Comment made about my Busa

"Look... This is the kind of gloved hand that smacks your Mommy for being stupid"

Is what would've been my reply.
Bro... Come to think of it, maybe she was a single mother that didn't know how to get the attention of that "Big, Bad, Sexy" man in the motorcycle so she said something inflammatory to get you to look at her. Bet she was all RTF...
Bro... Come to think of it, maybe she was a single mother that didn't know how to get the attention of that "Big, Bad, Sexy" man in the motorcycle so she said something inflammatory to get you to look at her. Bet she was all RTF...
hmmm maybe your right. Dang, she didnt look to bad either if my memory serves me well.
Whoa, don't know why it put half my post in that quote.  That's me askin you where you're located, not brendanp. . .Odd. . .
Im in Greer.  We may be getting a ride up this Sunday with a couple other people if your interested.  Let me know.
Yea man, I'd love to come. I'm not sure what I've got goin on this weekend yet, but if I'm available I'll be there. Just send me a pm with the details and I'll let you know for sure within the next couple days if I'm comin.
We need to break down these stereo types.Thats what I try to do by waving others through first at inter sections and just trying to be seen doing the right thing so people might think"Boy I didn't expect that from that biker,maybe they're not all............." We don't all deserve a bad rep.but there are a lot of squids out there.Make them remember you more!!!
Just for the sake of discussion.....

What makes the woman say that? What has influenced her opinion of sport bikes so severely that she makes it a point to comment out loud to her child? I would argue on her behalf that all of the recent negative publicity, copious youtube videos, and probable personal encounters with jack-asses on sport bikes has permanently skewed her opinion. The evidence is not in our favor folks...there aren't many youtube videos of us obeying traffic laws or cruiser/Harley riders doing stoppies and wheelies. She saw something that walked like a duck, talked like a duck, so to her it was a duck. Sux that we are a being punished for the rotten apples in our crowd and I for one hate the label that I automatically get assigned when I ride my bike. I don't blame her she only knows what she knows, I blame all of these jack-asses;

You could have replied: Hey little girl, Stay in school and study hard and don't be ignorant like your mother. or Educate her that a small group of young squids are giving real motorcyclists a bad rap. The latter might have been best.
Whenever I discuss motorcycle safety with an ignorant, I try to make the following points:

1. Riding motorcycles has a risk of having a severe injury or death 30 times higher per traveled mile than driving a car
2. I accept that risk and I work hard to control and reduce it
3. 70% of motorcycle accidents are caused by cars. My bike is not dangerous: you cager are

Whats up with that?  Im sure she is the perfect driver never talks on her cell phone or puts on her make-up while driving or has screaming kids while on the road.  But its MY bike that causes accidents.  Its not the Harley riders who drive from bar to bar and  riding drunk.  Its my bike that causes them.  I mean whats up with that?  I wanted to smack her.  I bet if I asked she wouldnt even know what kind of bike my bike was.  Only that its the "kind" that causes accidents.  Not the cagers that pull out in front of me.
I would have asked her if she wanted to go for a ride and revved the son of a b#### up to about 9000 rpm and tried to listen to her dumb a## response while grinning ear to ear!
Whoa, don't know why it put half my post in that quote. That's me askin you where you're located, not brendanp. . .Odd. . .
Im in Greer. We may be getting a ride up this Sunday with a couple other people if your interested. Let me know.
Yea man, I'd love to come. I'm not sure what I've got goin on this weekend yet, but if I'm available I'll be there. Just send me a pm with the details and I'll let you know for sure within the next couple days if I'm comin.
PM sent.
ignorance...I would have piped up and said something
......... I have ridden with many a harley (no flames intended) and I can say going from bar to bar seems a bit more likely to cause an accident that many responsible riders that dont drink and ride..
Ya gotta love people like that....

I had a run in similar to that...I was driving in town, I pull up to a light & I hear someone trying to say something at me..I look over & some older lady says, "riding those types of bikes will end up killing you one day", all the while smoking on her cig & driving without her seatbelt. I wanted to say you have a better chance of those cigs killing you than I do my riding my bike. It took all I had to bite my tongue. But sometimes it best to just not even give in to people like that.....
hey, don't sweat it man. Stupid people everywhere. 10-12 deep in some places.
She probably leads a typical soccer mom, dull, obliviously safe existance.