WD-40 for cleaning chain?

I use WD40 and a grunge brush to clean the chains and then wipe off with a dry cloth. Then I follow it up with Dupont teflon multi purpose lube. I just let the lube dry off, I dont ever wipe it off.


p.s. The reason I use wd40 and dupont teflon are because they are dirt cheap. I'm too much of a cheap skate to spend on fancy cleaning products and lubes. So far - it's worked well, so no worries eh? :p
I use WD40 and a grunge brush to clean the chains and then wipe off with a dry cloth. Then I follow it up with Dupont teflon multi purpose lube. I just let the lube dry off, I dont ever wipe it off.


p.s. The reason I use wd40 and dupont teflon are because they are dirt cheap. I'm too much of a cheap skate to spend on fancy cleaning products and lubes. So far - it's worked well, so no worries eh? :p



I agree with the lube! :thumbsup:

I use diesel to clean and pj1 black to lubricate. You have to lube a warm chain or it WILL end up all over your bike. I tried the maxima chain wax a few years ago but went back to pj1 black
I can see that alot of you guys use wd40 to clean and I know it does clean really nice But If by some chance it gets into the rollors past the orings, It will break the lubricant down. We used it on our guns years ago and if you didn't wipe them down with oil they would rust. It's good to clean rims and such but I don't clean my chain with it. Kerosene or diesel fuel. I just had a thought, If the diesel gets past the orings it'll break the lube down too. Oh Well, guess it don't matter. Use what You like, Just keep em clean and lubed.:thumbsup:
I have 3300 miles on my K9 and haven't touched the chain. After reading this thread, I am going to clean it first thing in the morning though. :lol: My plan is WD40 to clean it up and then chain wax. I bought it when I first got the bike, but haven't used it yet because I don't have a rear stand. I have a really nice poor boy setup though. :laugh:

Strange as it seems nobody here owns anything that goes bang ! Because if you did you would know WD40 is well used in the firearms industry. It is actually used in the blueing process of certain guns like S&W. I have many Remington shotguns ,some with rubber O rings in them. All have sat in the safe for yrs, some close to 30 or 40yrs. All have had only WD40 on them. To clean em , to lube em, to protect em. WD40 has not rotted, swelled or caused any of the seals in any of the guns I have to fail and I would think that an O ring in a high HP app like a motorcycle would be a lot stronger than the one in an 11-87 ?

Guess I am lucky though as living in SoFla my chain never really gets 'dirty'. I just soak the crap out of it with chain wax after a good ride , wipe off the drips from wheels, sprocket, etc. and let it sit. 15 minutes later it is dry to the touch and ready to go. Chain wax is the miracle chit' mang' !:laugh: