bad deal.... don't need lynch mob mentality. It is a traffic collision.
What should happen? He wasn't blasting through intersections txting...
This is a sad situation but I wouldn't think bashing is the right thing to do.
Not sure about state it happened in but Florida has now gone to a bracketed amount of payment for personal injury cases with a max limit of I think $100,000 ?
Not sure on amount but I do know you can't sue for millions anymore here
What should happen? He wasn't blasting through intersections txting...
This is a sad situation but I wouldn't think bashing is the right thing to do.
I thought it said California, could be wrong though. It was Austin PD, don't think it was Austin, TX - the news anchors had ZERO accent.![]()
bad deal.... don't need lynch mob mentality. It is a traffic collision.
I don't think anybody, including LEOs should be operating computers whilst they are driving. It's just not safe, period. If the LEO is moving he should be required to call on the radio for info.
You that can do it better should go get an application.
This is exactly what should be happening. Unfortunately, today's LEO's are asked to do too much in too little time. They are told to respond immediately, but they are forced to read their PC's for details on the call. What used to be communicated via radio is now on their PC's, and it's incredibly dangerous. And since they look at the PC for the crucial stuff, they begin to think they are impervious to everything.
I once followed a LEO that was swerving all over the road and came close to sideswiping another car. I wanted so badly to report him, but I knew it would go without conseuqence. Deparment leaders including Sheriff's and Police Cheifs need to take a step back and analyze officer safety.
if they stopped doing business while driving, next you'd ***** about how long it took them to get to a scene, cuz they had to stop and do their business while parked..........dammed if you do and dammed if you don't
My wife risks her life every day, I think I'm safe when it comes to criticism of LEO's.
But your condescension is duly noted.
I try not to judge people based on limited facts, especially since I was not there and not part of the investigation. I don't criticize the soldiers overseas protecting me when they smoke someone and are accused of murder. I am not there, nor do I want to be there. I did my time.
I prefer not to judge officers protecting me while I sleep at night. If they smoke some prick that can't follow instructions... so be it. It is easy to sit at a keyboard with a ding dong and a coke and pass judgment. The ding dong, coke and opinion all have about the same value... in this order... 1. coke 2. ding dong. 3 opinion. 3 being of least value.