The division of people is an intentional movement created by the think tank types that are pulling the strings. They know how to create division through controversial agendas that they launch with money, power and political influence.
One of the more glaring examples is the school board meeting where parents raise hell about the sexually explicit materials being placed in the hands of our kids. What do the school board members do? They don't say much... they just sit there and take the verbal barrage of the parents discontent being yelled at them. What does the AG Merrick Garland do? He sends in the FBI and intimidates the parents with threats or actual arrest of the parents that are protesting. Ever heard of Hitlers Youth Program? This is just another version of the same crap. People are getting paid to support perversion in our schools... The feds are telling us through their actions that those kids belong to the state, not the parents. Its just another item in the long list of failures by the feds that are doing the dirty work of the corporate perverts that fund all the perversion. Divide and conquer.... problem, reaction, solution again and again... the Perps behind it all create the problem, then wait for the reaction from the masses, them offer a solution that is as bad as the problem. Can you think of a faster way to spread discontent in America?
If you don't think that is what is happening, then explain what is happening that would cause such decisive actions by the state.
Don't know exactly how this ties into the response I gave regarding the demise of the Christian religion and how strong the Islamic faith is...??
Or how politics are replacing organized religion which is the root cause of division....
Who sets the curriculum in the school system?
Is there a system that allows all curriculum to be standardized?
Why would the FBI be involved in a school board/parental spat? Makes zero sense to me...
If we go back in time, children in schools had access to other types of subversive material.....ever read the original "Grimm's Fairytales?" those would give nightmares but we were read these in school when I was small....
I don't know about the US, but parents here have a lot of say regarding the school boards....most just don't take the interest...this is the problem.....
If you have a school with a couple thousand kids in it and the parents took united affirmative action against the taught curriculum, would anyone listen? Times that by how many schools are in a district, city, state, country and that's a lot of voices....if they choose to use them......and most don't.
In most cases, the parents don't care what is taught as they use the school system as a day care....