Damn gravel...

I got sucked into that one. Always check the dates!

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Geesh doesn't anyone CHECK DATES?

Your first clue should have been three pages of posts from members whom you've never heard of...
At least you didnt get pinned underneath. It wouldn't sound good telling people you spent the afternoon tying to get Caesar off of you. Glad your ok.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You know what's funny? I saw this thread on my phone and I thought to myself "Wow, someone created a thread that sounds like the one I made years ago!" and I didn't even bother looking at it until now...it is my thread, from 10 years ago.

Update on Busa and finger: I replaced the scuffed fairings 10 years ago and my finger *quick glance* seems to be OK. Whew, sorry it took so long to post the update guys!! :laugh:
