod will fail and you have to pull the whole motor apart is not worth the reward of saving $700. You'll spend that much in damage and labor repairing the motor.

These levers fall somewhere in between. The front-wheel lockup risk is terrible, but if it's something the bleeding brakes can fix, then the scales tip back in favor of knock-off levers at 1/5 the price.
In the link I posted,bleeding tyhe brakes would have made no difference;it could potentially make it worse. How the master cylinder&bleeding the front brakes got into the mix I have no idea. But this seems to effect GSXR's much more than Busa's so its probably a moot point to even debate. Apparently no one on this forum has had the slight pressure constantly applied to the front brakes issues;which causes them to get hot and lock up due to the chinese levers. So thats good.:beerchug:

But it is in fact a reality with the GSXR's,and that is why on that forum we made several Stickies and have discussed/warned people vehemently.
What about China brake rotors? I've contemplated getting some for past few years, just never did. Rotors would scare me more to purchase from China than levers. I'm heavily considering them now and so far I haven't see any negative stuff. Anyone had any issues with them?? For pads I'll go with name brand.
A few guys on that do track days have used them with mixed results,you can go to the site and do a search and you should pull up the threads pretty easily.
What about China brake rotors? I've contemplated getting some for past few years, just never did. Rotors would scare me more to purchase from China than levers. I'm heavily considering them now and so far I haven't see any negative stuff. Anyone had any issues with them?? For pads I'll go with name brand.

Have them on my goldwing for a few years now with no issues that I can see feel :thumbsup:
Nothing wrong the OEM brake/clutch levers, either looks or comfort, so I've left mine alone. Money better spent on tyres...
Well thanks to the OP :beerchug: I thought and try the OEM levers again surprise surprise they do feel a lot better than the china levers there is a much more solid feel to them however I did care much for the aluminium look so i painted them black :thumbsup:
Well thanks to the OP :beerchug: I thought and try the OEM levers again surprise surprise they do feel a lot better than the china levers there is a much more solid feel to them however I did care much for the aluminium look so i painted them black :thumbsup:

:beerchug: Good job