Cop runs stop and hits a harley

bad deal.... don't need lynch mob mentality. It is a traffic collision.
What should happen? He wasn't blasting through intersections txting...

This is a sad situation but I wouldn't think bashing is the right thing to do.

Not sure if your comment was directed at me, but it's not bashing, it's simply negligence on the LEO. I don't know about other states, but it's now illegal to text/drive in IL, also illegal to be on a cell in a work or school zone. Handsfree is ok, but holding the phone is strictly off limits. It's about what's fair and holding the LEO to the same standard a citizen should be. They're no more skilled at driving and looking at a computer screen than anyone else - fact is, it can't be done without risk. You're covering so many feet per second, so is oncoming or cross-traffic in this case. A 2 second glance away from the road can easily be 50-65' of road traveled in that time at low speeds - and double that for oncoming traffic. I'm sure we've all looked down for a brief second only to look up and have one of those "oh shid" moments where we realized another split second would have meant something really bad happening like a head on collision, driving over the edge of a mountain, etc. If so, you/we were fortunate enough hopefully to not have injured/killed someone. If so, then compensation is owed - that rider is never going to be the same no matter how much he's awarded, but in the spirit of accepting blame/guilt, money will help him with what's certainly to be a long road to recovery including physical therapy, doctor visits, possible future surgeries and his pain/suffering. I'm sure some don't believe pain/suffering should have a dollar amount tied to it, but until you're in the other person's shoes.....well, lets just say I'm not going to judge a person's value of pain because I don't have to live it.

Sure it's taxpayers that will pay, but in the end isn't it that way with EVERY case of negligence? Comes in the forms of higher insurance rates, etc. It always trickles back down to the taxpayer. In the end why would a LEO be allowed to pose a risk to the public by performing the same task illegal to a civi when the exact amount of risk is involved? No one has the ability to look 2 opposing directions and process both views independently in their brain and type or utilize info on a screen at the same time, has the ability to do this task. Evolution has placed our eyes forward on our skull and the brain ties the images together by moving both eyes in tandem with the exception of a few people that suffer from "lazy eye" - not sure if they can do this task but I'm fairly certain that would disqualify them from working as a police officer in the capacity this chap was.

The law needs to be rewritten to include all operators of a motorized vehicle (sorry bicycle riders, you're on your own here - you're not a 500-6000+lb rolling weapon in my book). :laugh:
Not sure about state it happened in but Florida has now gone to a bracketed amount of payment for personal injury cases with a max limit of I think $100,000 ?
Not sure on amount but I do know you can't sue for millions anymore here
Not sure about state it happened in but Florida has now gone to a bracketed amount of payment for personal injury cases with a max limit of I think $100,000 ?
Not sure on amount but I do know you can't sue for millions anymore here

I thought it said California, could be wrong though. It was Austin PD, don't think it was Austin, TX - the news anchors had ZERO accent. :laugh:
I thought it said California, could be wrong though. It was Austin PD, don't think it was Austin, TX - the news anchors had ZERO accent. :laugh:

I just meant I don't know about ability and amount of possible civil penalties in the state it happened wherever that may be . But as mentioned Florida has severly limited the amounts you can sue someone for . No more million dollars for hot coffee in your lap here ! Granted this is more serious I still don't think he would get much if it had happened here is all .
Sad accident because of someones negligence. Honestly the cop was watching his computer. He could have stopped and checked his computer and then gone on with his routine. Hope the 74 year old recovers and can ride again. I hope he is compensated.
bad deal.... don't need lynch mob mentality. It is a traffic collision.

Would it be different if he pummeled through several children playing in the street? He obviously missed that stop signed intersection ... you would think he at least looked ahead before playing on the computer to see that there was an intersection there.
I don't think anybody, including LEOs should be operating computers whilst they are driving. It's just not safe, period. If the LEO is moving he should be required to call on the radio for info.
I don't think anybody, including LEOs should be operating computers whilst they are driving. It's just not safe, period. If the LEO is moving he should be required to call on the radio for info.

This is exactly what should be happening. Unfortunately, today's LEO's are asked to do too much in too little time. They are told to respond immediately, but they are forced to read their PC's for details on the call. What used to be communicated via radio is now on their PC's, and it's incredibly dangerous. And since they look at the PC for the crucial stuff, they begin to think they are impervious to everything.

I once followed a LEO that was swerving all over the road and came close to sideswiping another car. I wanted so badly to report him, but I knew it would go without conseuqence. Deparment leaders including Sheriff's and Police Cheifs need to take a step back and analyze officer safety.
Ok Ok your right if he ran the stop sign he should get a ticket, sorry i missed the stop sign I was busy typing at the time... LOL
This is exactly what should be happening. Unfortunately, today's LEO's are asked to do too much in too little time. They are told to respond immediately, but they are forced to read their PC's for details on the call. What used to be communicated via radio is now on their PC's, and it's incredibly dangerous. And since they look at the PC for the crucial stuff, they begin to think they are impervious to everything.

I once followed a LEO that was swerving all over the road and came close to sideswiping another car. I wanted so badly to report him, but I knew it would go without conseuqence. Deparment leaders including Sheriff's and Police Cheifs need to take a step back and analyze officer safety.

if they stopped doing business while driving, next you'd ***** about how long it took them to get to a scene, cuz they had to stop and do their business while parked..........dammed if you do and dammed if you don't

no win sit.

he shoulda been charged like a reg. citizen, prolly running a stop sign, and thats about it.
if they stopped doing business while driving, next you'd ***** about how long it took them to get to a scene, cuz they had to stop and do their business while parked..........dammed if you do and dammed if you don't

No, I already provided a solution but you either missed it or decided that it wasn't worthy of consideration. Radios are perfectly useful for information reporting en route to a call. The reason they don't use them is because it requires too much manpower. So we're sacraficing the safety of officers and citizens to save $$$.

Pardon me for actually caring about the safety of LEO's and the citizens that they are paid to serve.

And for the record, I don't need police protection.....I have one sleeping in my bed.
My wife risks her life every day, I think I'm safe when it comes to criticism of LEO's.

But your condescension is duly noted.

I try not to judge people based on limited facts, especially since I was not there and not part of the investigation. I don't criticize the soldiers overseas protecting me when they smoke someone and are accused of murder. I am not there, nor do I want to be there. I did my time.
I prefer not to judge officers protecting me while I sleep at night. If they smoke some prick that can't follow instructions... so be it. It is easy to sit at a keyboard with a ding dong and a coke and pass judgment. The ding dong, coke and opinion all have about the same value... in this order... 1. coke 2. ding dong. 3 opinion. 3 being of least value.
I try not to judge people based on limited facts, especially since I was not there and not part of the investigation. I don't criticize the soldiers overseas protecting me when they smoke someone and are accused of murder. I am not there, nor do I want to be there. I did my time.
I prefer not to judge officers protecting me while I sleep at night. If they smoke some prick that can't follow instructions... so be it. It is easy to sit at a keyboard with a ding dong and a coke and pass judgment. The ding dong, coke and opinion all have about the same value... in this order... 1. coke 2. ding dong. 3 opinion. 3 being of least value.

I disagree. It is a fact that distracted driving causes accidents. You cannot parlay this as an opinion. So when I say that it's dangerous and irresponsible for LEO's and other emergency services to drive their vehicles while distracted, I dare say that's more than an opinion. It's a conclusion based on the evidence.

The only judgement I have made is to conclude that it's a dangerous habit. Most officers have no choice in the matter, so why you seem to think this is a condemnation of the officer is beyond me. These actions go up the food chain and the responsibility lies with the leadership in their respective departments.