I have a lot of CC debt. But I made the first step and cut that fudder up.
None. We use our CC to buy everything. But it gets paid off every month
We have a lot of cc debt. We are working on it though.
The credit card companies are reeling in for sure. I have one card I have had for over 10 years that had no balance and a $6K credit limit. I just got a notice this week they closed my account. I also have one card that I got a notice the rate was going through the roof. I have never been late with a payment or made a minimum payment on that account. They slip the increase notices by you in small print, and if you don't opt out (that is close your account and continue to pay off the account at your current rate unless you default by paying late or less than the minimum payment) so I opted out of that card. The negative thing about that is it will lower my credit score as it will reduce my line of credit by over 12 thousand dollars between the two cards. Fug the credit card companies. I have not charged anything on a card for over a year. I use my debit card, and if I don't have the money for something, I just don't buy it. My objective is to have any credit card debt paid in full in the next year, then never again. The credit card companies are feeling the heat. If you have credit card debt, be careful to look at your statements good, or you could be in for some big surprises.
We are in trouble. The plan I laid out to get out of CC debt went to pots when the housing market died. I have enough equity in my house to pay of all my CC debt but no one wants to loan me the money because it would put me above 80% LTV.
Anyone use any Debt Counselors?
We are in trouble. The plan I laid out to get out of CC debt went to pots when the housing market died. I have enough equity in my house to pay of all my CC debt but no one wants to loan me the money because it would put me above 80% LTV.
Anyone use any Debt Counselors?
I have no desire to give the CC folks 2-3 % of the purchase price of the bike and I also didn't wanna make the dealer makeup 2-3% fee to the CC.