Came up to my work last fri night and slashed bith tires, both seats, cut my helmet loose and stole it and stole the tag. Then tipped the bike over whih was where i found it. Police said we are still married so no go for charges being placed against her. The worst thing of all is i have her on tape. I hope I can use the tape to my advantage in divorce court. I applied on Tue for a restraining order, DENIED!!!!! Jesus Christ what else can go wrong
My first wife was off the f*cking charts crazy. That is why I speak of her as 'my first wife.' She had ZERO impulse control, so one minute she's blowing you in a hotel lobby and the next minute she's throwing things at you. Crazy btches can be a lot of fun, the highs are breathtaking, but the lows are unbelievably low.
I'm not kidding, we had NO nice dishes, everything was plastic because it was only a matter of time before she flung something at me. I didn't have a steak knife in my house until I had been divorced for over 3 years.
I am so sorry for not only your loss of property, but more specifically the emotional roller coaster you are going through right now. Obviously she wanted to hurt you and her act was an act of rage. Here's my advice: Run, don't look back, don't even think about getting your own revenge (my first would punch me in the mouth and say "go ahead, hit me back"). The law is not on your side, but Karma is. Bad things ALWAYS come back to bad people, even if you're not there to see it happen.
Just get OUT and get AWAY. I moved over 1,000 miles to get away from that psychopath. Last I heard she had a breakdown, was broke living in a cheap trailer behind someone's house. I would feel sorry for her if she hadn't been a man hating, soul sucking, ball crushing demon sent from hell to torture me for 10 straight years. Leaving her was quite possibly one of the best things that ever happened to me.
And you know what dude, even if you did bang some other chick, so freaking what?? It is a penis, not the golden rod of eternal commitment. Your wife / ex wife needs therapy - but that is NOT your problem. Your problem is getting your life back and living it on your terms.