Cool Runnings

Fla is really nice but naaaaah to flat for me, no twisties, no canyons... but they do have beach bunnies & hurricanes!
Everyday to work and will continue even in the cold azz rain, til the snow or salts hits the ground. Then I'll call it quits and get busy on some winter projects from last winter.
Whats everyone wearin to keep warm? I got My Joe Rocket Meteor with full liner, Icon Patrol gloves with liners, long johns under the draggin jeans, wool socks. I dont like the feel for the bike but hey it works.
Gerbing heated liner jacket, heatedglove liner covered with water windproof breathable Seirus over gloves , Timbuktu all weather rain proof jacket and pants with seal skins waterproof sock on rainy days.
Nice and toasty, the way I like it.
I'll ride when the road is dry. I prefer anything above 40. I only went about 3 weeks last year without riding.
I will ride till the first snow, then when the salt comes i will put it up for the season. then will bring it back out after a couple of good rains in the spring to clear up the salt. RIDE SAFE ALL AND REMEMBER THAT THE COLD TAKES THE TIRES LONGER TO WARM, AND WILL BREAK LOOSE MUCH EASIER..... GOD BLESS ALL. BLU88
the cold isn't really that bad as long as you are dressed accordingly. watch the road conditions. they are the biggest killer. SAND will take you out so i usually ride the corners and turns alot easier than normal.
It rarely gets cold down here in Deep South Texas (Northern Mexico) so we can ride year round. Come on down and I'll show ya around.

I was going to ride all winter, but "something's come up" bike won't be wtih me for a while...
I was going to ride all winter, but "something's come up" bike won't be wtih me for a while...
You got some splainin' to do Lucy.
+1 ...What's up M?
I can't splain 'nothin'!  It's top secret CIA type stuff...
 Let's just say, let's not say much more than that...

Come on, that's not right. Stop teasing.
I was going to ride all winter, but "something's come up" bike won't be wtih me for a while...
You got some splainin' to do Lucy.
+1 ...What's up M?
I can't splain 'nothin'!  It's top secret CIA type stuff...
 Let's just say, let's not say much more than that...

Come on, that's not right. Stop teasing.
But teasing if fun...

Plus, it really is top secret CIA business, involving my Hayabusa...who'd 'a thunk?

I know, I know. She's gettin' a Turbo. Damn, a chick with a Turbo. Suddenly I feel like less of a man.

Note to self: Get a Turbo before the girl does.

Whew, thanks. I feel all macho again, and kind of anxious already. All is well. But inquiring minds still want to know. What's up with the Busa.

When I rode into work this morning the temp was 15 F with a "RealFeel" of 0 F. When I got to work I found out one other person also rode his bike. Several of my fellow workers thought we were nuts. My son got me some HD gloves for cold weather riding. They are very nice gloves but they were not quite up to the challenge. I think I will have to switch to snowmobile gloves.... Does anyone know of a good spray that will keep your mask from fogging up?