Comment made about my Busa

Go ahead and flame the lady after you watch the video of sport bike riders doing 120 MPH wheelies down the interstate. Just my $.02.
Her statement is typical of our society as a whole.  She sees 10 squids go by, all on one wheel.  Here's stories of sportbikers getting in accidents, etc. and stereotypes all sportbikes as such.  She doesn't remember passing the guy on a sportbike because he was doing the speed limit and she wasn't.  She doesn't remember who sponsored the charity ride, just that it was for a good cause.

It's Americans' nature to remember the negative and not the positive.  Like how most people hate Arabs or anyone that looks as though they could be Arab just because a few radicals went a little nutso(okay, alot nutso).  Or how alot of people think that the Mexican standing in front of them at the Walmart checkout is probably illegal.  When in all acuality, that person is a 4th generation American born citizen and has no idea how to say "hello" in spanish.

I usually don't pay much attention to someone that is driving sensibly down the highway, but I remember the bubba in his suv that is riding 3ft from my butt...oops I guess I am stereotyping too
Her statement is typical of our society as a whole.  She sees 10 squids go by, all on one wheel.  Here's stories of sportbikers getting in accidents, etc. and stereotypes all sportbikes as such.  She doesn't remember passing the guy on a sportbike because he was doing the speed limit and she wasn't.  She doesn't remember who sponsored the charity ride, just that it was for a good cause.

It's Americans' nature to remember the negative and not the positive.  Like how most people hate Arabs or anyone that looks as though they could be Arab just because a few radicals went a little nutso(okay, alot nutso).  Or how alot of people think that the Mexican standing in front of them at the Walmart checkout is probably illegal.  When in all acuality, that person is a 4th generation American born citizen and has no idea how to say "hello" in spanish.

I usually don't pay much attention to someone that is driving sensibly down the highway, but I remember the bubba in his suv that is riding 3ft from my butt...oops I guess I am stereotyping too
My point exactly.  She doesn't notice the guys on sportbikes that are obeying the law, only remembers the ones who aren't

Human nature

you watch in about 10 years...that little girls boyfriend is going to ride "that kind of bike".....and the girl is going to want to ride with him...and the girl and her parents are going to fight about it....Karma it will come back and bite you in the AZZ!!!!!
Telling her "its her opinion and not truth" would have been about the best thing to do. If she would have tried to engage in debate then you could politely educate her on how wrong she is. Yelling or acting foolish would only make you and other sportbike riders look worse.

With you saying nothing the child, the most influential mind there, if she even recalls this, will one day weigh her mothers opinion that sportbikes cause accidents or the people that control them (like with any other road vehicle or tool) cause them when foolish or by circumstances beyond their control. Hopefully she'll grow to be smarter then her mother.
I agree....

....I would have SAID SOMETHING FOR SURE back. That is complete BS and she's only passing her ignorance on to her child...
you watch in about 10 years...that little girls boyfriend is going to ride "that kind of bike".....and the girl is going to want to ride with him...and the girl and her parents are going to fight about it....Karma it will come back and bite you in the AZZ!!!!!
Growing up my parents forbid us to ride motorcycles,"They are dangerous".
When I got to college the 1st thing I did was save up & buy a motorcycle. Now my Wife rides too, & I roadrace at 43. They are still not happy, but I am.

A few weeks back our group pulled into a restaurant - 10 of us all in full leathers. A little boy wanted to look at the bikes & his Dad said loud enough for one of our female riders to hear that people that rode those just wanted to die & were stupid. I didn't find out about it until later, or I would have confronted him in a nice way & have him explain in front of his son why?
Telling her "its her opinion and not truth" would have been about the best thing to do. If she would have tried to engage in debate then you could politely educate her on how wrong she is. Yelling or acting foolish would only make you and other sportbike riders look worse.

With you saying nothing the child, the most influential mind there, if she even recalls this, will one day weigh her mothers opinion that sportbikes cause accidents or the people that control them (like with any other road vehicle or tool) cause them when foolish or by circumstances beyond their control. Hopefully she'll grow to be smarter then her mother.
could not have said it better myself

ignorant lady
funny...other than a mechanical problem,I've never seen or heard of a bike causing a accident.....nor a car,truck...............
you watch in about 10 years...that little girls boyfriend is going to ride "that kind of bike".....and the girl is going to want to ride with him...and the girl and her parents are going to fight about it....Karma it will come back and bite you in the AZZ!!!!!
Growing up my parents forbid us to ride motorcycles,"They are dangerous".
When I got to college the 1st thing I did was save up & buy a motorcycle. Now my Wife rides too, & I roadrace at 43. They are still not happy, but I am.

A few weeks back our group pulled into a restaurant - 10 of us all in full leathers. A little boy wanted to look at the bikes & his Dad said loud enough for one of our female riders to hear that people that rode those just wanted to die & were stupid. I didn't find out about it until later, or I would have confronted him in a nice way & have him explain in front of his son why?
Ah yes the trip to Coopers I remeber that but I think what he said was that people that ride those kind of bikes are organ donors. Well this is my take on it just let it roll of because like others have mentioned carma can get you.
The most enlightened response in those situations is to say the book title to yourself, "What you Think of Me is None of My Business". Exchanging one liners with others makes it into a contest of "who's more clever or right" which misses the point....the only way to change behavior is to model intelligence...when you respond, you give up your power. Raydog
Whats up with that?  Im sure she is the perfect driver never talks on her cell phone or puts on her make-up while driving or has screaming kids while on the road.  But its MY bike that causes accidents.  Its not the Harley riders who drive from bar to bar and  riding drunk.  Its my bike that causes them.  I mean whats up with that?  I wanted to smack her.  I bet if I asked she wouldnt even know what kind of bike my bike was.  Only that its the "kind" that causes accidents.

I absolutely hear you loud and clear, brother!  That kind of ignorance just gets my blood boiling!  
+1 and she would be lying if she hasn't purposely distracted herself while driving her cage at one point or another. we all have!
I think this happens everywhere. In portugal that have a motorcycle means that we are criminals, the gas post have pre payment for bikes only, and the people looks to you as suspicious. The conversation is always the same - the motorbikes are dangerous, i also always say the same answer, my bike is so dangerous that i let her tied in the garage to bite nobody and the insurance and vaccines are always updated.

At least the kids that don´t have their mind washed up (yet), when they see a bike is: father i want one i want that one!!! ( kids...pure thoughts)
Best to walk away.

For anyone who wants to know the truth, the large majority of motorcycle accidents are caused by an automobile making a left turn at an intersection, right in front of the motorcycle.
Maybe my bike was parked next to yours and it was mine she pointed at now that would explain everything


The most enlightened response in those situations is to say the book title to yourself, "What you Think of Me is None of My Business". Exchanging one liners with others makes it into a contest of "who's more clever or right" which misses the point....the only way to change behavior is to model intelligence...when you respond, you give up your power. Raydog
Hoping some day I am capable of that...

but till then...


(technically I did not say a word right?)

Ray you ready to go riding? Picking out my rides for the season..