Concealed handgun carry when riding

Wow, it seems that there is a lot of agreement thus far.

Crazy, stupid or impaired criminals abound.

Probably a good idea to be able to protect yourself and your family, with upmost predjuice.

Probably not a good idea to shoot at someone while riding, when you can avoid them by having good situational awareness.

Probably a good idea to carry a weapon for when you reach your destination or rest stops inbetween.

Federal Hydro-Shocks are the absolute best. (be sure and ask for +P's, Not the crap you buy at wal-mart) sure and rip their throat out like Patric Swazey did in road house.

Here we go with the nads again. I reference to the dum-dums thats just the terminology that we use here. I forget the formal name but they come in packs of 6 or 8. THey used to be called Blue something or other. I used to use cor-bon, but when i trained for close combat scenarios in the home during an attack etc. THe "dum-dums" were the most lethal without having a possib;le exit wound to injure someone in the house. As an adult I have never had to utilize the firearm (thank goodness) becasue it definately is not a pretty journey after that. But I will say as a teen in chicago. I have been stabbed and shot with a sawed off and I wish i had it back then, But hey I'm still here so that's saying something huh. Anyway it all boils down to comfort level with firearms, becasue I am a firm believer YOu must weigh all potential outcomes before you even consider making that step. And in Virginia Project exile will tighten anyones ass up with an illegal firearm.. MANDATORY 5 years in FEDERAL pen if caught with illegal firearms. JUst be smart ad be safe.
5 Years for illegal gun?  Just having the Gun?  OUCH...

I think there are just a few CRITICAL things to focus on really...

[*] Know your weapon and be proficiant.
[*] Know the laws regarding use of deadly force in your City, County, and State.
[*] Know your backstop... IE know where that round is going to go if it passes through or you miss your target.  Adjust your field of fire accordingly.  If you kill an innocent bystander?  Your DONE, doesn't matter what was going on, your done.  Apartment dwellers?  Stick with a short, Pump action 12 gauge and a light Birdshot load, very little over penetration, HUGE stopping power.  Thinking of using a .223? Or ANY HUNTING Caliber Rifle?  Best make damn certain your walls are concrete or you live way out in the sticks...
[*] Finally, know without any doubt, that if it came down to it you will be able to pull that trigger, to kill in your own defence, no hesitation...  There cannot be any lingering doubt, or you shouldn't have a firearm... (or least not try to use one in self defense)

Busa Brother, I would still like to know what Ammo your speaking of, just curiosity more than anything.
I reference to the dum-dums thats just the terminology that we use here.  I forget the formal name but they come in packs of 6 or 8.  THey used to be called Blue something or other.  I used to use cor-bon, but when i trained for close combat scenarios in the home during an attack etc. THe "dum-dums"  were the most lethal without having a possib;le exit wound to injure someone in the house.
You're talking about Glaser "safety slugs" and/or MagSafe ammo.  They are both prefragmented in order to come apart very easily upon entering the body.  The problem is that they create very nasty, but very shallow wound channels... possibly not penetrating enough to reach vital organs and/or CNS.  But this is something up for debate on another forum board.

When it comes to CCW, this is the way I see it.  I don't wear a seatbelt in my cage just so I can drive more recklessly.  I don't feel like, because I have airbags, that I can try to powerslide around every corner.  I don't go lighting my grill indoors just because I have a smoke detector.  People who engage in risky behavior because they feel that they can get themselves out of it are doomed... going around the worst areas of town just because you are armed is not the way to go.  Unfortunately, there are some people who get the firearms-equivalent of "beer muscles" and walk around picking fights and such simply because they think that having a firearm is going to save their hide.  I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it... but it doesn't mean that just because I have it, I should see if I can need it.  Follow?

I carry when riding.  I carry when walking, driving, running, bicycling, and tooling around at the mall.  Why?  Because I can.  Going back to the seatbelt analogy, either you wear it or you don't... very few people would see the sense in only wearing it when they "think" they are going to be in an accident.  And no one calls those who wear one 100% of the time paranoid.  

Do I envision myself riding a wheelie and shooting at bad guys a la Mission Impossible?  Uhhh... NO.  If I'm hauling a$$... I'm sure as shite gonna be getting myself AWAY from that situation.  However, imagine you break down... doesn't matter if you're in the 'hood or in Deliverance country (if you know what I mean).  What happens when a group of drunk a-holes comes up on you and your shiny Busa?  Probably nothing.  Probably.  Imagine you stop for gas at your local Stop-N-Rob and happen to walk in on an armed robbery.  Imagine you pull up an ATM to get some money.  Maybe you accidentally cut someone off in traffic and they don't take too kindly to you.  Suppose you come upon a group of guys who just hit the local biker bar that maybe thinks your "Jap" bike deserves a once-over with you still on it.  What if you come upon a rape in progress?  What if you happen to have been riding through that back alley behind the car wash a few months back when that monster was dragging that poor little girl into his car?  Do you now feel silly that you decided to slip the .38 into your pocket?

