Clean the chain! Say what now?

I like beer and you like Soda, I use Motul and Bots uses Amsoil, It's like elbows and buttholes we all have have em, opinions that is.
I choose not to use WD-40 because of it's penetrating properties and unlike most people I have read my owners manual and tend to agree with most of the reccomended practices and techniques. My only gripe w/ kerosene is it stinks. Works like a charmand My chain has been fine.

I do not disagree - but still do not see any logic in throwing away a brand new chain :laugh:
Spray the WD-40 on a rag and wipe the chain, dont spray it on the chain. I also use this method.

For removing the plastics, watch the videos.

When replacing the oil filter, put some aluminum foil under the filter so you dont make a mess all over your header.

Good idea about the foil James! I'll have to try that next time. I always just make sure I clean my headers really well after I am done. Next time I wont even get them dirty haha.

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Lamb is king of the dry chain. He's limped a chain that was dragging the ground back home from Malibu. Had a link bent and O ring missing with broken teeth on rear gear for many muliple days. 60,000 miles and 6 chains easy, maybe more. You dont have to clean and lube your chain. You will need to replace these parts every 5000 miles at least, if you don't.

Good luck!
I like beer and you like Soda, I use Motul and Bots uses Amsoil, It's like elbows and buttholes we all have have em, opinions that is.

No beer or soda here, I prefer Scotch myself. My Busa chain prefers Dupont and the engine is still sampling some fine liqueurs, followed with a blood analysis after each one. She is currently on Silkolene, but will wait for the blood test analysis before she decides whether this is the preferred drink for her. :laugh:
Well, well, I always use WD-40 to clean my chain and Maxima Chain Wax ( the gold can ) to coat the chain. I put the bike on the rear stand and throw it in 1st gear, spray it on and use a rag to get the gunk and dirt off. 24K on the original chain on my '08. Sprockets and chain looks great.
Oh, and I just split the fairing , three push pins and an allen screw to change the oil and filter. You can also cut an opening in the lower fairing. A few have done this. You just increase the size of the opening that's there.
Please :please: DO3 don't tell a Newbie to use a rag on their chain with the bike in gear on stands. That's a recipe for disaster... I enjoy being able to type with all of my fingers.. :beerchug:
Dont ever put anything on a chain but the Dupont lube. Do a search on this and you will see why high tech wax lubes rule!
You aren't kidding there... I've seen first hand what happens - don't be that guy!

OK thanks everyone I think I got it. Not to discount anyone's opinions but it seems like some are of the opinion that it isn't a big deal and others think that it is. I talked to a coworker (Harley rider) and he said he used to spray brake cleaner on a rag and wipe his chain then oil it. He only brushed it one per year! Oh well after much reading I went to Cyclegear and bought the brush, Lowes was 5 minutes away so just got some Kerosene (I was curious about it) Now as for lube I went with Royal Purple Max-Chain (Will use Max-Cycle oil too) I emailed them the busa's requirements and I've been using there stuff for years so it should work. It's a dry, wax type too so I think it's OK.

DO3 - I thought about using a stand and letting the enging run too! But I don't have a stand and with my luck I would lose a finger or two hahahaha. Another idea would be to get one of those Chinese fairings and fab up some sort of access door but we'll see.
Been cleaning my chain every 600-800 miles and now I have 10,000 miles on my 09 in 4 months with no wear on my sprockets and the chain feels great during every link inspection. I use Sheela Shine and still trying different lubes, latest one is Blue Lighting which seems the best so far, tried. Bellray (over priced and leaves a white film on chain) Dupont Teflon Chain Wax (Works good leaves a clear unvisible film but seems to cause restriction in chain links gunky) Sheela Shine worked great made the chain real flexible and less resistant but didnt cling to chain no more then 300 miles got dry, latest is a product called White Lighting, it seems to be my happy medium.

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And there ya have it! Actually this is the second time but as you can see the I think I got it right. The Max-Chain lube is on and dry. I was told to apply the lube to a warm chain so after cleaning I went for a 5 mile ride. Is this the proper way to warm the chain? I couldn't think of any other way. As you can see I got some lube on the wheel/tire. Now as for the the oil change that was a lot easier than I thought it would be. The filter wasn't where I thought it was and was on so tight I almost didn't get it off. Removing/installing the fairing was a breeze! That was the most surprizing part of the whole thing.