Cops Got Me

Well, you could say that somebody was trying to run you off the road a few miles back, and you were trying to get away?
...thats what u wanted 2 say earlier?
No, I usually give sound advice of "go find the DA and beg for your balls not to be cut off", but I get yelled at for "giving in to The Man" and stuff.

So, just lie and hope they believe it. Tell 'em you are Ghost Rider, and can't be contained. You were chasing evil spirits, in order to collect them, because you sold your soul to the devil to save your father, who died in a motorcycle stunt the same day.

Hey, it worked for Nicolas Cage.

But yeah, if they lost sight of you, and don't have any video identifying you or your bike, you can just say it wasn't you.
Wow, that's gonna be a heavy fine man. You better check into a lawyer for sure. Back in the day, I got a 162 in a 65. Cost over 1000 in fines and lost my license for a year. My ins doubled for 3 yrs.I only spent 1 night in the pokey though, could have been 6mo. Get a lawyer!!!
Oh, go steal the surveilance tapes of the gas station so no one can prove that you turned in from that direction. Can say you just got off the exit, when some dude went flying by on a motorcycle.


Maybe the clerk is a nasty chick who will give you the tapes for some lovin?
I think in Illinois you get madatory jail time for wreckless driving.. If they lost sight of you then it should be easy to fight tho, and they didn't show any radar so that should also be a plus on your part.. Consult a couple different lawyers and see what they say, should be able to help ya out
I didnt say anything 2 them cause they were saying stupid s*** like, "i kinda wish he would have ran, it would have been a good chase"...the lady that booked me said their the youngest cops in the area.
Remember and hang on to this bit of information, mention it to your Attorney/Lawyer.
Yep get a lawyer! Not wise to being doing that stuff during that time of night and the judge is going to think that. What all did you say? Can they prove it was you? If you didn't see them then they def lost sight of you. Car on board video get you on tape? No charges for eluding is good. good luck!

Word of advice. Road seemed empty to you and you didn't see the cop! Imagine if that was a "Drunk" who pulled off side of road turned off lights then decided to get back on road. With no lights! you could of became a statistic! There's is no telling what a drunk will do!
i think that's Coweta County. i got a ticket out there and i was doing 88 in a 70 on the highway and that ticket was 300.00. get a lawyer.
A couple of questions, but first some information...i was charged with wreckless driving and no proof of insurance(got insurance so thats not a problem)...i was coming back from a friends house on friday night(Newnan, Georgia) it was about 2 in the morning and i was goin thru these back roads headin to the interstate...i was going pretty fast but and i was the only 1 on the im about to get on the interstate i noticed i needed gas so i stop at the BP right b4 the im gettin of the Busa this cop car comes swerving into the gas station followed by another 1 like 2 seconds later...pretty much i get arrested and the bike gets inpounded...i apparently passed them on those back roads...i didnt see anyone so i just kept charge is for 120 in a 55...question is, how much is this ticket gona run me, just off the top of yall heads is fine....
did you ever think this thread could appear in court?
It might be a landmark case.
you could be on the Today show.
Some ACLU lawyer would come running to defend you.
Think of the fame and especially the $$$ from the book deal.
Maybe a movie in a few years.
Toys R us will carry the action figures.
A little sportbike hanging from a tow truck.

keep a sense of humor even though it is a tough time.
You could be in an ICU unit or dead.
as long as you are healthy, you can still ride and enjoy life.
Man, your insurance is going to go through the roof.
That's even if you can get insurance ?? In Delaware you would be considered HIGH RISK....When I got a bunch of points on my license in my early 20's, I was considered "high risk", and they wanted like $1,200.00 a month, for a Jeep Wrangler.............I couldn't imagine what it would be for a motorcycle ??

My insurance company now (Dairyland) will drop you if you get more than 3 tickets, or 1 ticket for 15 mph. over the limit.

By the way, for you guys that don't have "Spell Check" it's "Reckless" not Wreckless.

While it's hard to have sympathy for anyone doing a buck twenty on back roads in the dark. I can't give you credit being skilled in the good judgment department.

However, your only hope on this one is to get yourself a successful "Traffic Attorney". Not just an Attorney but one who only handles traffic offenses. Many of those guys can work wonders in court. You simply cannot win on your own.

I am not familiar with Georgia but here in Washington, a reckless conviction will get you 3 years of SR22 insurance in order to retain your license which can cost you as much as a new motorcycle annually. The good attorney's fetch a hefty $3,500 (Up front)just to take your case. The fine for reckless here is a minimum of $2,500. So this little episode of poor judgment can cost you an easy ten grand over a three year period, most likely more!

By the way, if you live in Orlando, what were you doing in Newnan Georgia, some 500 miles away? Just curious?