Or maybe you go out for a long ride and no one bothers you and you arrive home safe and sound.  Do you think to yourself, "Geez... here I was carrying a firearm with me and no one ever bothered me... what a waste of time"?

Come on, folks... If you own one and can legally carry one and feel like you want to or should, then do it.  Practice, practice, practice... know the law and do some soul searching.  Realize what's right for you and what's right for the world.  If you come to the conclusion that you want to be armed and can handle the incredible responsibility that comes with it, then don't let anyone tell you different.

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Very Well Said Tiresmoke, And Glaser Safety slugs, thanks.
i have a concealed weapons permit (they hand them out like candy here in Georgia) and when i first started riding i always had my glock .40 strapped on the side until one day i almost had my front end clipped by some jackass not paying attention to what was in his rearview anyways we got into an argument at the next red light and he pulled out a wooden bat and threatend to kick my a$$ so i did the obvious and said big mistake partna set the kickstand down an gave him 2 options luckily he made the smart one and didn't get smoked in front of his son on fathers day so i no longer carry when im riding
Good choice, you would have ended up in jail after that situation, with means of escape and avoiding the situation....I don't confront anyone on the streets anymore the DC/Metro area seems to be the road rage capital and everyone drives a weapon.
<~~~~~~~ CWP. Carry when going on long trips and/or events where there may be a problem. The gun is the last resort. But as mentioned before, if you plan on pulling the gun out, you better hope you can handle shooting it and injuring/killing someone. A weapon, as we all know, is not a toy to be used as an advantage in an argument. As I have seen at some events. Two guys argue, one guy pulls out a gun, then panic sets in. When the guys could of finished the argument with words. In Florida it is illigal to carry a CW where there is an abundance of people, like a mototcycle event. You must also flee if capable, some one is robbing your house, you and your family should find the closest exit to escape. If your unable to escape you must show fear for your life, this holds true in all circumstances not just house robberys. Little hint though
if your backed into a corner or wall, then your life is conisdered in danger. For example, someone is robbing your house, you hear a noise, go investigate, you see a robber, back yourself into a corner then say "hey you" when he turns around, its your call from there....:D I also beleive if you are riding with people, you should know if they are carrying a weapon. Some people are loose cannons and you may not want to ride with them and/or may be able to help them avoid certain situations knowing that they may use a weapon...Just my .02
In Florida it is illigal to carry a CW where there is an abundance of people, like a mototcycle event. You must also flee if capable, some one is robbing your house, you and your family should find the closest exit to escape. If your unable to escape you must show fear for your life, this holds true in all circumstances not just house robberys. Little hint though
 if your backed into a corner or wall, then your life is conisdered in danger. For example, someone is robbing your house, you hear a noise, go investigate, you see a robber, back yourself into a corner then say "hey you" when he turns around, its your call from there.
Though I am not a lawyer, I do have some familiarity with firearms laws. I do not believe that it is illegal to carry in FL to events where there is an "abundance of people". Can you point out the statute? A good place to get basic info is

When it comes to the use of deadly force, most jurisdictions will state it approximately as such: The use of deadly force is justified if you feel that you or someone else has a reasonable fear of imminent death or serious bodily harm (ie, rape, grave assault/battery, etc). For example... someone is beating someone with a bat and you shoot -- usually justified. Someone has a bat raised overhead preparing to beat someone and you shoot -- usually justified. Someone beats someone with a bat, drops it and cries "UNCLE" and you shoot -- NOT justified since the threat has stopped.

If you're backed into a corner in your home and the person has a weapon, you would most likely be justified in using deadly force. If you're backed into a corner and the person is not armed, you would have to then proved that a reasonable person would have believed that the robber was going to cause death or serious bodily harm.

The waters are muddy. Federal/State/Local laws make it even muddier. Lawyers love that mud. CYA and do as much reading on the topic as possible because that is part of the responsibility of owning and carrying a firearm.
i have a concealed weapons permit (they hand them out like candy here in Georgia) and when i first started riding i always had my glock .40 strapped on the side until one day i almost had my front end clipped by some jackass not paying attention to what was in his rearview anyways we got into an argument at the next red light and he pulled out a wooden bat and threatend to kick my a$$ so i did the obvious and said big mistake partna set the kickstand down an gave him 2 options luckily he made the smart one and didn't get smoked in front of his son on fathers day so i no longer carry when im riding
Two questions to ask... How do you know that you're Glock didn't save your life that day? Are you willing to take that chance in order to avoid being in a situation where you might have to shoot?

That being said, if you don't feel that you can control your anger or don't want to take the risk that you might have to shoot, then by all means, don't carry. It take a big man to carry. And it often takes a big man to decide not to carry. Only you know what's right for you.
In Florida it is illigal to carry a CW where there is an abundance of people, like a mototcycle event. You must also flee if capable, some one is robbing your house, you and your family should find the closest exit to escape. If your unable to escape you must show fear for your life, this holds true in all circumstances not just house robberys. Little hint though
 if your backed into a corner or wall, then your life is conisdered in danger. For example, someone is robbing your house, you hear a noise, go investigate, you see a robber, back yourself into a corner then say "hey you" when he turns around, its your call from there.
Though I am not a lawyer, I do have some familiarity with firearms laws.  I do not believe that it is illegal to carry in FL to events where there is an "abundance of people".  Can you point out the statute?  A good place to get basic info is

When it comes to the use of deadly force, most jurisdictions will state it approximately as such:  The use of deadly force is justified if you feel that you or someone else has a reasonable fear of imminent death or serious bodily harm (ie, rape, grave assault/battery, etc).  For example... someone is beating someone with a bat and you shoot -- usually justified.  Someone has a bat raised overhead preparing to beat someone and you shoot -- usually justified.  Someone beats someone with a bat, drops it and cries "UNCLE" and you shoot -- NOT justified since the threat has stopped.

If you're backed into a corner in your home and the person has a weapon, you would most likely be justified in using deadly force.  If you're backed into a corner and the person is not armed, you would have to then proved that a reasonable person would have believed that the robber was going to cause death or serious bodily harm.

The waters are muddy.  Federal/State/Local laws make it even muddier.  Lawyers love that mud.  CYA and do as much reading on the topic as possible because that is part of the responsibility of owning and carrying a firearm.
* any place of nuisance as defined in s. 823.05
* any police, sheriff, or highway patrol station
* any detention facility, prison, or jail; any courthouse
* any courtroom*
* any polling place
* any meeting of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or special district
* any meeting of the Legislature or a committee thereof
* any school, college, or professional athletic event not related to firearms
* any school administration building
* any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption*
* any elementary or secondary school facility
* any area technical center
* any college or university facility*
* inside the passenger terminal and sterile area of any airport*
* any place where the carrying of firearms is prohibited by federal law

That is the basics...but now lets look at satute 823.05, this is basically a PUBLIC NUISANCE, if one person sees your gun at all and decides to complain it is a misdemeanor. So I may have been over reacting by calling it illegal to bring to an event with an abundance of people, but let one person find out you have it and they dont like it. Then we are talking about breaking the law, here is what the statue states:

823.05 Places declared a nuisance; may be abated and enjoined.--Whoever shall erect, establish, continue, or maintain, own or lease any building, booth, tent or place which tends to annoy the community or injure the health of the community, or become manifestly injurious to the morals or manners of the people as described in s. 823.01, or shall be frequented by the class of persons mentioned in 1s. 856.02, or any house or place of prostitution, assignation, lewdness or place or building where games of chance are engaged in violation of law or any place where any law of the state is violated, shall be deemed guilty of maintaining a nuisance, and the building, erection, place, tent or booth and the furniture, fixtures and contents are declared a nuisance. All such places or persons shall be abated or enjoined as provided in ss. 60.05 and 60.06.

So what does this all mean, one may ask. Now lets look at statue 823.01:

823.01 Nuisances; penalty.--All nuisances that tend to annoy the community, injure the health of the citizens in general, or corrupt the public morals are misdemeanors of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.083, except that a violation of s. 823.10 is a felony of the third degree.

Its your call if you want to take a gun to an event, but let it be known that I warned you....And most motorcycle events I have been to have had alcoholic beverages. Im no lawyer, (maybe a ex-military cop Airfoce LE) but I just know what cops down here will do to you if someone complains about your gun or if they see it themselves.
"AN armed society is a POLITE society!"

Most criminals polled state they are more afraid of homeowners with guns than anything else. Alarms or dogs don't matter If they feel you may be armed they will move to an easier target./ Now You may ask how would a criminal know you are armed. I routinely take my long guns in full sight of neighbors and on lookers as well as open carry often. Many criminal stake out their neighborhoods beforehand to do their dirty work at a later time. I also have NRA and other like stickers posted prominently. Don't know if it is paranoia or overkill, but if someone was staking me out(which i don';t know why) Maybe it helps. I'll tell you this. If someone is crazy enough to break into your hoime while you are asleep, to rob you. THey are crazy enough to attempt to harm or kill you. Be smart. Protect yourself, becasue i respect the police and LE, but it could be too late by the time they are called.
Boys come to Vermont.
Rules up here say you can carry all the time no license needed.
Just can't be a felon like anywhere else.
And with the long guns you just need to unload them while in a vehicle
Don't trash your entire life over material stuff, even in states where it is authorized.  Let it go, hell I'll hold the door for the sum-bitch if they promise to take away my Bose System, my Sony TV, and my Laptop....  All I see is NEW GEAR!!!  
Heck Rev... I need some new computer gear.
I'll be over around 1830HRS. Could you have
the stuff packed and ready to go???

Thanks... Yer pal Raider!
No rsider i want dibs on revs stuff first. poop rev i am going to steal all of thwqt stuff but so as not to get tired can you drop it in the mail for me thanks bud. I'm sure your insurance will cover it!!
No rsider i want dibs on revs stuff first.  poop rev i am going to steal all of thwqt stuff but so as not to get tired can you drop it in the mail for me thanks bud.  I'm sure your insurance will cover it!!  
Ummm, No I think insurance fraud would be a real bad idea...

Funny how that works... Pesky Laws...

Umm, Raider Bring a truck Key will be under the Mat... Take everything that will fit accept the artwork, and my watches thanks.. I Mean NO THat Would be illegal!

When I carry, it's a H&K USP compact .375 Sig. With JHP's. In the house I keep the 10mm with full mag of 200 grain black talons inserted. I want the bullets to penetrate walls. If I have to shoot through them, then so be it. I also want my concealed weapon to penetrate car doors. If I were to have to shoot a car coming at me I don't want the bullets to fragment before they impact upon the offender. I also have the luxury of living in a brick house, and with the layout I have very little worries about anything exiting the house. I am also X-infantry, so this is somewhat second nature. Dead intruders can't sue me for leaving my toys in the middle of the living room, when they trip over them.

As far as carrying on the bike, a small hard case tank bag that is well attached is probably the best place to keep the weapon. If I were to slide down the road I wouldn't want that pressing against my body, let alone if it were on an impact area. Keep your holster on, and place the weapon in the holster when you leave the bike. Never get out of arms reach of your weapon.

As stated before, don't pull your weapon unless you have full intent/the capabilities to use it. Know your weapon and its charcteristics. Practice, practice, practice... If you can't kill an animal, or don't think you can shoot a person, GET RID OF THE WEAPON. You have no business owning a hand gun for "personal protection" if you could not use it in that manner. Keep them locked up at home!!! If you can afford a $500 gun, you can afford a $150 safe.

Have a good one,

hell I don't even own a gun capable of packing. Don't keep the few rifles/shotguns in my house anyway. I've always heard that if you don't use your gun constantly that when you actually need it you probably won't even think about it... ujntil it's too late...

i can see that being true... if I had a gun say in a lock box in my dresser the keys to the box would be on my key chain hanging at the front door... so .. useless... but say I ddin't have it in a lockbox (god forbid with a toddler in training) would I at 3am open the box, get the gun out, put the bullets in and then go find out if it's my baby girl up to go pee on the odd chance it's some slacker trying to take my tv or whatever... probably not.

packing out in public... nah.. I'll just take my chances I suppose.. figure if i don't have it I can't do something stupid with it.
"AN armed society is a POLITE society!"  

Most criminals polled state they are more afraid of homeowners with guns than anything else.  Alarms or dogs don't matter If they feel you may be armed they will move to an easier target./  Now  You may ask how would a criminal know you are armed.  I routinely take my long guns in full sight of neighbors and on lookers as well as open carry often.  Many criminal stake out their neighborhoods beforehand to do their dirty work at a later time.  I also have NRA and other like stickers posted prominently.  Don't know if it is paranoia or overkill, but if someone was staking me out(which i don';t know why)  Maybe it helps.  I'll tell you this.  If someone is crazy enough to break into your hoime while you are asleep, to rob you.  THey are crazy enough to attempt to harm or kill you.  Be smart.  Protect yourself,  becasue i respect the police and LE, but it could be too late by the time they are called.
Problem is that you become a target for gun thieves when they know you have firearms. It kinda works both ways, I suppose.